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2774 lines (1861 loc) · 136 KB

File metadata and controls

2774 lines (1861 loc) · 136 KB

Release notes

July 1, 2021

Notable changes

  • Safari 3.2 has been removed from the data set, since it represented the same browser capabilities as Safari 3.1. The small number of entries that referenced Safari 3.2 have been updated. (#11174)

  • The api.Body mixin has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10958)

    New features ex-Body
    • api.Request.arrayBuffer
    • api.Request.blob
    • api.Request.body
    • api.Request.bodyUsed
    • api.Request.formData
    • api.Request.json
    • api.Request.text
    • api.Response.arrayBuffer
    • api.Response.blob
    • api.Response.body
    • api.Response.bodyUsed
    • api.Response.formData
    • api.Response.json
    • api.Response.text
  • The following features were renamed to follow the guideline on parameter feature names (#11328, #11334):

    Before After
    api.HTMLElement.focus.preventScroll_option api.HTMLElement.focus.options_preventScroll_parameter
    api.SVGElement.focus.preventScroll_option api.SVGElement.focus.options_preventScroll_parameter api.Worker.Worker.options_name_parameter
    api.Worker.Worker.type api.Worker.Worker.options_type_parameter
  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.GlobalEventHandlers.onpointerlockchange (#11307)
    • api.GlobalEventHandlers.onpointerlockerror (#11307)
    • api.Node.getUserData (#11276)
    • api.Node.setUserData (#11276)
    • api.RequestDestination (#11323)
    • api.RTCIceCandidateType (#11061)
    • api.RTCIceComponent (#11062)
    • api.UserDataHandler.handle (#11276)
    • api.UserDataHandler (#11276)
  • Several features duplicating api.PointerEvents.pointerType.fractional_coordinates were removed (#11317):

    • api.MouseEvent.MouseEvent.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.clientX.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.clientY.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.offsetX.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.offsetY.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.pageX.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.pageY.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.screenX.long_to_double
    • api.MouseEvent.screenY.long_to_double


  • 10 contributors have changed 80 files with 1,024 additions and 1,373 deletions in 54 commits (v3.3.9...v3.3.10)
  • 13,046 total features
  • 790 total contributors
  • 3,423 total stargazers

June 24, 2021

Notable changes

  • Safari for iOS 4.3 has been removed from the data set, since it represented the same browser as Safari for iOS 4.2. The small number of entries that referenced Safari for iOS 4.3 have been updated. (#11174)

  • The following features were renamed to follow the guideline on parameter feature names (#11080, #10700):

    Removed Added
    api.AudioNode.disconnect.destination api.AudioNode.disconnect.destination_parameter
    api.AudioNode.disconnect.input api.AudioNode.disconnect.input_parameter
    api.Document.createElement.options api.Document.createElement.options_parameter
    api.Document.createElementNS.options api.Document.createElementNS.options_parameter
    api.Document.createTreeWalker.expandEntityReferences api.Document.createTreeWalker.expandEntityReferences_parameter
    api.DOMTokenList.add.add_multiple_arguments api.DOMTokenList.add.multiple_parameters
    api.DOMTokenList.remove.remove_multiple_arguments api.DOMTokenList.remove.multiple_parameters
    api.DOMTokenList.toggle.force_argument api.DOMTokenList.toggle.force_parameter
    api.Element.scroll.ScrollToOptions api.Element.scroll.options_parameter
    api.Element.scrollBy.ScrollToOptions api.Element.scrollBy.options_parameter
    api.Element.scrollTo.ScrollToOptions api.Element.scrollTo.options_parameter
    api.HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell.negative_one_index_argument api.HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell.negative_one_index_parameter
    api.RTCPeerConnection.getStats.MediaStreamTrack_argument api.RTCPeerConnection.getStats.selector_parameter
    api.Window.postMessage.transfer_argument_support api.Window.postMessage.transfer_parameter
    api.Window.scroll.ScrollToOptions api.Window.scroll.options_parameter
    api.Window.scrollBy.ScrollToOptions api.Window.scrollBy.options_parameter
    api.Window.scrollTo.ScrollToOptions api.Window.scrollTo.options_parameter
    javascript.builtins.Float32Array.Float32Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Float32Array.Float32Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Float64Array.Float64Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Float64Array.Float64Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Int16Array.Int16Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Int16Array.Int16Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Int32Array.Int32Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Int32Array.Int32Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Int8Array.Int8Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Int8Array.Int8Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.TypedArray.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.TypedArray.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Uint16Array.Uint16Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Uint16Array.Uint16Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Uint32Array.Uint32Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Uint32Array.Uint32Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Uint8Array.Uint8Array.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Uint8Array.Uint8Array.constructor_without_parameters
    javascript.builtins.Uint8ClampedArray.Uint8ClampedArray.constructor_without_arguments javascript.builtins.Uint8ClampedArray.Uint8ClampedArray.constructor_without_parameters
  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.FetchEvent.client (#10774)
    • api.FetchEvent.navigationPreload (#10774)
    • api.FetchEvent.targetClientId (#10774)
    • api.Navigator.registerContentHandler (#11229)
    • api.RTCIdentityErrorEvent (#11149)
    • api.RTCIdentityEvent (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.identityresult_event (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.idpassertionerror_event (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.idpvalidationerror_event (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.onidentityresult (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.onidpassertionerror (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.onidpvalidationerror (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.onpeeridentity (#11149)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.peeridentity_event (#11149)


  • 18 contributors have changed 188 files with 2,177 additions and 1,705 deletions in 71 commits (v3.3.8...v3.3.9)
  • 13,056 total features
  • 788 total contributors
  • 3,416 total stargazers

June 17, 2021

Notable changes

  • api.URL.createObjectURL.no_MediaStream_argument was replaced by api.URL.createObjectURL.MediaStream_support to more clearly represent a deprecated feature. (#11081)

  • api.Element.attachShadow.delegatesFocus was renamed to api.Element.attachShadow.init_delegatesFocus_parameter to follow the guideline on parameter feature names. (#11090)

  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.PaymentRequest.requestId (#11082)
    • api.RTCSessionDescriptionCallback (#11057)
    • api.SVGElement.abort_event (#11071)
    • api.SVGElement.resize_event (#11071)
    • api.SVGElement.scroll_event (#11071)
    • api.SVGElement.unload_event (#11071)


  • 14 contributors have changed 165 files with 2,908 additions and 1,736 deletions in 102 commits (v3.3.7...v3.3.8)
  • 13,052 total features
  • 785 total contributors
  • 3,409 total stargazers

June 10, 2021

Notable changes

  • Several extraneous features representing indexed property getters have been removed (#9464):

    • api.CSSNumericArray.CSSNumericValue
    • api.CSSUnparsedValue.CSSUnparsedSegment
    • api.DataTransferItemList.DataTransferItem
    • api.SourceBufferList.SourceBuffer
    • api.TrackDefaultList.TrackDefault
  • The api.AbstractWorker mixin has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10744)

    New features ex-AbstractWorker
    • api.ServiceWorker.onerror
    • api.SharedWorker.onerror
    • api.Worker.onerror
  • api.Element.attributeStyleMap has been removed and replaced by features representing the ElementCSSInlineStyle mixin's exposed interfaces. (#10686)

    New features ex-ElementCSSInlineStyle
    • api.HTMLElement.attributeStyleMap
    • api.SVGElement.attributeStyleMap
  • The api.LinkStyle mixin has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10724)

    New features ex-LinkStyle
    • api.HTMLLinkElement.sheet
    • api.ProcessingInstruction.sheet
    • api.SVGStyleElement.sheet
  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.Element.currentStyle (#10782)
    • api.Element.runtimeStyle (#10782)
    • api.GlobalEventHandlers.onsort (#10820)
    • api.MediaStreamTrack.getSources (#10745)
    • api.MediaStreamTrack.isolated (#10745)
    • api.MediaStreamTrack.onisolationchange (#10745)
    • api.MediaStreamTrack.readonly (#10745)
    • api.Request.context (#10827)
    • api.RTCCertificate.getSupportedAlgorithms (#10582)
    • api.RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.reportsSent (#10582)
    • api.SVGSVGElement.viewport (#10829)


  • 10 contributors have changed 195 files with 2,189 additions and 2,294 deletions in 115 commits (v3.3.6...v3.3.7)
  • 13,029 total features
  • 783 total contributors
  • 3,400 total stargazers

June 4, 2021

Notable changes

  • The extend dependency has been removed and replaced by a more narrowly scoped function, which prevents two (or more) data files from erroneously setting data for the same feature. (#9821)

    Additionally, this release eliminates runtime dependencies for source distributions of this package. As of the v3.3.0 release, the @mdn/browser-compat-data package published on npm has zero dependencies; this release extends that benefit to installing the package from the repository source (such as from GitHub's releases assets).

