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Releases: slatedocs/slate

Version 2.7.0

22 Jun 20:50
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June 21, 2020

  • [security] Bumped rack in Gemfile.lock from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
  • Bumped bundled jQuery from 3.2.1 to 3.5.1
  • Bumped bundled lunr from 0.5.7 to 2.3.8
  • Bumped imagesloaded from 3.1.8 to 4.1.4
  • Bumped rouge from 3.17.0 to 3.20.0
  • Bumped redcarpet from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
  • Fix color of highlighted code being unreadable when printing page
  • Add clipboard icon for "Copy to Clipboard" functionality to code boxes (see note below)
  • Fix handling of ToC selectors that contain punctutation (thanks @gruis)
  • Fix language bar truncating languages that overflow screen width
  • Strip HTML tags from ToC title before displaying it in title bar in JS (backup to stripping done in Ruby code) (thanks @ATIC)

To enable the new clipboard icon, you need to add code_clipboard: true to the frontmatter of source/
See this line for an example of usage.

Version 2.6.1

30 May 18:59
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May 30, 2020

  • [security] update child dependency activesupport in Gemfile.lock to
  • Update Middleman in Gemfile.lock to 4.3.7
  • Replace Travis-CI with GitHub actions for continuous integration
  • Replace Spectrum with GitHub discussions

Version 2.6.0

19 May 20:56
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May 18, 2020

Note: 2.5.0 was "pulled" due to a breaking bug discovered after release. It is recommended to skip it, and move straight to 2.6.0.

  • Fix large whitespace gap in middle column for sections with codeblocks
  • Fix highlighted code elements having a different background than rest of code block
  • Change JSON keys to have a different font color than their values
  • Disable asset hashing for woff and woff2 elements due to middleman bug breaking woff2 asset hashing in general
  • Move Dockerfile to Debian from Alpine
  • Converted repo to a GitHub template
  • Update sassc to 2.3.0 in Gemfile.lock

Version 2.5.0

May 8, 2020

  • [security] update nokogiri to ~> 1.10.8
  • Update links in example docs to from
  • Update LICENSE to include full Apache 2.0 text
  • Test slate against Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 on Travis-CI
  • Update Vagrantfile to use Ubuntu 18.04 (thanks @bradthurber)
  • Parse arguments and flags for on script start, instead of potentially after building source files
  • Install nodejs inside Vagrantfile (thanks @fernandoaguilar)
  • Add Dockerfile for running slate (thanks @redhatxl)
  • update middleman-syntax and rouge to ~>3.2
  • update middleman to 4.3.6

Version 2.4.0

21 Oct 01:42
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October 19, 2019

  • Move repository from lord/slate to slatedocs/slate
  • Fix documentation to point at new repo link, thanks to Arun, Gustavo Gawryszewski, and Daniel Korbit
  • Update nokogiri to 1.10.4
  • Update ffi in Gemfile.lock to fix security warnings, thanks to Grey Baker and jackmack
  • Update rack to 2.0.7 in Gemfile.lock to fix security warnings, thanks to Grey Baker and jackmack
  • Update middleman to 4.3 and relax constraints on middleman related gems, thanks to jackmack
  • Add sass gem, thanks to jackmack
  • Activate asset_cache in middleman to improve cacheability of static files, thanks to Sam Gilman
  • Update to using bundler 2 for Gemfile.lock, thanks to jackmack

Version 2.3.1

05 Jul 23:32
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July 5, 2018

  • Update sprockets in Gemfile.lock to fix security warnings

Version 2.3

05 Jul 23:29
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July 5, 2018

Version 2.2

19 Jan 19:58
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January 19, 2018

  • Fixes bugs with some non-roman languages not generating unique headers
  • Adds editorconfig, thanks to Jay Thomas
  • Adds optional NestingUniqueHeadCounter, thanks to Vladimir Morozov
  • Small fixes to typos and language, thx Emir Ribić, Gregor Martynus, and Martius!
  • Adds links to Spectrum chat for questions in README and ISSUE_TEMPLATE

Version 2.1

30 Oct 05:07
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October 30, 2017

Thanks to everyone who submitted PRs for this version!

Version 2.0

17 Jul 18:28
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  • All-new statically generated table of contents
    • Should be much faster loading and scrolling for large pages
    • Smaller Javascript file sizes
    • Avoids the problem with the last link in the ToC not ever highlighting if the section was shorter than the page
    • Fixes control-click not opening in a new page
    • Automatically updates the HTML title as you scroll
  • Updated design
    • New default colors!
    • New spacings and sizes!
    • System-default typefaces, just like GitHub
  • Added search input delay on large corpuses to reduce lag
  • We even bumped the major version cause hey, why not?
  • Various small bug fixes

Thanks to everyone who helped debug or wrote code for this version! It was a serious community effort, and I couldn't have done it alone.

If you run into any bugs with these new features, please don't hesitate to open an issue!

Version 1.5

24 Feb 03:55
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  • Add multiple tabs per programming language feature
  • Upgrade Middleman to add Ruby 1.4.0 compatibility
  • Switch default code highlighting color scheme to better highlight JSON
  • Various small typo and bug fixes