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Merge pull request #15 from SpencerWoolfson/master
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Started work on the Grothendieck pullbacks.
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sinhp authored Aug 2, 2024
2 parents 8052667 + 1769ee4 commit ea72abd
Showing 1 changed file with 236 additions and 18 deletions.
254 changes: 236 additions & 18 deletions GroupoidModel/Groupoids.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ def PointedCategory.of (C : Type*) (pt : C)[Category C]: PointedCategory C where
pt := pt

/-- The structure of a functor from C to D along with a morphism from the image of the point of C to the point of D -/
structure PointedFunctor (C : Type*)(D : Type*)[cp : PointedCategory C][dp : PointedCategory D] extends C ⥤ D where
point : obj ( ⟶ (

Expand All @@ -182,6 +181,34 @@ def PointedFunctor.comp {C : Type*}[PointedCategory C]{D : Type*}[PointedCategor
toFunctor := F.toFunctor ⋙ G.toFunctor
point := ( F.point) ≫ (G.point)

theorem PointedFunctor.congr_func {C : Type*}[PointedCategory C]{D : Type*}[PointedCategory D]
{F G: PointedFunctor C D}(eq : F = G) : F.toFunctor = G.toFunctor := congrArg toFunctor eq

theorem PointedFunctor.congr_point {C : Type*}[pc :PointedCategory C]{D : Type*}[PointedCategory D]
{F G: PointedFunctor C D}(eq : F = G) : F.point = (eqToHom (Functor.congr_obj (congr_func eq) ≫ G.point := by
have h := (Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_heq F.point G.point (Functor.congr_obj (congr_func eq) rfl).mpr
simp at h
apply h

theorem PointedFunctor.ext {C : Type*}[pc :PointedCategory C]{D : Type*}[PointedCategory D]
(F G: PointedFunctor C D)(h_func : F.toFunctor = G.toFunctor)(h_point : F.point = (eqToHom (Functor.congr_obj h_func ≫ G.point) : F = G := by
rcases F with ⟨F.func,F.point⟩
rcases G with ⟨G.func,G.point⟩
simp at h_point
have temp : G.point = G.point ≫ (eqToHom rfl) := by simp
rw [temp] at h_point
(Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_heq F.point G.point
(congrFun (congrArg Prefunctor.obj (congrArg Functor.toPrefunctor h_func))

/-- The category of pointed categorys and pointed functors-/
def PCat.{w,z} :=
Bundled PointedCategory.{w, z}
Expand All @@ -202,6 +229,20 @@ instance category : LargeCategory.{max v u} PCat.{v, u} where
Hom C D := PointedFunctor C D
id C := C
comp f g := PointedFunctor.comp f g
comp_id f := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [,PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.comp_id]
id_comp f := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [,PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.id_comp]
assoc f g h := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.assoc]

/-- The functor that takes PCat to Cat by forgetting the points-/
def forgetPoint : PCat ⥤ Cat where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +278,18 @@ instance category : LargeCategory.{max v u} PGrpd.{v, u} where
Hom C D := PointedFunctor C D
id C := C
comp f g := PointedFunctor.comp f g
comp_id f := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [,PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.comp_id]
id_comp f := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [,PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.id_comp]
assoc f g h := by
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [PointedFunctor.comp,Functor.assoc]

/-- The functor that takes PGrpd to Grpd by forgetting the points-/
def forgetPoint : PGrpd ⥤ Grpd where
Expand All @@ -247,6 +300,177 @@ end PGrpd

end PointedCategorys

section Pullbacks
In this section we prove that the following square is a PullBack
Grothendieck A --- CatVar' ----> PCat
| |
| |
Grothendieck.forget PCat.forgetPoint
| |
v v

-- This takes in two equal functors F and G from C in to Cat and an x:C and returns (F.obj x) ≅ (G.obj x).
def CastFunc {C : Cat.{u,u+1}}{F1 : C ⥤ Cat.{u,u}}{F2 : C ⥤ Cat.{u,u}}(Comm : F1 = F2 )(x : C) : Equivalence (F1.obj x) (F2.obj x) := Cat.equivOfIso (eqToIso (Functor.congr_obj Comm x))

-- This is a functor that takes a category up a universe level
def Up_uni (Δ : Type u)[Category.{u} Δ] : Δ ⥤ (ULift.{u+1,u} Δ) where
obj x := {down := x}
map f := f

-- This is a functor that takes a category down a universe level
def Down_uni (Δ : Type u)[Category.{u} Δ]: (ULift.{u+1,u} Δ) ⥤ Δ where
obj x := x.down
map f := f

-- This is a helper theorem for eliminating Up_uni and Down_uni functors
theorem Up_Down {C : Type (u+1)}[Category.{u} C]{Δ : Type u}[Category.{u} Δ] (F : C ⥤ Δ) (G : C ⥤ (ULift.{u+1,u} Δ)): ((F ⋙ (Up_uni Δ)) = G) ↔ (F = (G ⋙ (Down_uni Δ))) := by
unfold Up_uni
unfold Down_uni
simp [Functor.comp]
refine Iff.intro ?_ ?_
intro h
rw[<- h]
intro h