  • Specification URLs (spec_url values) are now validated against w3c/browser-specs and a small allowlist for additional specifications. (#10681)

  • The mixin api.SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10646)

    New features ex-SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
    • api.SVGFEBlendElement.height
    • api.SVGFEBlendElement.result
    • api.SVGFEBlendElement.width
    • api.SVGFEBlendElement.x
    • api.SVGFEBlendElement.y
    • api.SVGFEColorMatrixElement.height
    • api.SVGFEColorMatrixElement.result
    • api.SVGFEColorMatrixElement.width
    • api.SVGFEColorMatrixElement.x
    • api.SVGFEColorMatrixElement.y
    • api.SVGFEComponentTransferElement.height
    • api.SVGFEComponentTransferElement.result
    • api.SVGFEComponentTransferElement.width
    • api.SVGFEComponentTransferElement.x
    • api.SVGFEComponentTransferElement.y
    • api.SVGFECompositeElement.height
    • api.SVGFECompositeElement.result
    • api.SVGFECompositeElement.width
    • api.SVGFECompositeElement.x
    • api.SVGFECompositeElement.y
    • api.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.height
    • api.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.result
    • api.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.width
    • api.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.x
    • api.SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.y
    • api.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.height
    • api.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.result
    • api.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.width
    • api.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.x
    • api.SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.y
    • api.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.height
    • api.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.result
    • api.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.width
    • api.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.x
    • api.SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.y
    • api.SVGFEDropShadowElement.height
    • api.SVGFEDropShadowElement.result
    • api.SVGFEDropShadowElement.width
    • api.SVGFEDropShadowElement.x
    • api.SVGFEDropShadowElement.y
    • api.SVGFEFloodElement.height
    • api.SVGFEFloodElement.result
    • api.SVGFEFloodElement.width
    • api.SVGFEFloodElement.x
    • api.SVGFEFloodElement.y
    • api.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.height
    • api.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.result
    • api.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.width
    • api.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.x
    • api.SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.y
    • api.SVGFEImageElement.height
    • api.SVGFEImageElement.result
    • api.SVGFEImageElement.width
    • api.SVGFEImageElement.x
    • api.SVGFEImageElement.y
    • api.SVGFEMergeElement.height
    • api.SVGFEMergeElement.result
    • api.SVGFEMergeElement.width
    • api.SVGFEMergeElement.x
    • api.SVGFEMergeElement.y
    • api.SVGFEMorphologyElement.height
    • api.SVGFEMorphologyElement.result
    • api.SVGFEMorphologyElement.width
    • api.SVGFEMorphologyElement.x
    • api.SVGFEMorphologyElement.y
    • api.SVGFEOffsetElement.height
    • api.SVGFEOffsetElement.result
    • api.SVGFEOffsetElement.width
    • api.SVGFEOffsetElement.x
    • api.SVGFEOffsetElement.y
    • api.SVGFESpecularLightingElement.height
    • api.SVGFESpecularLightingElement.result
    • api.SVGFESpecularLightingElement.width
    • api.SVGFESpecularLightingElement.x
    • api.SVGFESpecularLightingElement.y
    • api.SVGFETileElement.height
    • api.SVGFETileElement.result
    • api.SVGFETileElement.width
    • api.SVGFETileElement.x
    • api.SVGFETileElement.y
    • api.SVGFETurbulenceElement.height
    • api.SVGFETurbulenceElement.result
    • api.SVGFETurbulenceElement.width
    • api.SVGFETurbulenceElement.x
    • api.SVGFETurbulenceElement.y
  • The mixin api.SVGTests has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10691)

    New features ex-api.SVGTests
    • api.SVGAnimationElement.requiredExtensions
    • api.SVGAnimationElement.systemLanguage
    • api.SVGGraphicsElement.requiredExtensions
    • api.SVGGraphicsElement.systemLanguage
  • The api.SVGAnimatedPoints mixin has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10698)

    New features ex-SVGAnimatedPoints
    • api.SVGPolygonElement.animatedPoints
    • api.SVGPolygonElement.points
    • api.SVGPolylineElement.animatedPoints
    • api.SVGPolylineElement.points
  • The mixin api.GeometryUtils has been removed and replaced by features representing its exposed interfaces. (#10721)

    New features ex-api.GeometryUtils
    • api.Document.getBoxQuads
    • api.Element.getBoxQuads
    • api.Text.getBoxQuads
  • api.FormData.append.AppendWithFilename has been renamed to api.FormData.append.filename_parameter to follow the guideline on parameter feature names. (#10695)

  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.Document.undoManager (#10581)
    • api.Element.tabStop (#10581)
    • api.HTMLElement.forceSpellCheck (#10581)
    • api.PaymentAddress.regionCode (#10581)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.defaultIceServers (#10725)
    • api.RTCPeerConnection.getDefaultIceServers (#10725)
    • api.SVGUnknownElement (#10685)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.@@toStringTag (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.asIndexedPairs (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.AsyncIterator (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.drop (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.every (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.filter (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.find (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.flatMap (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.forEach (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.from (#6957)
    • (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.reduce (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.some (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.take (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.AsyncIterator.toArray (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.@@toStringTag (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.asIndexedPairs (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.drop (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.every (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.filter (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.find (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.flatMap (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.forEach (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.from (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.Iterator (#6957)
    • (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.reduce (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.some (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.take (#6957)
    • javascript.builtins.Iterator.toArray (#6957)
    • javascript.operators.pipeline (#6957)


  • 14 contributors have changed 335 files with 7,135 additions and 5,583 deletions in 70 commits (v3.3.5...v3.3.6)
  • 13,039 total features
  • 783 total contributors
  • 3,390 total stargazers

May 27, 2021

Notable changes

  • The following features duplicated subfeatures of api.DOMTokenList and have been removed (#10128):

    • api.Element.classList.add_and_remove_multiple_arguments
    • api.Element.classList.replace
    • api.Element.classList.toggle_method_second_argument
  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • html.elements.isindex (#10551)
    • html.elements.listing (#10548)
    • html.elements.nextid (#10550)
    • (#10571)
  • Several duplicate or erroneous release entries for WebView Android were removed. These covered historic releases and fewer than 20 support statements were changed to reflect the removals. (#10524)


  • 15 contributors have changed 379 files with 953 additions and 2,103 deletions in 50 commits (v3.3.4...v3.3.5)
  • 12,993 total features
  • 782 total contributors
  • 3,378 total stargazers

May 20, 2021

Notable changes

  • The definition of the experimental status has been revised to more closely reflect its actual use. For more information on choosing values for experimental, see the the new data guideline for experimental. (#9933)

  • The schema now permits valid WebGL specification links. (#10353)

  • api.Navigator.geolocation.hid has been moved to the correctly nested api.Navigator.hid. (#10291)

  • http.headers.feature-policy.wake-lock has been moved to the correctly-named http.headers.feature-policy.screen-wake-lock. (#10421)

  • The following mixin features have been migrated to their exposed interfaces:

    Before After
    api.ChildNode (removed)
    api.ChildNode.before api.CharacterData.before
    api.ChildNode.remove api.CharacterData.remove
    api.ChildNode.replaceWith api.CharacterData.replaceWith
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly (removed)
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.hash api.WorkerLocation.hash
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.hostname api.WorkerLocation.hostname
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.href api.WorkerLocation.href
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.origin api.WorkerLocation.origin
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.pathname api.WorkerLocation.pathname
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.port api.WorkerLocation.port
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.protocol api.WorkerLocation.protocol
    api.URLUtilsReadOnly.toString api.WorkerLocation.toString

    For details, see #10347 and #10506.

  • The following non-existent, long-removed, or otherwise irrelevant features have been removed:

    • api.BudgetService (#10417)
    • api.SVGColorProfileElement (#10515)
    • api.SVGExternalResourcesRequired (#10539)
    • api.SVGSolidcolorElement (#10515)
    • api.SVGStylable (#10536)
    • api.SVGTransformable #10354
    • api.SVGURIReference (#10522)
    • api.TransitionEvent.animationName (#10336)
    • api.Window.returnValue (#10449)
    • api.WindowClient.ancestorOrigins (#10415)
    • (#6944)
    • (#6944)
    • (#6944)
    • (#6944)
    • (#6944)
    • (#6944)
    • html.elements.multicol (#10545)
    • svg.attributes.conditional_processing.externalResourcesRequired (#10539)
    • svg.elements.color-profile (#10515)
    • svg.elements.solidcolor (#10515)


  • 18 contributors have changed 361 files with 3,670 additions and 3,690 deletions in 143 commits (v3.3.3...v3.3.4)
  • 13,002 total features
  • 777 total contributors
  • 3,369 total stargazers

May 6, 2021

Notable changes

  • api.RTCIceCandidatePairStats.lastReponseTimestamp was renamed to api.RTCIceCandidatePairStats.lastResponseTimestamp to correct a typo. (#10175)

  • The following features have been removed as historic and irrelevant:

    • api.Notation (#10225)
    • api.StaticRange.toRange (#10288)
    • javascript.builtins.WeakSet.clear (#10261)
  • The following never-implemented Bluetooth API features have been removed (#9975):

    • api.BluetoothAdvertisingData
    • api.BluetoothDevice.adData
    • api.BluetoothDevice.connectGATT
    • api.BluetoothDevice.deviceClass
    • api.BluetoothDevice.gattServer
    • api.BluetoothDevice.paired
    • api.BluetoothDevice.productID
    • api.BluetoothDevice.productVersion
    • api.BluetoothDevice.unwatchAdvertisements
    • api.BluetoothDevice.uuids
    • api.BluetoothDevice.vendorID
    • api.BluetoothDevice.vendorIDSource
    • api.BluetoothDevice.watchAdvertisements
    • api.BluetoothDevice.watchingAdvertisements
    • api.BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getIncludedService
    • api.BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getIncludedServices
    • api.BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getIncludedServices


