达世币的匿名性保证了买卖双方的不可见(一般情况),而它使用混币池技术来实现匿名性也算是一个不错的尝试。混币池优点是如果混合的数量足够多,那么苏匿名的安全性还是很高的, 缺点是主节点有中心化的趋势。
在达世币中,大约具有2400个生效的主节点,由于它使用了和比特币类似的机制,所以需要掌握大约百分之五十的算力才攻击整个网络,而每个主节点大约需要1000 DASH担保。如果想控制整个网络还是需要很大的代价的。
class CTxDSIn : public CTxIn
// memory only
CScript prevPubKey;
bool fHasSig; // flag to indicate if signed
int nSentTimes; //times we've sent this anonymously
// 混币池的记录(条目)数据结构
class CDarkSendEntry
std::vector<CTxDSIn> vecTxDSIn;
std::vector<CTxOut> vecTxOut;
CTransaction txCollateral;
// memory only
CService addr;
bool AddScriptSig(const CTxIn& txin);
class CDarksendQueue
int nDenom;
CTxIn vin;
int64_t nTime;
bool fReady; //ready for submit
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
// memory only
bool fTried;
/** 混币交易的帮助类
class CDarksendBroadcastTx
// memory only
// when corresponding tx is 0-confirmed or conflicted, nConfirmedHeight is -1
int nConfirmedHeight;
CTransaction tx;
CTxIn vin;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
int64_t sigTime;
class CPrivateSendBase
mutable CCriticalSection cs_darksend;
std::vector<CDarksendQueue> vecDarksendQueue;
std::vector<CDarkSendEntry> vecEntries; // Masternode/clients entries
PoolState nState; // should be one of the POOL_STATE_XXX values
int64_t nTimeLastSuccessfulStep; // the time when last successful mixing step was performed, in UTC milliseconds
int nSessionID; // 0 if no mixing session is active
CMutableTransaction finalMutableTransaction; // the finalized transaction ready for signing
void SetNull();
void CheckQueue();
int nSessionDenom; //Users must submit an denom matching this
CPrivateSendBase() { SetNull(); }
int GetQueueSize() const { return vecDarksendQueue.size(); }
int GetState() const { return nState; }
std::string GetStateString() const;
int GetEntriesCount() const { return vecEntries.size(); }
class CPrivateSend
static const CAmount COLLATERAL = 0.001 * COIN;
// static members
static std::vector<CAmount> vecStandardDenominations;
static std::map<uint256, CDarksendBroadcastTx> mapDSTX;
static CCriticalSection cs_mapdstx;
static void CheckDSTXes(int nHeight);
static void InitStandardDenominations();
static std::vector<CAmount> GetStandardDenominations() { return vecStandardDenominations; }
static CAmount GetSmallestDenomination() { return vecStandardDenominations.back(); }
static int GetDenominationsByAmounts(const std::vector<CAmount>& vecAmount);
static bool IsDenominatedAmount(CAmount nInputAmount);
/// Get the denominations for a list of outputs (returns a bitshifted integer)
static int GetDenominations(const std::vector<CTxOut>& vecTxOut, bool fSingleRandomDenom = false);
static std::string GetDenominationsToString(int nDenom);
static bool GetDenominationsBits(int nDenom, std::vector<int> &vecBitsRet);
static std::string GetMessageByID(PoolMessage nMessageID);
/// 获取混币交易池的最大数量
static int GetMaxPoolTransactions() { return Params().PoolMaxTransactions(); }
static CAmount GetMaxPoolAmount() { return vecStandardDenominations.empty() ? 0 : PRIVATESEND_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE * vecStandardDenominations.front(); }
static bool IsCollateralValid(const CTransaction& txCollateral);
static CAmount GetCollateralAmount() { return COLLATERAL; }
static CAmount GetMaxCollateralAmount() { return COLLATERAL*4; }
static bool IsCollateralAmount(CAmount nInputAmount);
static void AddDSTX(const CDarksendBroadcastTx& dstx);
static CDarksendBroadcastTx GetDSTX(const uint256& hash);
static void UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *pindex);
static void SyncTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlock* pblock);
/** A mutable version of CTransaction. */
struct CMutableTransaction
int32_t nVersion;
std::vector<CTxIn> vin;
std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
uint32_t nLockTime;
CMutableTransaction(const CTransaction& tx);
class CPrivateSendClient : public CPrivateSendBase
// Keep track of the used Masternodes
