diff --git a/includes/form.inc.js b/includes/form.inc.js
index 3971d932..7515fd2f 100644
--- a/includes/form.inc.js
+++ b/includes/form.inc.js
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+ *
+ */
+function _drupalgap_form_add_another_item(form_id, name, delta) {
+ try {
+ // Locate the last item, load the form, extract the element from
+ // the form, generate default variables for the new item, determine the next
+ // delta value.
+ var selector = '.' + drupalgap_form_get_element_container_class(name) + ' .drupalgap_form_add_another_item';
+ var add_another_item_button = $(selector);
+ var form = drupalgap_form_local_storage_load(form_id);
+ var language = drupalgap.settings.language;
+ var item = drupalgap_form_element_item_create(name, form, language, delta+1);
+ form.elements[name][language][delta+1] = item;
+ var element = form.elements[name];
+ var variables = {
+ attributes:{},
+ field_info_field:element.field_info_field,
+ field_info_instance:element.field_info_instance
+ };
+ window[element.field_info_instance.widget.module + '_field_widget_form'].apply(null, _drupalgap_form_element_items_widget_arguments(form, null, element, language, delta+1));
+ drupalgap_form_local_storage_save(form);
+ $(add_another_item_button).before(_drupalgap_form_render_element_item(form, element, variables, item));
+ }
+ catch (error) { drupalgap_error(error); }
* Given a form id, this will assemble and return the default form JSON object.
@@ -61,6 +88,16 @@ function drupalgap_form_get_element_id(name, form_id) {
+ *
+ */
+function drupalgap_form_get_element_container_class(name) {
+ try {
+ return 'field-name-' + name.replace(/_/g, '-');
+ }
+ catch (error) { drupalgap_error(error); }
* Given a drupalgap form, this renders the form html and returns it.
@@ -256,9 +293,11 @@ function drupalgap_form_load(form_id) {
form.elements[name].field_info_instance = drupalgap_field_info_instance(form.entity_type, name, form.elements.type.default_value);
form.elements[name].is_field = element_is_field;
+ // Set the name property on the element if it isn't already set.
+ if (!form.elements[name].name) { form.elements[name].name = name; }
// If the element is a field, we'll append a language code and delta
- // value to the id, along with the field items appeneded onto the
- // element is the language code and delta values.
+ // value to the ekenebt ud id, along with the field items appended
+ // onto the element uusing the language code and delta values.
var id = null;
if (element_is_field) {
@@ -273,13 +312,7 @@ function drupalgap_form_load(form_id) {
form.elements[name][language] = {};
for (var delta = 0; delta < cardinality; delta++) {
- // Generate the id for this element field item and set it and
- // some default options onto the element item.
- id = drupalgap_form_get_element_id(name, form.id, language, delta);
- form.elements[name][language][delta] = {
- 'id':id,
- options:{attributes:{'id':id}}
- };
+ form.elements[name][language][delta] = drupalgap_form_element_item_create(name, form, language, delta);
else {
@@ -302,10 +335,7 @@ function drupalgap_form_load(form_id) {
// Place the assembled form into local storage so _drupalgap_form_submit
// will have access to the assembled form.
- window.localStorage.setItem(
- drupalgap_form_id_local_storage_key(form_id),
- JSON.stringify(form)
- );
+ drupalgap_form_local_storage_save(form);
else {
var error_msg = 'drupalgap_form_load - no callback function (' +
@@ -319,6 +349,33 @@ function drupalgap_form_load(form_id) {
+ *
+ */
+function drupalgap_form_local_storage_load(form_id) {
+ try {
+ var form = false;
+ form = window.localStorage.getItem(drupalgap_form_id_local_storage_key(form_id));
+ if (!form) { form = false; }
+ else { form = JSON.parse(form); }
+ return form;
+ }
+ catch (error) { drupalgap_error(error); }
+ *
+ */
+function drupalgap_form_local_storage_save(form) {
+ try {
+ window.localStorage.setItem(
+ drupalgap_form_id_local_storage_key(form.id),
+ JSON.stringify(form)
+ );
+ }
+ catch (error) { drupalgap_error(error); }
* Given a form id, this will return the local storage key used by DrupalGap
* to save the assembled form to the device's local storage.
@@ -385,77 +442,36 @@ function _drupalgap_form_render_element(form, element) {
// Determine how many item(s) we're using on this element. Field elements
- // are bundle in a language code and then keyed by a delta value. Other
+ // are bundled in a language code and then keyed by a delta value. Other
// properties like nid, uid, title, etc are not bundled in a language code
// so we'll treat them as a signel item without a language code and delta.
- var items = null;
- if (element.is_field) {
- // Grab the info instance and info field for the field, then attach them
- // both to the variables object so all theme functions will have access
- // to that data.
