A DrupalGap 8 module that provides a bridge to a Drupal 7 site via Services and Views Datasource.
To handle an offline scenario when the app first starts up, try something this:
* Implements hook_deviceready_offline().
function example_deviceready_offline(xhr, status, msg) {
// Do some stuff...
// Go to my custom offline page.
// Do some other stuff...
// Tell dg8 to continue rendering the page.
Provide a route that delivers a node to a controller for rendering...
The route
routes["example.article"] = {
"path": "/article\/(.*)",
"defaults": {
"_title": "Article",
_controller: d7.entityViewController,
_dgEntityType: 'node',
_dgController: example.pageArticle
The controller
example.pageArticle = function(node) {
var content = {};
content.title = {
_markup: '<h1>' + node.title + '</h1>'
return content;
Later, we can use dg_d7.getMenuObject()
elsewhere in our code to get the entity:
var node = dg_d7.getMenuObject();