  • 12 contributors have changed 316 files with 1,816 additions and 2,817 deletions in 112 commits (v3.3.2...v3.3.3)
  • 13,016 total features
  • 774 total contributors
  • 3,350 total stargazers

April 29, 2021

Notable changes

  • The following features have been renamed to the correct case (#10142):

    • html.elements.script.referrerPolicyhtml.elements.script.referrerpolicy
    • svg.elements.a.referrerPolicysvg.elements.a.referrerpolicy
  • http.headers.Accept-Charset has been removed as historic and irrelevant. (#10114)

  • api.DOMHighResTimestamp has been removed, since it is an incorrectly-named and unexposed specification typedef. (#9892, #9930)


  • 18 contributors have changed 436 files with 2,952 additions and 1,494 deletions in 60 commits (v3.3.1...v3.3.2)
  • 13,039 total features
  • 771 total contributors
  • 3,342 total stargazers

April 22, 2021

Notable changes

  • ECMAScript module compatibility has been restored. The previous release unintentionally broke using import with this package. (#9966, #10033)

  • api.Navigator.battery has been removed as historic and irrelevant. (#9626)

  • Over 10,000 issues and pull requests have been opened against BCD (and most of them have been closed). Here's to the next 10,000! 🥂🎉 (#10000)


  • 15 contributors have changed 181 files with 1,867 additions and 5,377 deletions in 71 commits (v3.3.0...v3.3.1)
  • 13,034 total features
  • 769 total contributors
  • 3,330 total stargazers

April 15, 2021

Notable changes

  • @mdn/browser-compat-data is now smaller, faster to load, and has zero dependencies.

    The data is now bundled into a single JSON file at publishing time, instead of loading many JSON files at runtime. This reduces the size of the package and shortens loading times.

    These changes also eliminate dependencies. There are zero runtime package dependencies and Node.js ≥10.0.0 is no longer required. This version of the package has been shown to load in many end-of-life versions of Node.js.

    (#7374, #7398)

  • css.selectors.not_match_link feature has been removed. The data is now correctly represented as css.selectors.any-link.not_match_link and (#9842)


  • 13 contributors have changed 437 files with 2,792 additions and 4,018 deletions in 45 commits (v3.2.4...v3.3.0)
  • 13,033 total features
  • 766 total contributors
  • 3,325 total stargazers

April 8, 2021


  • 11 contributors have changed 59 files with 863 additions and 4,322 deletions in 41 commits (v3.2.3...v3.2.4)
  • 13,029 total features
  • 766 total contributors
  • 3,309 total stargazers

April 1, 2021

Notable changes

  • css.selectors.-moz-ui-valid has been removed and replaced by css.selectors.user-valid to reflect the standardization of the :user-valid pseudo-class. (#9695)

  • The following historic features, which are no longer supported in any browser, have been removed as irrelevant:

    • (#9694)
    • api.HTMLObjectElement.typeMustMatch (#9671)
    • html.elements.object.typemustmatch (#9671)
  • The following duplicate features have been removed:

    • api.FormData.SupportForOf, duplicating api.FormData.@@iterator (#9640)
    • api.WorkerGlobalScope.console, duplicating api.Console.worker_support (#9634)


  • 12 contributors have changed 78 files with 1,721 additions and 1,313 deletions in 47 commits (v3.2.2...v3.2.3)
  • 13,029 total features
  • 763 total contributors
  • 3,297 total stargazers

March 25, 2021

Notable changes

  • The default branch for the repository has been renamed to main from master. (#6292)

  • For improved consistency with related features, the following JavaScript features have been renamed (#9592):

    • javascript.operators.async_function_expressionjavascript.operators.async_function
    • javascript.operators.function_starjavascript.operators.generator_function
    • javascript.operators.async_generator_function_expressionjavascript.operators.async_generator_function
  • The following historic features of the Node interface were removed to more accurately represent their moves to the Element and Attr interfaces (#9561):

    • api.Node.localName
    • api.Node.namespaceURI
    • api.Node.prefix
  • The following duplicate features of the AudioScheduledSourceNode interface were removed (#9599):

    • api.AudioBufferSourceNode.onended
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.onended
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.start
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.stop
    • api.OscillatorNode.onended
    • api.OscillatorNode.start
    • api.OscillatorNode.stop
  • The following duplicate features of the SVGGeometryElement interface were removed (#9479):

    • api.SVGGeometryElement.supportOtherThanPath, duplicating several new support statements in api.SVGGeometryElement
    • api.SVGPathElement.getPointAtLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.getPointAtLength
    • api.SVGPathElement.getTotalLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.getTotalLength
    • api.SVGPathElement.pathLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.pathLength


  • 15 contributors have changed 417 files with 2,977 additions and 1,915 deletions in 62 commits (v3.2.1...v3.2.2)
  • 13,020 total features
  • 761 total contributors
  • 3,284 total stargazers

March 18, 2021

Notable changes

  • api.PictureInPicture has been removed as part of an effort to more accurately represent Picture-in-Picture interfaces. (#9438, #7028)

  • The following-never supported features were removed:

    • api.Burnable (#9458)
    • api.DOMErrorHandler (#9382)
    • api.ShadowRoot.caretPositionFromPoint (#9439)
    • api.StorageQuota (#9459)
  • The following duplicate features were removed:

    • javascript.operators.spread.spread_in_destructuring, duplicating javascript.operators.destructuring.rest_in_arrays and javascript.operators.destructuring.rest_in_objects (#9457, #9472)
    • svg.attributes.presentation.stop-opacity, duplicating svg.elements.stop.stop-opacity (#9468)
  • To improve consistency with other parameter features, the following CanvasRenderingContext2D features have been renamed to lower-case (#9433):

    Before After
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip.path_parameter
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded.path_parameter
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.fill.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.fill.path_parameter
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath.path_parameter
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke.path_parameter
    api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke.Path_parameter api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke.path_parameter


  • 17 contributors have changed 99 files with 1,537 additions and 2,285 deletions in 35 commits (v3.2.0...v3.2.1)
  • 13,023 total features
  • 771 total contributors
  • 3,276 total stargazers

March 11, 2021

Notable changes

  • Support statement objects may no longer use false or null values for version_removed. Values for version_removed are now required to be real version numbers or true (removed in some unknown version). This change to the schema codifies a widely-followed practice within existing compatability data. (#9015)

  • The following features were renamed:

    • is now api.SVGFECompositeElement.in1, fixing a misidentified attribute (again). (#9074, #9343)
    • api.SVGTests.hasextension is now api.SVGTests.hasExtension, fixing incorrect capitalization. (#9387)
    • api.SVGViewElement.viewtarget is now api.SVGViewElement.viewTarget, fixing incorrect capitalization. (#9387)
  • The following features were removed because they duplicated data under historic names:

    • api.AuthenticationAssertion, duplicating api.AuthenticatorAssertionResponse (#9398)
    • api.ConstrainLong, duplicating api.ConstrainULong (#9418)
    • api.LongRange, duplicating api.ULongRange (#9418)
    • api.ScopedCredential, duplicating api.PublicKeyCredential (#9398)
    • api.ScopedCredentialInfo, duplicating api.AuthenticatorResponse (#9398)
    • api.Window.OverconstrainedError, duplicating api.OverconstrainedError (#9401)
  • The following no-longer supported features were removed as irrelevant:

    • api.PasswordCredential.additionalData (#9400)
    • api.PasswordCredential.idName (#9400)
    • api.PasswordCredential.passwordName (#9400)
  • The following never-implemented features were removed:

    • api.PaymentManager.requestPermission (#9399)
    • api.Response.useFinalURL (#9386)
    • api.Window.layoutShift (#9388)


  • 11 contributors have changed 163 files with 1,288 additions and 1,323 deletions in 27 commits (v3.1.3...v3.2.0)
  • 13,031 total features
  • 769 total contributors
  • 3,266 total stargazers

March 4, 2021

Notable changes

  • replaces api.SVGFECompositeElement.in1, fixing a misidentified attribute (#9074).