- variables.field_info_field = element.field_info_field;
- variables.field_info_instance = element.field_info_instance;
- // What's the cardinatlity of this field?
- var cardinality = parseInt(element.field_info_field.cardinality);
- if (cardinality == -1) {
- cardinality = 1; // we'll just add one element for now, until we
- // figure out how to handle the 'add another
- // item' feature.
- }
- // What module handles this element?
- var module = element.field_info_instance.widget.module;
- //dpm(module);
- //dpm(cardinality);
- // Determine the hook_field_widget_form() function for this field.
- var field_widget_form_function = module + '_field_widget_form';
- if (drupalgap_function_exists(field_widget_form_function)) {
- var fn = window[field_widget_form_function];
- // Build the widget arguments into an array so we can apply them to the
- // widget function.
- var widget_arguments = [];
- widget_arguments.push(form);
- widget_arguments.push(null);
- widget_arguments.push(element.field_info_field);
- widget_arguments.push(element.field_info_instance);
- widget_arguments.push(language);
- widget_arguments.push(form.elements[name][language]);
- widget_arguments.push(0);
- widget_arguments.push(element);
- // Iterate over each delta and call the field widget hook.
- for (var delta = 0; delta < cardinality; delta++) {
- // Replace the delta value in the arguments, then call the hook.
- widget_arguments[6] = delta;
- fn.apply(null, widget_arguments);
- }
- // Extract the field items that were placed onto the form by the field
- // widget hook.
- items = form.elements[name][language];
- }
- else {
- console.log('WARNING: _drupalgap_form_render_element() - ' + field_widget_form_function + '() does not exist!');
- }
- }
- else {
- items = {0:element};
- //variables.attributes.id = element.id;
- }
+ //var items = null;
+ var items = _drupalgap_form_element_items_load(form, null, element, language);
if (!items || items.length == 0) { return html; }
- // Open the element.
- if (element.type != 'hidden') { html += '
'; }
+ // Grab the info instance and info field for the field, then attach them
+ // both to the variables object so all theme functions will have access
+ // to that data.
+ variables.field_info_field = element.field_info_field;
+ variables.field_info_instance = element.field_info_instance;
- $.each(items, function(index, item){
+ // Open the element container.
+ var container_attributes = {
+ 'class':drupalgap_form_get_element_container_class(name)
+ };
+ if (element.type != 'hidden') { html += '
'; }
+ // Render the element item(s). Remember the final delta value for later.
+ var delta = 0;
+ $.each(items, function(delta, item){
variables.attributes.id = item.id;
variables.element = item;
// Add a label to the element, except submit and hidden elements.
- if (index == 0 && element.type != 'submit' && element.type != 'hidden') {
+ if (delta == 0 && element.type != 'submit' && element.type != 'hidden') {
var theme_variables = null;
if (element.is_field) {
item.title = element.title;
@@ -472,178 +488,29 @@ function _drupalgap_form_render_element(form, element) {
// Merge element attributes into the variables object.
variables.attributes = $.extend({}, variables.attributes, item.options.attributes);
- // Depending on the element type, if necessary, adjust the variables and/or
- // theme function to be used, then render the element by calling its theme
- // function.
- var theme_function = item.type;
- // Make any preprocess modifications to the elements so they will map
- // cleanly to their theme function.
- // The following element types apply cleanly to their corresponding theme
- // functions:
- // email
- // hidden
- // password
- // radios
- // select
- // textfield
- // textarea
- // The following element types need their theme function adjusted:
- // textarea
- // text_long
- // text_with_summary
- // text_textarea
- // The following element types need their variables adjusted:
- // checkbox
- // radios
- // select
- // textarea
- // text_long
- // text_with_summary
- // text_textarea
- // The following element types are not yet supported:
- // taxonomy_term_reference
- // ...
- // The following fields are outliers and need to be converted to use a theme
- // function.
- // image
- // submit
- switch (item.type) {
- case 'checkbox':
- // If the checkbox has a default value of 1, check the box.
- if (item.default_value == 1) { variables.checked = true; }
- break;
- case 'image':
- // Set the default button text, and if a value was provided,
- // overwrite the button text.
- var button_text = 'Add Image';
- if (item.value) {
- button_text = item.value;
- }
- // Place a hidden input to hold the file id.
- html += '';
- // Place variables into document for PhoneGap image processing.
- var item_id_base = item.id.replace(/-/g, '_');
- var image_field_source = item_id_base + '_imagefield_source';
- var imagefield_destination_type = item_id_base + '_imagefield_destination_type';
- var imagefield_data = item_id_base + '_imagefield_data';
- eval('var ' + image_field_source + ' = null;');
- eval('var ' + imagefield_destination_type + ' = null;');
- eval('var ' + imagefield_data + ' = null;');
- // Build an imagefield widget with PhoneGap. Contains a message
- // div, an image item, and button to add an image.