-- This is the functor from the Grothendieck to Pointed Categorys
def CatVar' (Γ : Cat)(A : Γ ⥤ Cat) : (Grothendieck A) ⥤ PCat where
obj x := ⟨(A.obj x.base), PointedCategory.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber⟩
map f := ⟨ f.base, f.fiber⟩
map_id x := by
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber)
apply PointedFunctor.ext
map_comp {x y z} f g := by
dsimp [CategoryStruct.comp,PointedFunctor.comp]
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber)
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj z.base) z.fiber)
apply PointedFunctor.ext

-- This is the proof that the square commutes
theorem Comm {Γ : Cat}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat) : (Down_uni (Grothendieck A) ⋙ CatVar' Γ A) ⋙ PCat.forgetPoint =
((Down_uni (Grothendieck A)) ⋙ Grothendieck.forget A ⋙ (Up_uni Γ)) ⋙ Down_uni ↑Γ ⋙ A := by
apply Functor.ext
intros X Y f
simp [PCat.forgetPoint,Down_uni,Up_uni,CatVar']
intro X
simp [PCat.forgetPoint,Down_uni,Up_uni,CatVar']
exact rfl

-- This is a helper functor from from a pointed category to itself without a point
def ForgetPointFunctor (P : PCat.{u,u}) : P ⥤ (PCat.forgetPoint.obj P) := by
exact P

-- This is the construction of universal map of th limit
def Grothendieck.UnivesalMap {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u})(C : Cat.{u,u+1})
(F1 : C ⥤ PCat.{u,u})(F2 : C ⥤ Γ)(Comm : F1 ⋙ PCat.forgetPoint = F2 ⋙ A) : C ⥤ Grothendieck A where
obj x := {base := (F2.obj x), fiber := ((ForgetPointFunctor (F1.obj x)) ⋙ (CastFunc Comm x).functor).obj ((F1.obj x)}
map f := by
rename_i X Y
refine {base := f, fiber := (eqToHom ?_) ≫ (((CastFunc Comm Y).functor).map ( f).point)}
have h1 := Functor.congr_hom Comm.symm f
dsimp at h1
have h2 : (eqToHom (Functor.congr_obj (Eq.symm Comm) X)).obj
((eqToHom (CastFunc.proof_1 Comm X )).obj ( (↑(F1.obj X)) (F1.obj X).str)) =
((eqToHom (CastFunc.proof_1 Comm X)) ≫ (eqToHom (Functor.congr_obj (Eq.symm Comm) X))).obj
( (↑(F1.obj X)) (F1.obj X).str) := by rfl
map_id x := by
dsimp [,]
apply Grothendieck.ext
simp[Grothendieck.Hom.fiber,(dcongr_arg PointedFunctor.point (F1.map_id x)),eqToHom_map,]
exact F2.map_id x
map_comp f g := by

--This is the proof that the universal map composed with CatVar' is the the map F1
theorem Grothendieck.UnivesalMap_CatVar'_Comm {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u})(C : Cat.{u,u+1})
(F1 : C ⥤ PCat.{u,u})(F2 : C ⥤ Γ)(Comm : F1 ⋙ PCat.forgetPoint = F2 ⋙ A) : (Grothendieck.UnivesalMap A C F1 F2 Comm) ⋙ (CatVar' Γ A) = F1 := by
apply Functor.ext
case h_obj;
intro x
have Comm' := Functor.congr_obj Comm x
simp [PCat.forgetPoint] at Comm'
simp [UnivesalMap,CatVar']
congr 1
simp [<- Comm',Cat.of,Bundled.of]
simp [PointedCategory.of,ForgetPointFunctor,CastFunc,Cat.equivOfIso]

-- This is the proof that the universal map is unique
theorem Grothendieck.UnivesalMap_Uniq {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u})(C : Cat.{u,u+1})
(F1 : C ⥤ PCat.{u,u})(F2 : C ⥤ Γ)(Comm : F1 ⋙ PCat.forgetPoint = F2 ⋙ A)(F : C ⥤ Grothendieck A)
(F1comm :F ⋙ (CatVar' Γ A) = F1)(F2comm : F ⋙ (Grothendieck.forget A) = F2) : F = (Grothendieck.UnivesalMap A C F1 F2 Comm) := by

-- This is the type of cones
abbrev GrothendieckCones {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u}) := @CategoryTheory.Limits.PullbackCone Cat.{u,u+1} _
(Cat.of.{u,u+1} PCat.{u,u})
(Cat.of.{u,u+1} (ULift.{u+1,u} Γ))
(Cat.of.{u,u+1} Cat.{u,u})
((Down_uni Γ) ⋙ A)

