This breakout session provides time for you to complete, and discuss a survey that will inform the design of URSSI.
The broader goals of the survey are:
- To better understand current scientific software development and management practices, and identify barriers to sustainable scientific software.
- To identify ways that URSSI might help address existing barriers and support emerging practices
- Please break into small groups of no more than 8 people. If you have more than 8 people, break into multiple groups that independently discuss the survey.
- Complete the draft survey individually. Be sure to take notes where you think the survey might be improved or where you may have been confused by a question's wording.
- This Google Doc has a copy of all questions if you want to refer to them during discussion. Also, if you have specific comments on a question, you can make them in that document.
- Once your group has individually completed the survey, as in previous discussions, please designate a moderator, a note taker, and a reporter.
- The moderator should make sure that everyone has a chance to speak and no one person dominates the discussion. Also please pay attention to the code of conduct.
- The note takers should take notes in a Google doc with help from everyone in the group.
- The reporter can be a third person, or can be the same as the moderator or note taker.
- Please create a google doc under your account
- Make it writable by anyone with the link
- Paste in the link to your doc into this sheet:
Breakout session: Survey Discussion
Discussion topic: Survey Design
Note taker:
Group members:
Please address these topics in your discussion (moderators please make sure that there is enough time to cover all three before the session ends)
1. What questions, if any, were confusing or unclear? What edits or changes in wording would be helpful?
2. Are there any topics missing? What would you add to this survey to inform the future design of URSSI?
3. What groups should receive this survey (if possible, please provide mailing lists or contact information for a group / community)
4. What topics should be adddressed in an annual survey about sustainable scientific software development practices? (e.g. Think a StackOverflow annual survey for URSSI)
- Reporters should be prepared to summarize the main points of the group discussion, including the above topics, after the breakout (5 minutes/group)