  • 13 contributors have changed 87 files with 771 additions and 480 deletions in 28 commits (v3.1.2...v3.1.3)
  • 13,028 total features
  • 767 total contributors
  • 3,253 total stargazers
  • The following withdrawn features have been removed as irrelevant:

    • api.HTMLFormElement.requestAutocomplete (#9232)
    • api.XMLHttpRequest.sendAsBinary (#9239)
    • html.elements.script.type.version_parameter (#9206)
  • The following never-supported WebExtensions features have been removed (#6960):

    • webextensions.manifest.content_security_policy.isolated_world
    • webextensions.manifest.content_security_policy.sandbox
    • webextensions.match_patterns.scheme.ftps
  • The following never-supported MathML features have been removed (#6958):

    • mathml.elements.math.overflow
    • mathml.elements.mglyph
    • mathml.elements.mlabeledtr
    • mathml.elements.mspace.linebreak
    • mathml.elements.mstyle.decimalpoint
    • mathml.elements.mstyle.infixbreakstyle
    • mathml.elements.mtable.alignmentscope
    • mathml.elements.mtable.columnwidth
    • mathml.elements.mtable.equalcolumns
    • mathml.elements.mtable.equalrows
    • mathml.elements.mtable.groupalign
    • mathml.elements.mtable.minlabelspacing
    • mathml.elements.mtable.side
    • mathml.elements.mtd.groupalign
  • The following constants have been removed, under the recently-adopted Constants guideline (#9195):

    • api.KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT
    • api.KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD
    • api.KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT
    • api.KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD


  • 19 contributors have changed 122 files with 4,549 additions and 2,365 deletions in 43 commits (v3.1.1...v3.1.2)
  • 13,024 total features
  • 765 total contributors
  • 3,248 total stargazers

February 18, 2021

Notable changes

  • feature was moved from its previously erroneous entry as (#9078)

  • The following mixin features have been migrated to their exposed interfaces (or deduplicated, where the exposed interface data already existed):

    Former mixin (old) Exposed interface (new)
    api.DocumentFragment.methods (removed, duplicate) (removed, duplicate)
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.activeElement api.Document.activeElement
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets api.Document.adoptedStyleSheets
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.caretPositionFromPoint api.Document.caretPositionFromPoint
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.elementFromPoint api.Document.elementFromPoint
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.elementsFromPoint api.Document.elementsFromPoint
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.fullscreenElement api.Document.fullscreenElement
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.getSelection api.Document.getSelection
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.pointerLockElement api.Document.pointerLockElement
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.styleSheets api.Document.styleSheets
    api.DocumentOrShadowRoot (removed)
    api.ParentNode.append api.Document.append
    api.ParentNode.childElementCount.document_documentfragment (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.childElementCount api.Document.childElementCount
    api.ParentNode.children.document_documentfragment (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.children.svgelement (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.children api.Document.children
    api.ParentNode.document_documentfragment (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.firstElementChild.document_documentfragment (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.firstElementChild api.Document.firstElementChild
    api.ParentNode.lastElementChild.document_documentfragment (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.lastElementChild api.Document.lastElementChild
    api.ParentNode.prepend api.Document.prepend
    api.ParentNode.querySelector (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.querySelectorAll (removed, duplicate)
    api.ParentNode.replaceChildren api.Document.replaceChildren
    api.ParentNode (removed)
    api.ShadowRoot.documentorshadowroot (removed, duplicate)

    See #9045 and #9064 for details.

  • The following never-supported features were removed as irrelevant:

    • api.Window.clipboardchange_event (#6942)
    • api.Window.getAttention (#6942)
    • api.Window.getAttentionWithCycleCount (#6942)
    • svg.elements.textPath.method (#6959)
  • The subfeatures of api.Element.getBoundingClientRect (height, width, x, and y) were removed because they duplicated the subfeatures of api.DOMRectReadOnly. (#9061)


  • 13 contributors have changed 77 files with 4,859 additions and 3,148 deletions in 57 commits (v3.1.0...v3.1.1)
  • 12,975 total features
  • 759 total contributors
  • 3,240 total stargazers

February 11, 2021

Notable changes

  • We've adopted a new data guideline for interface mixins. From v3.1.0, new data for interface mixins will be represented as subfeatures of their exposed interfaces, instead of fictitious mixin interfaces.

    For example, HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils attributes are now represented on HTMLAnchorElement and HTMLAreaElement directly.

    Existing interface mixins data will be replaced as part of our regular release process. The release notes will describe specific changes as they happen. (#9016)

  • The following mixin features have been migrated to their exposed interfaces (#8933, #9046, #9048):

    Old New
    api.CredentialUserData.iconURL api.FederatedCredential.iconURL
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.href api.HTMLAnchorElement.href
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.origin api.HTMLAnchorElement.origin
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.protocol api.HTMLAnchorElement.protocol
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.username api.HTMLAnchorElement.username
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.password api.HTMLAnchorElement.password
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.hostname api.HTMLAnchorElement.hostname
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.port api.HTMLAnchorElement.port
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.pathname api.HTMLAnchorElement.pathname
    api.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils.hash api.HTMLAnchorElement.hash
    api.Slottable.assignedSlot api.Element.assignedSlot
  • was removed as irrelevant (#9046).

  • css.selectors.-webkit-autofill has been renamed to css.selectors.autofill to reflect the standardized name (#8877)


  • 10 contributors have changed 49 files with 1,534 additions and 644 deletions in 37 commits (v3.0.6...v3.1.0)
  • 12,972 total features
  • 758 total contributors
  • 3,234 total stargazers

February 4, 2021

Notable changes


  • 17 contributors have changed 90 files with 939 additions and 446 deletions in 56 commits (v3.0.5...v3.0.6)
  • 12,955 total features
  • 757 total contributors
  • 3,223 total stargazers

January 28, 2021

Notable changes

  • html.elements.command, never implemented, was removed as irrelevant (#8825)
  • html.elements.element, never implemented, was removed as irrelevant (#8826)


  • 15 contributors have changed 82 files with 294 additions and 524 deletions in 20 commits (v3.0.4...v3.0.5)
  • 12,951 total features
  • 753 total contributors
  • 3,211 total stargazers

January 21, 2021


  • 17 contributors have changed 150 files with 1,521 additions and 310 deletions in 36 commits (v3.0.3...v3.0.4)
  • 12,958 total features
  • 749 total contributors
  • 3,206 total stargazers

January 14, 2021

Notable changes

  • api.CharacterData.ChildNode has been removed as a duplicate of api.ChildNode (#8052)
  • api.PaymentRequest.paymentAddress has been renamed to api.PaymentRequest.shippingAddress to reflect it's specified name (#7669)
  • api.WorkerGlobalScope.close has been removed as a duplicate of api.DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.close and api.SharedWorkerGlobalScope.close(#7363)
  • html.manifest.serviceworker, never implemented, was removed as irrelevant (#8069)


  • 16 contributors have changed 56 files with 1,807 additions and 756 deletions in 49 commits (v3.0.2...v3.0.3)
  • 12,944 total features
  • 747 total contributors
  • 3,202 total stargazers

January 7, 2021

Notable changes

  • Removed api.UIEvent.cancelBubble as a duplicate of api.Event.cancelBubble (#7350, #7360)
  • Removed Navigator mixin worker_support features api.NavigatorConcurrentHardware.worker_support, api.NavigatorLanguage.worker_support, and api.NavigatorOnLine.worker_support, as redundant to api.Navigator data (#8277)
  • Removed api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.addHitRegion (and its descendants), api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearHitRegions, and api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.addHitRegion.control as irrelevant (#8442)
  • Removed api.HTMLElement.dropzone and html.global_attributes.dropzone as irrelevant (#8095)
  • Removed api.NDEFWriter as irrelevant (#8459)
  • A new data guideline has been adopted: no new constants features will be accepted into BCD (#8062)


  • 19 contributors have changed 459 files with 24,184 additions and 8,900 deletions in 530 commits (v3.0.1...v3.0.2)
  • 12,922 total features
  • 743 total contributors
  • 3,197 total stargazers

December 17, 2020

Notable changes

  • The feature api.HTMLInputElement.weight was removed since it probably never existed and was replaced with api.HTMLInputElement.width which does (#7671)


  • 12 contributors have changed 268 files with 18,717 additions and 4,315 deletions in 303 commits (v3.0.0...v3.0.1)
  • 12,567 total features
  • 738 total contributors
  • 3,187 total stargazers

December 10, 2020

Version 3.0.0 makes some potentially-breaking changes to improve the consistency and quality of the data. Highlights:

  • UC and QQ browsers were removed.
  • A public API, in addition to the schema, was formalized for better adherence to Semantic Versioning.
  • Node.js's data was made more consistent with this project's other engines. Node.js data now starts at 0.10.0, as if it were Node.js's first major release, and Node.js version strings consistently use the full version value (for example, 0.12.0 instead of 0.12).

Review the changes below for details.

Notable changes

  • (Breaking) UC and QQ browsers were removed from the schema and support data, due to limited coverage and contribution activity. (#7240)
  • Node.js data with releases before 0.10.0 were increased to that version, as if this were the first major, stable release (though the true story is rather more complex). Special thanks to the Node.js Release Working Group for their insight into Node.js's history. (#7562; #6861)
  • Node.js versions 0.10 and 0.12 were replaced by their full SemVer values, 0.10.0 and 0.12.0, respectively. (#7491, #7492)
  • Many high-level namespaces in the package were documented and a formal Semantic Versioning policy was introduced. (#7615)
  • Data in javascript requires version number data; the javascript data no longer contains any null or true values. (#7607)
  • Addition of browsers and Removal of browsers data guidelines were adopted to document requirements to add or remove a browser or engine from package. (#7244)
  • The following features were removed as irrelevant:
    • (#7538)
    • api.HTMLAreaElement.hreflang (#7539)
    • (#7538)
    • api.HTMLAreaElement.type (#7540)
    • api.HTMLFrameSetElement.onlanguage (#7483)
    • api.Node.baseURIObject (#7520)
    • api.Node.nodePrincipal (#7521)
    • api.Node.rootNode (#7524)
    • api.OverconstrainedError.message (#7616)
    • (#7616)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
    • (#7514)
  • The following features were removed as duplicates of api.Accelerometer.{x,y,z} (#7314):
    • api.LinearAccelerationSensor.x
    • api.LinearAccelerationSensor.y
    • api.LinearAccelerationSensor.z
  • The following features were renamed to correct capitalization or spelling:
    • api.HTMLElement.formEncType to api.HTMLElement.formEnctype (#7471)
    • api.HTMLImageElement.lowSrc to api.HTMLImageElement.lowsrc (#7472)
    • api.HTMLMarqueeElement.bgcolor to api.HTMLMarqueeElement.bgColor (#7473)
    • api.HTMLMarqueeElement.scrollamount to api.HTMLMarqueeElement.scrollAmount (#7474)
    • api.HTMLMarqueeElement.scrolldelay to api.HTMLMarqueeElement.scrollDelay (#7475)
    • api.HTMLMarqueeElement.truespeed to api.HTMLMarqueeElement.trueSpeed (#7508)
    • javascript.operators.substraction_assignment to javascript.operators.subtraction_assignment (#7621)
  • api.NDEFReader.prototype.onerror was renamed to api.NDEFReader.prototype.onreadingerror to reflect a specification change (#7613)
  • was removed as a duplicate of's alternative_name data (#7387)
  • css.selectors.-moz-ui-invalid was renamed to to reflect the standard name (#7431)


