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method 1 - AWS

File metadata and controls

71 lines (71 loc) · 5.16 KB

Step-by-step Instructions (AWS Console/GUI)

  1. Create a VPC
    Login to the AWS Management Console
    Search VPC and select VPC from the Services dropdown
    Select Create VPC
    Choose VPC only, label the VPC myvpc, select IPv4 CIDR manual input and enter, Select no IPv6 CIDR block, click Create VPC
    (wait for 30-40 seconds for completion)
    Select myvpc to view the creation status

Select `Route tables` on the left navigation panel
Edit the default route-table, and add a tag `Name="public"`, click save.
Create a new route-table, add a default Name `Private`, click save.

Select `Subnets` on the left navigation panel
Create the first subnet, label the subnet `public`, enter a CIDR ``, select zone `no preference`, click Create Subnet
Create the second subnet, label the subnet `private1`, enter the CIDR ``, select zone `us-east-1d`, click Create Subnet
Create the third subnet, label the subnet `private2`, enter the CIDR ``, select zone `us-east-1b`, click Create Subnet

Edit the private subnet(s) you just created
Navigate to Route Table, in the bottom navigation panel, select `Edit route table association` and select the `private` route table
2. Create an Elastic IP
Select `Elastic IP Addresses` on the left navigation panel
Select `Allocate Elastic IP address`, click Create
3. Create Security Groups
Select `Security Groups`, lower down on the left navigation panel
Select `Create security group`, label the group `public`, enter a description `sg for public endpoints`, choose the VPC from the dropdown (note the tag in brackets should read `myvpc`).
Create Ingress FW Rules
- SSH (tcp/22) from my home wan ip (
- HTTP (tcp/80) from ANY public ip (
- HTTPS (tcp/443) from ANY public ip (
Create Egress FW Rules
- DNS (udp/53) to ANY public ip (
- HTTP (tcp/80) to ANY public ip (
- HTTPS (tcp/443) to ANY public ip (
- MySQL (tcp/3306) to `private` subnet (
Click `Create security group`
Select `Create security group`, label the group `private`, enter a description `sg for private endpoints`, choose the VPC from the dropdown (note the tag in brackets should read `myvpc`).
Create Ingress FW Rules
- MySQL (tcp/3306) from `public` subnet (
Click `Create security group`
4. Create a SSH key private/public key pair using
- `ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -b 2048 -C "simon.jackson"`
- (may not be required) convert the private key using `openssl rsa -RSAPublicKey_in -in -in id_rsa -pubout -out`
Save the `-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----` file to .\aws.rsa.key
Save the `ssh-rsa xxxxxxx` file to .\
5. Create the EC2 Instance
Search `EC2` and select EC2 from the Services dropdown
Select `Launch Instance`, label the instance `myec2`, cloose `Amazon Linux 2023 AMI` image, ensure the instance type is `t2.micro`. Select `create new key pair`, upload PRIVATE PEM and click OK. Save the downloaded PUBLIC PEM. Improt and convert to Putty PPK format later for use with Putty).
Select the network dropdown, select `myvpc` from the list
Select the subnet dropdown, select `public` from the list
Choose `Existing security group` and expand the dropdown, my list didn't update immediately, select the refresh icon to the side of the dropdown, select `public`
Expand the EBS volume from `8`gb to `20`gb. Click `launch instance`
6. Create an Internet Gateway
Search `VPC` and select VPC from the Services dropdown
Select `Internet Gateway` from the left navigation panel
Click `Create internet gateway`, label it `myigw` and click ok
Select the new internet gateway, select Actions > Attach to vpc, choose `myvpc` and click `Attach`
7. Associate the Elastic IP with the EC2 instance
Navigate to `Elastic IPs` on the lower left navigation panel
Select the one IP address created earlier (, and select Actions > Associate Elastic IP address, select the instance from the dropdown.
8. Create an RDS database instance
Search `RDS` and select RDS from the Services dropdown
Select the `Create database` button, choose `Standard create`, and select `MySQL`, choose `community edition`, with engine version `5.7.44`. Select the `free tier` template. Under Settings set db instance identifier to `rdsinstance`, admin username to `rds_user` and password set to `fcWeWBWDFARc3Eqx7dswY2R7`. Under Instance configuration choose `db.t3.micro`. Under Connectivity `do not connect` an ec2 compute resource. Leave network-type as IPv4. Replace the VPC with `myvpc`, and `create new db subnet group`, with public access OFF, select the VPC secrurity group called `private`. Leave CA as default, and password authentication as default. Click `Create database`.
Note: in my first attempt, i had to circle back to create a second private subnet, as the DB subnet group requires subnets in at least 2x availability zones.