instrument_id |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
ID of the `Instrument`(s) with which the photometry was acquired. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values are not allowed. |
filter |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
The bandpass of the observation(s). Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values not allowed. Allowed values: `bessellux`, `bessellb`, `bessellv`, `bessellr`, `besselli`, `standard::u`, `standard::b`, `standard::v`, `standard::r`, `standard::i`, `desg`, `desr`, `desi`, `desz`, `desy`, `sdssu`, `sdssg`, `sdssr`, `sdssi`, `sdssz`, `f435w`, `f475w`, `f555w`, `f606w`, `f625w`, `f775w`, `f850lp`, `nicf110w`, `nicf160w`, `f098m`, `f105w`, `f110w`, `f125w`, `f127m`, `f139m`, `f140w`, `f153m`, `f160w`, `f218w`, `f225w`, `f275w`, `f300x`, `f336w`, `f350lp`, `f390w`, `f689m`, `f763m`, `f845m`, `f438w`, `uvf475w`, `uvf555w`, `uvf606w`, `uvf625w`, `uvf775w`, `uvf814w`, `uvf850lp`, `kepler`, `cspb`, `csphs`, `csphd`, `cspjs`, `cspjd`, `cspv3009`, `cspv3014`, `cspv9844`, `cspys`, `cspyd`, `cspg`, `cspi`, `cspk`, `cspr`, `cspu`, `f070w`, `f090w`, `f115w`, `f150w`, `f200w`, `f277w`, `f356w`, `f444w`, `f140m`, `f162m`, `f182m`, `f210m`, `f250m`, `f300m`, `f335m`, `f360m`, `f410m`, `f430m`, `f460m`, `f480m`, `f560w`, `f770w`, `f1000w`, `f1130w`, `f1280w`, `f1500w`, `f1800w`, `f2100w`, `f2550w`, `f1065c`, `f1140c`, `f1550c`, `f2300c`, `lsstu`, `lsstg`, `lsstr`, `lssti`, `lsstz`, `lssty`, `keplercam::us`, `keplercam::b`, `keplercam::v`, `keplercam::r`, `keplercam::i`, `4shooter2::us`, `4shooter2::b`, `4shooter2::v`, `4shooter2::r`, `4shooter2::i`, `ztfg`, `ztfr`, `ztfi`, `uvot::b`, `uvot::u`, `uvot::uvm2`, `uvot::uvw1`, `uvot::uvw2`, `uvot::v`, `uvot::white` |
mjd |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
MJD of the observation(s). Can be a given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values not allowed. |
limiting_mag |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Limiting magnitude of the image in the magnitude system `magsys`. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values not allowed. |
obj_id |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
ID of the `Obj`(s) to which the photometry will be attached. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values are not allowed. |
magsys |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
The magnitude system to which the magnitude, magnitude error, and limiting magnitude are tied. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values not allowed. Allowed values: `jla1`, `ab`, `vega`, `bd17`, `csp`, `ab-b12` |
ra |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
ICRS Right Ascension of the centroid of the photometric aperture [deg]. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed. |
[optional] |
limiting_mag_nsigma |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Number of standard deviations above the background that the limiting magnitudes correspond to. Null values not allowed. Default = 5. |
[optional] |
dec_unc |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Uncertainty on dec [arcsec]. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed. |
[optional] |
magerr |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Magnitude of the observation in the magnitude system `magsys`. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed for non-detections. If `magerr` is null, the corresponding `mag` must also be null. |
[optional] |
altdata |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Misc. alternative metadata stored in JSON format, e.g. `{'calibration': {'source': 'ps1', 'color_term': 0.012}, 'photometry_method': 'allstar', 'method_reference': 'Masci et al. (2015)'}` |
[optional] |
assignment_id |
int, none_type |
ID of the classical assignment which generated the photometry |
[optional] |
origin |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Provenance of the Photometry. If a record is already present with identical origin, only the groups list will be updated (other data assumed identical). Defaults to None. |
[optional] |
group_ids |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
List of group IDs to which photometry points will be visible. If 'all', will be shared with site-wide public group (visible to all users who can view associated source). |
[optional] |
mag |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Magnitude of the observation in the magnitude system `magsys`. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed for non-detections. If `mag` is null, the corresponding `magerr` must also be null. |
[optional] |
dec |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
ICRS Declination of the centroid of the photometric aperture [deg]. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed. |
[optional] |
ra_unc |
bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type |
Uncertainty on RA [arcsec]. Can be given as a scalar or a 1D list. If a scalar, will be broadcast to all values given as lists. Null values allowed. |
[optional] |