  • 30 contributors have changed 393 files with 6,481 additions and 5,881 deletions in 156 commits (v2.0.7...v3.0.0)
  • 12,274 total features
  • 734 total contributors
  • 3,172 total stargazers

November 19, 2020

Notable changes

  • Internet Explorer version "≤6" is now an accepted value, to reflect testing limitations for older versions (#7337)
  • The following features were removed as irrelevant:
    • api.MediaQueryListListener (#7210)
    • api.IDBVersionChangeRequest.setVersion (#6934)
    • api.IDBVersionChangeRequest (#7411)
    • api.SVGMeshElement (#6941)
    • api.WebAuthentication (#6860)


  • 15 contributors have changed 175 files with 2,109 additions and 1,545 deletions in 41 commits (v2.0.6...v2.0.7)
  • 12,246 total features
  • 727 total contributors
  • 3,130 total stargazers

November 12, 2020

Notable changes

  • iOS Safari version "≤3" is now an accepted value, to reflect testing limitations for older versions (#7345)
  • api.MediaKeyStatusMap.iterator was renamed to api.MediaKeyStatusMap.@@iterator (#7315)
  • The following features duplicating api.HTMLElement.accessKey were removed (#7309):
    • api.HTMLAnchorElement.accessKey
    • api.HTMLAreaElement.accessKey
    • api.HTMLButtonElement.accessKey
  • The following features duplicating api.HTMLElement.tabindex were removed (#7310):
    • api.HTMLAnchorElement.tabindex
    • api.HTMLAreaElement.tabIndex
    • api.HTMLButtonElement.tabIndex
  • The following never-supported features were removed as irrelevant:
    • api.Node.outerText (#7316)
    • (#6931)
    • api.HTMLIFrameElement.setNfcFocus (#6931)
    • api.HTMLIsIndexElement (#6931)
    • api.HTMLIsIndexElement.form (#6931)
    • api.HTMLIsIndexElement.prompt (#6931)
    • api.HTMLMenuItemElement (#6931)
    • api.HTMLMenuItemElement.command (#6931)
    • api.HTMLTableElement.sortable (#6931)
    • api.HTMLTableElement.stopSorting (#6931)
    • api.HTMLTableElement.sortable (#6931)
    • (#6931)
    • (#6961)
    • (#6961)
    • (#6961)


  • 18 contributors have changed 113 files with 1,428 additions and 2,048 deletions in 52 commits (v2.0.5...v2.0.6)
  • 12,247 total features
  • 725 total contributors
  • 3,115 total stargazers

November 5, 2020

Notable changes

  • Safari version "≤4" is now an accepted value, to reflect testing limitations for older versions (#6915)
  • The following features have been removed:
    • api.Document.domConfig because it has been removed from all browsers two or more years ago (#6930)
    • api.DOMConfiguration and its descendants because it was never implemented (#6930)
    • api.DOMImplementationList and its descendants because it was never implemented (#6930)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozGetFileNameArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileNameArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)


  • 18 contributors have changed 230 files with 7,273 additions and 5,019 deletions in 97 commits (v2.0.4...v2.0.5)
  • 12,264 total features
  • 722 total contributors
  • 3,103 total stargazers

October 29, 2020

Notable changes

  • Data about how the aspect ratio is computed for some HTML elements has been moved from the feature to aspect_ratio_computed_from_attributes subfeatures of the affected HTML elements (#6918)
  • The following features have been removed because they were never implemented:
    • api.BudgetService.getBudget (#6924)
    • api.BudgetService.getCost (#6924)
    • api.BudgetState (#6924)
    • api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.nodeFromPoint (#6929)
    • api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.nodesFromPoint (#6929)
    • api.Window.restore (#6987)


  • 22 contributors have changed 172 files with 4,225 additions and 2,772 deletions in 177 commits (v2.0.3...v2.0.4)
  • 12,266 total features
  • 721 total contributors
  • 3,087 total stargazers

October 29, 2020

This is the final release under the name mdn-browser-compat-data. This package is now published as @mdn/browser-compat-data. For more information, read Upgrading from mdn-browser-compat-data 1.1 to @mdn/browser-compat-data 2.0.x.

Notable changes

  • Data about how the aspect ratio is computed for some HTML elements has been moved from the feature to aspect_ratio_computed_from_attributes subfeatures of the affected HTML elements (#6918)
  • The following features have been removed because they were never implemented:
    • api.BudgetService.getBudget (#6924)
    • api.BudgetService.getCost (#6924)
    • api.BudgetState (#6924)
    • api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.nodeFromPoint (#6929)
    • api.DocumentOrShadowRoot.nodesFromPoint (#6929)
    • api.Window.restore (#6987)


  • 22 contributors have changed 169 files with 4,226 additions and 2,883 deletions in 174 commits (v1.1.1...v1.1.2)
  • 12,266 total features
  • 721 total contributors
  • 3,087 total stargazers

October 15, 2020


  • 14 contributors have changed 51 files with 1,623 additions and 1,053 deletions in 51 commits (v2.0.2...v2.0.3)
  • 12,246 total features
  • 710 total contributors
  • 3,049 total stargazers

October 15, 2020

Deprecation notice This package is now published as @mdn/browser-compat-data. For more information, read Upgrading from mdn-browser-compat-data 1.1 to @mdn/browser-compat-data 2.0.x.


  • 14 contributors have changed 52 files with 1,624 additions and 1,054 deletions in 49 commits (v1.1.0...v1.1.1)
  • 12,246 total features
  • 710 total contributors
  • 3,049 total stargazers

October 8, 2020

Notable changes

  • Feature moves and removals:
    • api.DOMTokenList.remove_whitespace_and_duplicates has been split into api.DOMTokenList.remove_duplicates and api.DOMTokenList.trim_whitespace (#6691)
    • api.AudioContext.createConstantSource was removed because it duplicated api.BaseAudioContext.createConstantSource (#6799)
    • api.Document.contains was removed because it duplicated api.Node.contains (#6850)


  • 10 contributors have changed 55 files with 1,734 additions and 1,495 deletions in 42 commits (v2.0.1...v2.0.2)
  • 12,243 total features
  • 706 total contributors
  • 3,031 total stargazers

October 8, 2020


This package is now published as @mdn/browser-compat-data. For more information, read Upgrading from mdn-browser-compat-data 1.1 to @mdn/browser-compat-data 2.0.x.

Notable changes

  • Deprecation: if you require this package (with the mdn- package name), then a warning will be emitted (#6777)
  • Deprecation: if you're running Node.js version 8, then a warning will be emitted (#6777)
  • Feature moves and removals:
    • api.DOMTokenList.remove_whitespace_and_duplicates has been split into api.DOMTokenList.remove_duplicates and api.DOMTokenList.trim_whitespace (#6691)
    • api.AudioContext.createConstantSource was removed because it duplicated api.BaseAudioContext.createConstantSource (#6799)
    • api.Document.contains was removed because it duplicated api.Node.contains (#6850)


  • 10 contributors have changed 58 files with 1,795 additions and 1,495 deletions in 39 commits (v1.0.40...v1.1.0)
  • 12,243 total features
  • 706 total contributors
  • 3,030 total stargazers

October 1, 2020


  • 10 contributors have changed 20 files with 496 additions and 271 deletions in 13 commits (v2.0.0...v2.0.1)
  • 12,242 total features
  • 704 total contributors
  • 3,016 total stargazers

October 1, 2020

Notice: In the future, this package will be published as @mdn/browser-compat-data. For more information, read #6640.


  • 10 contributors have changed 20 files with 496 additions and 271 deletions in 11 commits (v1.0.39...v1.0.40)
  • 12,242 total features
  • 704 total contributors
  • 3,016 total stargazers

September 24, 2020

Notable changes

  • Breaking: Initial release as @mdn/browser-compat-data.
  • Breaking: Node.js 10 or later is now required.


  • 12,242 total features
  • 701 total contributors
  • 2,999 total stargazers

September 24, 2020

Notice: In the future, this package will be published as @mdn/browser-compat-data. To give feedback on this and other upcoming breaking changes, please read #6640.