-- This is the cone we will prove is the limit
abbrev GrothendieckLim {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u}): (GrothendieckCones A) := Cat.{u,u+1} _
(Cat.of PCat.{u,u})
(Cat.of (ULift.{u + 1, u} Γ))
(Cat.of Cat.{u,u})
((Down_uni Γ) ⋙ A)
(Cat.of (ULift.{u+1,u} (Grothendieck A)))
((Down_uni (Grothendieck A)) ⋙ CatVar' Γ A)
(Down_uni (Grothendieck A) ⋙ Grothendieck.forget A ⋙ Up_uni Γ)
(Comm A)

-- This is the proof that the limit cone iis a limit
def GrothendieckLimisLim {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u}) : Limits.IsLimit (GrothendieckLim A) := by
refine Limits.PullbackCone.isLimitAux' (GrothendieckLim A) ?_
intro s
let FL := (s.π).app (Option.some Limits.WalkingPair.left)
let FR := (s.π).app (Option.some Limits.WalkingPair.right)
let Comm := (((s.π).naturality (Limits.WalkingCospan.Hom.inl)).symm).trans ((s.π).naturality (Limits.WalkingCospan.Hom.inr))
dsimp [Quiver.Hom] at FL FR Comm
case val;
dsimp [GrothendieckLim,Quiver.Hom,Cat.of,Bundled.of]
refine (Grothendieck.UnivesalMap A FL (FR ⋙ (Down_uni Γ)) ?_) ⋙ (Up_uni (Grothendieck A))
exact (((s.π).naturality (Limits.WalkingCospan.Hom.inl)).symm).trans ((s.π).naturality (Limits.WalkingCospan.Hom.inr))
refine ⟨?_,?_,?_⟩
exact Grothendieck.UnivesalMap_CatVar'_Comm A FL (FR ⋙ (Down_uni Γ)) Comm
exact rfl
intros m h1 h2
have r := Grothendieck.UnivesalMap_Uniq A FL (FR ⋙ (Down_uni Γ)) Comm (m ⋙ (Down_uni (Grothendieck A))) h1 ?C
exact ((Up_Down (Grothendieck.UnivesalMap A FL (FR ⋙ Down_uni ↑Γ) Comm) m).mpr r.symm).symm
dsimp [CategoryStruct.comp] at h2
rw [<- Functor.assoc,<- Functor.assoc] at h2
exact ((Up_Down (((m ⋙ Down_uni (Grothendieck A)) ⋙ Grothendieck.forget A)) s.snd).mp h2)

-- This converts the proof of the limit to the proof of a pull back
theorem GrothendieckLimisPullBack {Γ : Cat.{u,u}}(A : Γ ⥤ Cat.{u,u}) : @IsPullback (Cat.{u,u+1}) _ (Cat.of (ULift.{u+1,u} (Grothendieck A))) (Cat.of PCat.{u,u}) (Cat.of (ULift.{u+1,u} Γ)) (Cat.of Cat.{u,u}) ((Down_uni (Grothendieck A)) ⋙ (CatVar' Γ A)) ((Down_uni (Grothendieck A)) ⋙ (Grothendieck.forget A) ⋙ (Up_uni Γ)) (PCat.forgetPoint) ((Down_uni Γ) ⋙ A) := by
case toCommSq;
exact Comm A;
exact GrothendieckLimisLim A

end Pullbacks

section NaturalModelBase

-- This is a Covariant Functor that takes a Groupoid Γ to Γ ⥤ Grpd
Expand All @@ -270,24 +494,18 @@ def var' (Γ : Grpd)(A : Γ ⥤ Grpd) : (GroupoidalGrothendieck A) ⥤ PGrpd whe
obj x := ⟨(A.obj x.base), (PointedGroupoid.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber)⟩
map f := ⟨ f.base, f.fiber⟩
map_id x := by
dsimp []
congr 1
· simp only [A.map_id]; rfl
· exact cast_heq (Eq.symm (eqToHom.proof_1 ( x))) (𝟙 x.fiber)
map_comp {X Y Z} f g := by
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber)
apply PointedFunctor.ext
map_comp {x y z} f g := by
dsimp [CategoryStruct.comp,PointedFunctor.comp]
congr 1
exact A.map_comp f.base g.base
dsimp [eqToHom]
have h := (Category.id_comp (( g.base).map f.fiber ≫ g.fiber))
rw [← h]
congr 1
simp [Grpd.forgetToCat, CategoryStruct.comp]
cast_heq (Eq.symm (eqToHom.proof_1 (Grothendieck.comp.proof_1 f g)))
(( ( g.base)).obj
(( ( f.base)).obj X.fiber)))
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj x.base) x.fiber)
let _ := (PointedCategory.of (A.obj z.base) z.fiber)
apply PointedFunctor.ext
simp [Grpd.forgetToCat]

open GroupoidalGrothendieck

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