A fast git submodule management cli.
npm install git-submodule-management -g
Clone the repo and all submodules at one time.
gsm clone <repo>
gsm status
Only show submodule status
gsm status -s
gsm ac <message>
Switch the branches of the main repo and all submodules at the same time.
gsm checkout <localBranch>
Synchronize the branches of the new main repo and all submodules. The default is to switch based on the branch name of the main repo. If the branch of the main repo and the submodules are inconsistent at this time, an error message will pop up. Please enter the submodules to maintain the branch name of the main repo and then execute this command.
gsm checkout -b <newBranch>
gsm merge <localBranch>
gsm pull
gsm push