Notable changes

  • was removed because it's actually implemented as part of several HTML* interfaces (#6751 and #6683)
  • api.Element.accessKey was removed because there's no indication that the feature was implemented in any browser browser (in contrast to api.HTMLElement.accessKey) (#6746)


  • 10 contributors have changed 76 files with 3,678 additions and 2,715 deletions in 19 commits (v1.0.38...v1.0.39)
  • 12,242 total features
  • 701 total contributors
  • 2,999 total stargazers

September 17, 2020

Notice: In the future, this package will be published under a new, scoped name. To give feedback on this and other upcoming breaking changes, please read #6640.

Notable changes

  • was removed because it was never implemented in any browser and has been dropped from the Media Queries specification (#6706)
  • api.CSSTransition.CSSTransition was removed because it was never actually implemented in any browser (#6707)


  • 12 contributors have changed 161 files with 1,348 additions and 1,146 deletions in 25 commits (v1.0.37...v1.0.38)
  • 12,195 total features
  • 699 total contributors
  • 2,987 total stargazers

September 17, 2020

This is a demonstration of releasing @mdn/browser-compat-data. This code is untested and unreviewed. See #6713 for more information.

September 10, 2020

Notice: In the future, this package will be published under a new, scoped name. To give feedback on this and other upcoming breaking changes, please read #6640.

Notable changes

  • CSS property data for -ms-grid-columns and -ms-grid-row was restructured (#6599)
    • was removed (its data is now reflected as "alternative_name" data in
    • was removed (its data is now reflected as "alternative_name" data in
  • api.Console.timestamp is now api.Console.timeStamp to correct a typo (#6650)
  • api.Gamepad.Gamepad was removed because the constructor never existed (#6664)


  • 10 contributors have changed 50 files with 965 additions and 720 deletions in 18 commits (v1.0.36...v1.0.37)
  • 12,195 total features
  • 696 total contributors
  • 2,968 total stargazers

September 3, 2020


In the future, this package will be published under a new, scoped name. To give feedback on this and other upcoming breaking changes, please read #6640.

Notable changes

  • svg.elements.discard.begin and svg.elements.discard.href were removed as dubious (#6600)


  • 27 contributors have changed 173 files with 1,712 additions and 13,220 deletions in 61 commits (v1.0.35...v1.0.36)
  • 12,198 total features
  • 695 total contributors
  • 2,962 total stargazers

August 20, 2020

Notable changes

  • api.CSS.wmin is now api.CSS.vmin to correct a typo (#6507)
  • api.RTCStatsEvent was removed because it never shipped in any browser (#6516)
  • api.Response.trailer was removed because it never shipped in any browser (#6543)


  • 20 contributors have changed 34 files with 1,024 additions and 1,070 deletions in 39 commits (v1.0.34...v1.0.35)
  • 12,190 total features
  • 684 total contributors
  • 2,914 total stargazers

August 6, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10 contributors have changed 36 files with 884 additions and 156 deletions in 29 commits (v1.0.33...v1.0.34)
  • 12191 total features
  • 675 total contributors
  • 2881 total stargazers

July 30, 2020


  • 12 contributors have changed 27 files with 720 additions and 103 deletions in 19 commits (v1.0.32...v1.0.33)
  • 12178 total features
  • 673 total contributors
  • 2869 total stargazers

July 23, 2020

Notable changes

  • Updated our data guideline for irrelevant features to allow data removal if "a feature is unsupported in all releases in the past five years.".
  • Removed CSS data that meets the new criteria in mdn#6418 and mdn#6407.
  • Data for FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome has been removed in mdn#6426 due to the method not being standardized and available yet.


  • 13 contributors have changed 38 files with 249 additions and 1984 deletions in 19 commits (v1.0.31...v1.0.32)
  • 12167 total features
  • 667 total contributors
  • 2855 total stargazers

July 16, 2020

Notable changes

  • none


  • 12 contributors have changed 13 files with 408 additions and 61 deletions in 15 commits (v1.0.30...v1.0.31)
  • 12196 total features
  • 664 total contributors
  • 2835 total stargazers

July 9, 2020

Notable changes

  • The data for api.CSSMathNegate.values is now at api.CSSMathNegate.value (typo fix in mdn#6371)


  • 5 contributors have changed 13 files with 411 additions and 25 deletions in 11 commits (v1.0.29...v1.0.30)
  • 12189 total features
  • 663 total contributors
  • 2825 total stargazers

July 2, 2020

Notable changes

  • none


  • 18 contributors have changed 50 files with 833 additions and 311 deletions in 29 commits (v1.0.28...v1.0.29)
  • 12181 total features
  • 662 total contributors
  • 2808 total stargazers

June 25, 2020

Notable changes

  • none


  • 7 contributors have changed 11 files with 95 additions and 46 deletions in 9 commits (v1.0.27...v1.0.28)
  • 12172 total features
  • 654 total contributors
  • 2784 total stargazers

June 22, 2020

Notable changes

  • Safari 14 supports WebExtensions
  • The following Streams API constructor data points have been removed (#6314):
    • api.ReadableByteStreamController.ReadableByteStreamController
    • api.ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
    • api.ReadableStreamDefaultController.ReadableStreamDefaultController
    • api.WritableStreamDefaultController.WritableStreamDefaultController


  • 4 contributors have changed 112 files with 4455 additions and 364 deletions in 7 commits (v1.0.26...v1.0.27)
  • 12172 total features
  • 651 total contributors
  • 2774 total stargazers

June 18, 2020

Notable changes

  • none


  • 6 contributors have changed 25 files with 1501 additions and 398 deletions in 18 commits (v1.0.25...v1.0.26)
  • 12170 total features
  • 651 total contributors
  • 2768 total stargazers

June 11, 2020

Notable changes

  • The javascript.builtin.Intl.Collator.caseFirst data has been moved to javascript.builtin.Intl.Collator.Collator.caseFirst (#6253)
  • JS operator data has been moved to remove unnecessary group trees (#6246, #6270, #6272, #6276).
    • These JS operator groups have been dissolved: comparison, bitwise, assignment, arithmetic.
    • Find the operators now directly under the operators tree, for example: javascript.operators.bitwise.and -> javascript.operators.bitwise_and


  • 17 contributors have changed 81 files with 4690 additions and 2291 deletions in 32 commits (v1.0.24...v1.0.25)
  • 12166 total features
  • 637 total contributors
  • 2758 total stargazers

June 4, 2020

Notable changes

  • The following data point has been removed:
    • (#6244)
  • The following data has been moved (#6235):
    • javascript.operators.logical.and -> javascript.operators.logical_and
    • javascript.operators.logical.or -> javascript.operators.logical_or
    • javascript.operators.logical.not -> javascript.operators.logical_not


  • 15 contributors have changed 45 files with 1304 additions and 498 deletions in 22 commits (v1.0.23...v1.0.24)
  • 12129 total features
  • 629 total contributors
  • 2741 total stargazers

May 28, 2020

Notable changes

  • The following irrelevant features have been removed:
    • javascript.builtins.String.quote (#6207)
    • javascript.builtins.String.replace.flags (#6206)
    • api.LocalFileSystem and api.LocalFileSystemSync (#6163)


  • 11 contributors have changed 32 files with 1260 additions and 621 deletions in 21 commits (v1.0.22...v1.0.23)
  • 12123 total features
  • 628 total contributors
  • 2726 total stargazers

May 21, 2020

Notable changes

  • The following irrelevant features have been removed:
    • javascript.builtins.Date.toLocaleFormat (#6183)
    • javascript.builtins.String.match.flags (#6184)
    • javascript.statements.try_catch.conditional_clauses (#6192)
  • javascript.statements.default.exports has moved to javascript.statements.exports.default (see #5869).
  • A new guideline for how Permissions API permissions data is stored has been accepted and the descriptions have been fixed, see mdn#6156.


  • 14 contributors have changed 47 files with 806 additions and 541 deletions in 38 commits (v1.0.21...v1.0.22)
  • 12122 total features
  • 627 total contributors
  • 2714 total stargazers

May 14, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 16 contributors have changed 87 files with 1221 additions and 498 deletions in 26 commits (v1.0.20...v1.0.21)
  • 12118 total features
  • 623 total contributors
  • 2702 total stargazers

May 7, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 45 files with 1911 additions and 241 deletions in 35 commits (v1.0.19...v1.0.20)
  • 12092 total features
  • 621 total contributors
  • 2690 total stargazers

April 30, 2020

Notable changes

  • A new guideline for deleting irrelevant data is now in place. (mdn#6018)


  • 12 contributors have changed 39 files with 1930 additions and 1264 deletions in 24 commits (v1.0.18...v1.0.19)
  • 12068 total features
  • 619 total contributors
  • 2681 total stargazers

April 23, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 23 contributors have changed 31 files with 1346 additions and 488 deletions in 42 commits (v1.0.17...v1.0.18)
  • 12053 total features
  • 615 total contributors
  • 2670 total stargazers

April 9, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 8 contributors have changed 45 files with 529 additions and 504 deletions in 29 commits (v1.0.16...v1.0.17)
  • 12043 total features
  • 601 total contributors
  • 2642 total stargazers

April 2, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 16 contributors have changed 140 files with 3214 additions and 1517 deletions in 39 commits (v1.0.15...v1.0.16)
  • 12040 total features
  • 600 total contributors
  • 2634 total stargazers

March 26, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 12 contributors have changed 55 files with 1332 additions and 323 deletions in 17 commits (v1.0.14...v1.0.15)
  • 12007 total features
  • 597 total contributors
  • 2625 total stargazers

March 23, 2020

Notable changes

  • Besides regular data updates, this release contains a fix for a bug introduced in the last release (1.0.13). Support was changed Node versions <10.0.0 and it is now restored support to Node versions ≥8.0.0. See #5852 and #5863.


