Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrument_id | int | ID of the instrument with which the observation was carried out. | |
filter | str | The bandpass of the observation. | |
mjd | float | MJD of the observation. | |
limiting_mag | float | Limiting magnitude of the image in the magnitude system `magsys`. | |
obj_id | str | ID of the Object to which the photometry will be attached. | |
magsys | str | The magnitude system to which the flux and the zeropoint are tied. | |
ra | float, none_type | ICRS Right Ascension of the centroid of the photometric aperture [deg]. | [optional] |
dec_unc | float, none_type | Uncertainty on dec [arcsec]. | [optional] |
magerr | float, none_type | Magnitude error of the observation in the magnitude system `magsys`. Can be null in the case of a non-detection. | [optional] |
altdata | {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}, none_type | Misc. alternative metadata stored in JSON format, e.g. `{'calibration': {'source': 'ps1', 'color_term': 0.012}, 'photometry_method': 'allstar', 'method_reference': 'Masci et al. (2015)'}` | [optional] |
assignment_id | int, none_type | ID of the classical assignment which generated the photometry | [optional] |
mag | float, none_type | Magnitude of the observation in the magnitude system `magsys`. Can be null in the case of a non-detection. | [optional] |
dec | float, none_type | ICRS Declination of the centroid of the photometric aperture [deg]. | [optional] |
alert_id | int, none_type | Corresponding alert ID. If a record is already present with identical alert ID, only the groups list will be updated (other alert data assumed identical). Defaults to None. | [optional] |
ra_unc | float, none_type | Uncertainty on RA [arcsec]. | [optional] |