- //'Upload'
- html += '
- // Open extra javascript declaration.
- html += '';
- break;
- case "radios":
- // Add options and value to variables and remove the value attribute.
- variables.options = item.options;
- variables.value = item.default_value;
- delete variables.attributes.value;
- break;
- case "select":
- // Add options and value to variables and remove the value attribute.
- variables.options = item.options;
- variables.value = item.default_value;
- delete variables.attributes.value;
- // Required?
- if (item.required) {
- variables.options[-1] = 'Select';
- variables.value = -1;
- }
- break;
- case "submit":
- variables.attributes.onclick = '_drupalgap_form_submit(\'' + form.id + '\');';
- if (!variables.attributes['data-theme']) {
- variables.attributes['data-theme'] = 'b';
- }
- break;
- case "text":
- theme_function = 'textfield';
- break;
- case 'textarea':
- case 'text_long':
- case "text_with_summary":
- case 'text_textarea':
- theme_function = 'textarea';
- // Add value to variables and remove the value attribute.
- variables.value = item.default_value;
- delete variables.attributes.value;
- break;
- }
- // If the item isn't an outlier, run it through the theme system.
- //if (item.type != 'submit' && item.type != 'image') {
- // Theme the item.
- if (drupalgap_function_exists('theme_' + theme_function)) {
- html += theme(theme_function, variables);
- }
- else {
- if (item.markup || item.markup == '') {
- html += item.markup;
- }
- else {
- var msg = 'Field ' + item.type + ' not supported.';
- html += '
' + msg + '
- console.log('WARNING: _drupalgap_form_render_element() - ' + msg);
- }
- }
- //}
+ // Render the element item.
+ html += _drupalgap_form_render_element_item(form, element, variables, item);
+ // Show the 'Add another item' button on unlimited value fields.
+ if (element.field_info_field && element.field_info_field.cardinality == -1) {
+ var add_another_item_variables = {
+ text:"Add another item",
+ attributes:{
+ 'class':'drupalgap_form_add_another_item',
+ onclick:"javascript:_drupalgap_form_add_another_item('" + form.id + "', '" + element.name + "', " + delta + ")"
+ }
+ };
+ html += theme('button', add_another_item_variables);
+ }
// Add element description.
if (element.description && element.type != 'hidden') {
html += '
' + element.description + '
- // Close element and add to form elements.
+ // Close the element container and add a spacer div.
if (element.type != 'hidden') {
html += '
@@ -659,6 +526,293 @@ function _drupalgap_form_render_element(form, element) {
catch (error) { drupalgap_error(error); }
+ *
+ */
+function _drupalgap_form_render_element_item(form, element, variables, item) {
+ try {
+ var html = '';
+ dpm(item);
+ // Depending on the element type, if necessary, adjust the variables and/or
+ // theme function to be used, then render the element by calling its theme
+ // function.
+ var theme_function = item.type;
+ // Make any preprocess modifications to the elements so they will map
+ // cleanly to their theme function.
+ // The following element types apply cleanly to their corresponding theme
+ // functions:
+ // email
+ // hidden
+ // password
+ // radios
+ // select
+ // textfield
+ // textarea
+ // The following element types need their theme function adjusted:
+ // textarea
+ // text_long
+ // text_with_summary
+ // text_textarea
+ // The following element types need their variables adjusted:
+ // checkbox
+ // radios
+ // select
+ // textarea
+ // text_long
+ // text_with_summary
+ // text_textarea
+ // The following element types are not yet supported:
+ // taxonomy_term_reference
+ // ...
+ // The following fields are outliers and need to be converted to use a theme
+ // function.
+ // image
+ // submit
+ switch (item.type) {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ // If the checkbox has a default value of 1, check the box.
+ if (item.default_value == 1) { variables.checked = true; }
+ break;
+ case 'image':
+ // Set the default button text, and if a value was provided,
+ // overwrite the button text.
+ var button_text = 'Add Image';
+ if (item.value) {
+ button_text = item.value;
+ }
+ // Place a hidden input to hold the file id.
+ html += '';
+ // Place variables into document for PhoneGap image processing.
+ var item_id_base = item.id.replace(/-/g, '_');
+ var image_field_source = item_id_base + '_imagefield_source';
+ var imagefield_destination_type = item_id_base + '_imagefield_destination_type';
+ var imagefield_data = item_id_base + '_imagefield_data';
+ eval('var ' + image_field_source + ' = null;');
+ eval('var ' + imagefield_destination_type + ' = null;');
+ eval('var ' + imagefield_data + ' = null;');
+ // Build an imagefield widget with PhoneGap. Contains a message
+ // div, an image item, and button to add an image.
+ //'Upload'
+ html += '