  • 5 contributors have changed 37 files with 824 additions and 247 deletions in 8 commits (v1.0.13...v1.0.14)
  • 12003 total features
  • 597 total contributors
  • 2619 total stargazers

March 19, 2020

Warning: This release contains a breaking change for Node versions <10.0.0. The next patch release restores support to Node versions ≥8.0.0 See #5852 and #5863.

Notable changes

  • None


  • 16 contributors have changed 64 files with 2443 additions and 1399 deletions in 30 commits (v1.0.12...v1.0.13)
  • 11991 total features
  • 595 total contributors
  • 2611 total stargazers

March 12, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 8 contributors have changed 20 files with 445 additions and 375 deletions in 13 commits (v1.0.11...v1.0.12)
  • 11969 total features
  • 591 total contributors
  • 2597 total stargazers

March 5, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 8 contributors have changed 19 files with 1581 additions and 515 deletions in 16 commits (v1.0.10...v1.0.11)
  • 11968 total features
  • 590 total contributors
  • 2583 total stargazers

February 27, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 50 files with 724 additions and 319 deletions in 29 commits (v1.0.9...v1.0.10)
  • 11953 total features
  • 590 total contributors
  • 2566 total stargazers

February 20, 2020

Notable changes

  • Edge compat data has been updated throughout due to engine change (see mdn#5214)


  • 11 contributors have changed 1264 files with 10265 additions and 7001 deletions in 34 commits (v1.0.8...v1.0.9)
  • 11949 total features
  • 586 total contributors
  • 2546 total stargazers

February 13, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 12 contributors have changed 114 files with 7954 additions and 5973 deletions in 37 commits (v1.0.7...v1.0.8)
  • 11935 total features
  • 584 total contributors
  • 2538 total stargazers

February 13, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 327 files with 3039 additions and 2724 deletions in 65 commits (v1.0.6...v1.0.7)
  • 11887 total features
  • 581 total contributors
  • 2529 total stargazers

January 23, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 13 contributors have changed 45 files with 1139 additions and 547 deletions in 30 commits (v1.0.5...v1.0.6)
  • 11887 total features
  • 576 total contributors
  • 2505 total stargazers

January 16, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 12 contributors have changed 99 files with 1409 additions and 1941 deletions in 34 commits (v1.0.4...v1.0.5)
  • 11876 total features
  • 575 total contributors
  • 2488 total stargazers

January 9, 2020

Notable changes

  • None


  • 18 contributors have changed 240 files with 3938 additions and 1330 deletions in 96 commits (v1.0.3...v1.0.4)
  • 11886 total features
  • 572 total contributors
  • 2480 total stargazers

December 19, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10 contributors have changed 339 files with 3,745 additions and 758 deletions in 29 commits (v1.0.2...v1.0.3)
  • 11,875 total features
  • 567 total contributors
  • 2,451 total stargazers

December 12, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 17 contributors have changed 742 files with 7115 additions and 3324 deletions in 41 commits (v1.0.1...v1.0.2)
  • 11859 total features
  • 565 total contributors
  • 2434 total stargazers

December 4, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 19 contributors have changed 258 files with 2499 additions and 1656 deletions in 68 commits (v1.0.0...v1.0.1)
  • 11849 total features
  • 560 total contributors
  • 2420 total stargazers

November 21, 2019

The mdn-browser-compat-data 1.0.0 release is a non-breaking release! It is the 100th release of fresh compat data brought to you by the MDN team at Mozilla.

From now on: we're guaranteeing data structure stability and any changes to how the data is exposed will be communicated using minor and major version bumps. Compatibility data will still be continuously updated on a weekly basis and the patch version will be used if data-only updates happened. So, you can expect a 1.0.1 release next week.


  • 18 contributors have changed 306 files with 2117 additions and 1024 deletions in 42 commits (v0.0.99...v1.0.0)
  • 11827 total features
  • 556 total contributors
  • 2381 total stargazers

November 14, 2019

Notable changes

Next week (on 21st November 2019), we will release version 1.0.0 (instead of 0.0.100). Please make sure your package.json semver query takes this into account! (see also npm semver calculator at

There are no breaking changes in 1.0.0. It is just that we should finally use semver correctly and call it a 1.0.0 :)


  • 21 contributors have changed 258 files with 5801 additions and 2130 deletions in 66 commits (v0.0.98...v0.0.99)
  • 11824 total features
  • 549 total contributors
  • 2357 total stargazers

October 24, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 12 contributors have changed 56 files with 1528 additions and 573 deletions in 27 commits (v0.0.97...v0.0.98)
  • 11801 total features
  • 543 total contributors
  • 2312 total stargazers

October 17, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 18 contributors have changed 104 files with 737 additions and 451 deletions in 38 commits (v0.0.96...v0.0.97)
  • 11789 total features
  • 540 total contributors
  • 2299 total stargazers

October 10, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 76 files with 1267 additions and 552 deletions in 37 commits (v0.0.95...v0.0.96)
  • 11777 total features
  • 534 total contributors
  • 2279 total stargazers

October 2, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 27 contributors have changed 79 files with 2562 additions and 878 deletions in 55 commits (v0.0.94...v0.0.95)
  • 11768 total features
  • 530 total contributors
  • 2262 total stargazers

September 12, 2019

Notable changes


  • 12 contributors have changed 119 files with 11912 additions and 663 deletions in 37 commits (v0.0.93...v0.0.94)
  • 11734 total features
  • 523 total contributors
  • 2177 total stargazers

September 5, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10 contributors have changed 257 files with 11539 additions and 8922 deletions in 45 commits (v0.0.92...v0.0.93)
  • 11716 total features
  • 519 total contributors
  • 2128 total stargazers

August 29, 2019

Notable changes

  • We now have 100% CSS data coverage for major browsers (#3710)


  • 12 contributors have changed 665 files with 32134 additions and 28865 deletions in 48 commits (v0.0.91...v0.0.92)
  • 11674 total features
  • 518 total contributors
  • 2114 total stargazers

August 22, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 20 contributors have changed 117 files with 1304 additions and 761 deletions in 53 commits (v0.0.90...v0.0.91)
  • 11625 total features
  • 514 total contributors
  • 2101 total stargazers

August 15, 2019

Notable changes

  • The data now includes a range version for webview_android ("≤37" is now a valid version) (#4583)


  • 10 contributors have changed 178 files with 1039 additions and 623 deletions in 29 commits (v0.0.89...v0.0.90)
  • 11618 total features
  • 504 total contributors
  • 2096 total stargazers

August 8, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 12 contributors have changed 24 files with 1266 additions and 295 deletions in 20 commits (v0.0.88...v0.0.89)
  • 11615 total features
  • 502 total contributors
  • 2081 total stargazers

August 1, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 21 contributors have changed 58 files with 1144 additions and 291 deletions in 37 commits (v0.0.87...v0.0.88)
  • 11597 total features
  • 499 total contributors
  • 2059 total stargazers

July 18, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 75 files with 890 additions and 874 deletions in 25 commits (v0.0.86...v0.0.87)
  • 11582 total features
  • 492 total contributors
  • 2028 total stargazers

July 11, 2019

Notable changes

  • We've removed data for the discontinued Windows Mobile version of Edge. See #3888 for details.


  • 20 contributors have changed 1472 files with 3801 additions and 25324 deletions in 76 commits (v0.0.85...v0.0.86)
  • 11587 total features
  • 490 total contributors
  • 2018 total stargazers

June 27, 2019

Notable changes

  • We've started the process of removing data for the discontinued Windows Mobile version of Edge. See #3888 for details.


