Skahal.Infrastructure T4 templates generators
- Generators for
- Domain
- Services
- Repository interface
- Specifications
- Unit Tests
- Services
- Repositories
- Memory
- MongoDB
- Memory
- WebApi
- Controllers
ASP .NET Web Api (ApiController)
- GET /resource
- GET /resource/id
- POST /resource
- PUT /resource/id
- DELETE /resource/id
- Controllers
- Domain
- Download the whole source code inside your root solution source code folder.
- Config the file to reference your domain and infrastructure assemblies and namespaces.
- Change the msbuilds/Skahal.Generators.targets to copy the file to your folders.
- For each .tt that you want to use, hit "Run custom tool" or hit "Transform all templates" on Skahal.Generators project.
- Rebuild Skahal.Generators to run the tasks inside Skahal.Generators.targets.
- Configure Travis-CI
- Create a NuGet package
Create a fork of Skahal.Generators.
Did you change it? Submit a pull request.
Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). In others words, you can use this library for developement any kind of software: open source, commercial, proprietary and alien.
- 0.5.0 First version.