  • 11,571 total features
  • 25 contributors have changed 196 files with 4,915 additions and 5,689 deletions in 64 commits (v0.0.84...v0.0.85)
  • 481 total contributors
  • 1,980 total stargazers

June 13, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10 contributors have changed 493 files with 879 additions and 5364 deletions in 23 commits (v0.0.83...v0.0.84)
  • 11543 total features
  • 470 total contributors
  • 1945 total stargazers

June 6, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 15 contributors have changed 63 files with 1380 additions and 231 deletions in 20 commits (v0.0.82...v0.0.83)
  • 11530 total features
  • 469 total contributors
  • 1930 total stargazers

May 30, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 11 contributors have changed 44 files with 1686 additions and 162 deletions in 14 commits (v0.0.81...v0.0.82)
  • 11513 total features
  • 461 total contributors
  • 1915 total stargazers

May 23, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 17 contributors have changed 122 files with 1216 additions and 603 deletions in 27 commits (v0.0.80...v0.0.81)
  • 11479 total features
  • 456 total contributors
  • 1884 total stargazers

May 16, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 14 contributors have changed 97 files with 5670 additions and 2427 deletions in 43 commits (v0.0.79...v0.0.80)
  • 11470 total features
  • 452 total contributors
  • 1865 total stargazers

May 9, 2019

Notable changes

  • browser release exports now also contain engine information (#3877)


  • 13 contributors have changed 220 files with 3469 additions and 1425 deletions in 56 commits (v0.0.78...v0.0.79)
  • 11413 total features
  • 449 total contributors
  • 1839 total stargazers

May 2, 2019

Notable changes

  • nodejs 6 was EOL'ed, so this package now requires nodejs 8. (#4034)


  • 19 contributors have changed 247 files with 3565 additions and 1683 deletions in 62 commits (v0.0.77...v0.0.78)
  • 11406 total features
  • 444 total contributors
  • 1805 total stargazers

April 25, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 16 contributors have changed 290 files with 3986 additions and 2220 deletions in 61 commits (v0.0.76...v0.0.77)
  • 11380 total features
  • 433 total contributors
  • 1789 total stargazers

April 18, 2019

Notable changes

  • Updated TypeScript definitions (mdn#3739)


  • 15 contributors have changed 286 files with 4802 additions and 1763 deletions in 63 commits (v0.0.75...v0.0.76)
  • 428 total contributors
  • 1771 total stargazers
  • 11348 total features

April 11, 2019

Notable changes

  • A document describing the repo's governance has been added (#3668)
  • Opera Android data is now validated against actual release versions (#1712)
  • The flag of type compile_flag has been removed from the schema (#3752)


  • 20 contributors have changed 818 files with 9663 additions and 5528 deletions in 47 commits (v0.0.74...v0.0.75)
  • 11297 total features
  • 424 total contributors
  • 1755 total stargazers

April 4, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 14 contributors have changed 271 files with 4731 additions and 2474 deletions in 32 commits (v0.0.73...v0.0.74)
  • 11251 total features
  • 414 total contributors
  • 1735 total stargazers

March 28, 2019

Notable changes


  • 21 contributors have changed 187 files with 3649 additions and 2230 deletions in 55 commits (v0.0.72...v0.0.73)
  • 11210 total features
  • 409 total contributors
  • 1718 total stargazers

March 21, 2019

Notable changes

  • The year goal for the data quality of this data set has been agreed on and will be measured regularly. See mdn#3555 for details.


  • 11196 total features
  • 18 contributors have changed 39 files with 3718 additions and 627 deletions in 29 commits (v0.0.71...v0.0.72)
  • 402 total contributors
  • 1700 total stargazers

March 14, 2019

Notable changes

  • version_added is now required to be different from version_removed (#3546)


  • 11,141 total features
  • 15 contributors have changed 103 files with 7,244 additions and 2,265 deletions in 35 commits (v0.0.70...v0.0.71)
  • 398 total contributors
  • 1,689 total stargazers

March 7, 2019

Notable changes

  • Total number features for which we have compat data is now above 11,000. \o/
  • If you're using this project in TypeScript, this PR might affect you: mdn#3004


  • 13 contributors have changed 97 files with 5311 additions and 1172 deletions in 23 commits (v0.0.69...v0.0.70)
  • 11043 total features
  • 394 total contributors
  • 1671 total stargazers

February 28, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10975 total features
  • 16 contributors have changed 102 files with 4135 additions and 1372 deletions in 42 commits (v0.0.68...v0.0.69)
  • 390 total contributors
  • 1653 total stargazers

February 21, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10913 total features
  • 18 contributors have changed 86 files with 7487 additions and 1247 deletions in 36 commits (v0.0.67...v0.0.68)
  • 383 total contributors
  • 1635 total stargazers

February 14, 2019

Notable changes

  • Browser data schema now supports pref_url to document where flags are changed (#3407)
  • Desktop browsers are now required in support objects (#3413, #3419)
  • Node 6 is now documented as the minimum Node version required for the package (#3428)


  • 10,799 total features
  • 16 contributors have changed 247 files with 5,045 additions and 2,359 deletions in 28 commits (v0.0.66...v0.0.67)
  • 374 total contributors
  • 1,617 total stargazers

February 7, 2019

Notable changes

  • Browsers now need to be sorted alphabetically in the data (mdn#1882)
  • WebKit bug URLs are now consistent (mdn#3371)
  • The linter now ensures that version_added is earlier than version_removed (mdn#3370)


  • 10779 total features
  • 18 contributors have changed 138 files with 1624 additions and 1029 deletions in 34 commits (v0.0.65...v0.0.66)
  • 369 total contributors
  • 1601 total stargazers

January 31, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10769 total features
  • 15 contributors have changed 23 files with 889 additions and 364 deletions in 19 commits (v0.0.64...v0.0.65)
  • 362 total contributors
  • 1585 total stargazers

January 24, 2019

Notable changes

  • None


  • 10763 total features
  • 18 contributors have changed 106 files with 4490 additions and 1601 deletions in 49 commits (v0.0.62...v0.0.64)
  • 357 total contributors
  • 1572 total stargazers

January 17, 2019

Notable changes

  • Generating these release notes has been partly automated (#3199)


  • 10740 total features
  • 9 contributors have changed 32 files with 2032 additions and 613 deletions in 21 commits (v0.0.62...v0.0.63)
  • 353 total contributors
  • 1536 total stargazers

January 10, 2019

Notable changes

  • Descriptions in compat-data schema have been cleaned up mdn#3100
  • Line ending inconsistencies are fixed mdn#3231
  • ajv has been updated, and ajv-better-errors has been added resulting in having the linter print better error messages mdn#2338
  • Edge Mobile 16/17/18 has been removed mdn#3117
  • Add new field "spec_url" has been added and populated for JavaScript data mdn#2983
  • The schema has been made more consistent so a single note isn’t inside an array mdn#3090
  • A new linting rule has been added so that some browsers can't be used in specific categories anymore (e.g. no Samsung in WebExtensions data) mdn#2487


  • 10720 total features
  • 33 contributors have changed 288 files with 5655 additions and 3391 deletions in 61 commits (v0.0.61...v0.0.62)
  • 352 total contributors
  • 1527 total stargazers

December 20, 2018

Notable changes

  • Added documentation for using Web API Confluence to update data (#3167)


  • 10609 total features
  • 10 contributors have changed 27 files with 3384 additions and 180 deletions in 21 commits (v0.0.60...v0.0.61)
  • 337 total contributors
  • 1493 total stargazers

December 13, 2018

Notable changes

  • The publishing procedures have been updated (#3158)
  • A GitHub PR template has been added (#3208)


  • 26 contributors have changed 62 files with 1977 additons and 353 deletions in 42 commits (v0.0.59...v0.0.60)
  • 336 total contributors
  • 1490 total stargazers
  • 10627 total features

November 26, 2018

Notable changes:

  • None


  • 13 contributors have changed 50 files with 1,988 additions and 2,056 deletions in 34 commits v0.0.58...v0.0.59
  • 327 total contributors
  • 1464 total stargazers

November 8, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Use yargs to parse the arguments passed to the linter (#2155)
  • Sort browsers in api/* json files (#3049)


  • 11 contributors have changed 616 files with 14,578 additions and 12,345 deletions in 17 commits v0.0.57...v0.0.58
  • 324 total contributors
  • 1412 total stargazers

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Add a VS Code snippet config for creating new BCD files (#2939)
  • Make the lint output less verbose by adding ora (#2528)


  • 20 contributors have changed 37 files with 1,427 additions and 593 deletions in 25 commits v0.0.56...v0.0.57

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • None


  • 13 contributors changed 34 files with 1,015 additions and 104 deletions in 16 commits v0.0.55...v0.0.56
  • 310 total contributors
  • 1383 total stargazers
  • 10559 total features

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • None


  • 21 contributors changed 52 files with 1,103 additions and 519 deletions in 39 commits v0.0.54...v0.0.55

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Sort browsers in css/* json files (#2922)
  • Add descriptions to schema properties (#2923)


  • 14 contributors changed 468 files with 5,777 additions and 3,377 deletions in 23 commits v0.0.53...v0.0.54

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Add json schema data to the .vscode/settings.json file (#2905)
  • Sort browsers for html/* (#2900)
  • Sort browsers for javascript/* (#2898)
  • Sort browsers for http/* (#2899)
  • Sort browsers for svg/* (#2897)
  • Sort browsers for webdriver/* (#2896)


  • 19 contributors have changed 524 files with 11,065 additions and 7,262 deletions in 37 commits v0.0.52...v0.0.53
  • 291 total contributors
  • 1330 total stargazers
  • 10495 total features

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Add webview_android browser data (#2690)


  • 21 contributors changed 211 files with 6,604 additions and 1,276 deletions in 50 commits v0.0.51...v0.0.52
  • 283 total contributors
  • 1317 total stargazers
  • 10443 total features

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • None


  • 17 contributors changed 63 files with 3,676 additions and 747 deletions in 47 commits v0.0.50...v0.0.51
  • 277 total contributors
  • 1285 total stargazers
  • 10378 total features

November 9, 2018

Notable changes:

  • None


  • 22 contributors changed 62 files with 2,110 additions and 448 deletions in 51 commits v0.0.49...v0.0.50
  • 273 total contributors
  • 1263 total stargazers
  • 10324 total features

November 8, 2018

Notable changes:

  • Standardized bugzilla bug link format. (#2511)

Releases before v0.0.45 were published without release notes. Review the version history instead.