std::vector<COutPoint> vecMasternodesUsed;
std::vector<CAmount> vecDenominationsSkipped;
std::vector<COutPoint> vecOutPointLocked;
int nCachedLastSuccessBlock;
int nMinBlocksToWait; // how many blocks to wait after one successful mixing tx in non-multisession mode
// Keep track of current block height
int nCachedBlockHeight;
int nEntriesCount;
bool fLastEntryAccepted;
std::string strLastMessage;
std::string strAutoDenomResult;
masternode_info_t infoMixingMasternode;
CMutableTransaction txMyCollateral; // client side collateral
CKeyHolderStorage keyHolderStorage; // storage for keys used in PrepareDenominate
/// Check for process
void CheckPool();
void CompletedTransaction(PoolMessage nMessageID);
bool IsDenomSkipped(CAmount nDenomValue) {
return std::find(vecDenominationsSkipped.begin(), vecDenominationsSkipped.end(), nDenomValue) != vecDenominationsSkipped.end();
bool WaitForAnotherBlock();
// Make sure we have enough keys since last backup
bool CheckAutomaticBackup();
bool JoinExistingQueue(CAmount nBalanceNeedsAnonymized, CConnman& connman);
bool StartNewQueue(CAmount nValueMin, CAmount nBalanceNeedsAnonymized, CConnman& connman);
/// Create denominations
bool CreateDenominated(CConnman& connman);
bool CreateDenominated(const CompactTallyItem& tallyItem, bool fCreateMixingCollaterals, CConnman& connman);
/// Split up large inputs or make fee sized inputs
bool MakeCollateralAmounts(CConnman& connman);
bool MakeCollateralAmounts(const CompactTallyItem& tallyItem, bool fTryDenominated, CConnman& connman);
/// As a client, submit part of a future mixing transaction to a Masternode to start the process
bool SubmitDenominate(CConnman& connman);
/// step 1: prepare denominated inputs and outputs
bool PrepareDenominate(int nMinRounds, int nMaxRounds, std::string& strErrorRet, std::vector<CTxDSIn>& vecTxDSInRet, std::vector<CTxOut>& vecTxOutRet);
/// step 2: send denominated inputs and outputs prepared in step 1
bool SendDenominate(const std::vector<CTxDSIn>& vecTxDSIn, const std::vector<CTxOut>& vecTxOut, CConnman& connman);
/// Get Masternode updates about the progress of mixing
bool CheckPoolStateUpdate(PoolState nStateNew, int nEntriesCountNew, PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, PoolMessage nMessageID, int nSessionIDNew=0);
// Set the 'state' value, with some logging and capturing when the state changed
void SetState(PoolState nStateNew);
/// As a client, check and sign the final transaction
bool SignFinalTransaction(const CTransaction& finalTransactionNew, CNode* pnode, CConnman& connman);
void RelayIn(const CDarkSendEntry& entry, CConnman& connman);
void SetNull();
int nPrivateSendRounds;
int nPrivateSendAmount;
int nLiquidityProvider;
bool fEnablePrivateSend;
bool fPrivateSendMultiSession;
int nCachedNumBlocks; //used for the overview screen
bool fCreateAutoBackups; //builtin support for automatic backups
CPrivateSendClient() :
fCreateAutoBackups(true) { SetNull(); }
void ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv, CConnman& connman);
void ClearSkippedDenominations() { vecDenominationsSkipped.clear(); }
void SetMinBlocksToWait(int nMinBlocksToWaitIn) { nMinBlocksToWait = nMinBlocksToWaitIn; }
void ResetPool();
void UnlockCoins();
std::string GetStatus();
bool GetMixingMasternodeInfo(masternode_info_t& mnInfoRet);
bool IsMixingMasternode(const CNode* pnode);
/// Passively run mixing in the background according to the configuration in settings
bool DoAutomaticDenominating(CConnman& connman, bool fDryRun=false);
void CheckTimeout();
void UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *pindex);
class CPrivateSendServer : public CPrivateSendBase
// Mixing uses collateral transactions to trust parties entering the pool
// to behave honestly. If they don't it takes their money.
std::vector<CTransaction> vecSessionCollaterals;
bool fUnitTest;
/// Add a clients entry to the pool将交易添加到混币池
bool AddEntry(const CDarkSendEntry& entryNew, PoolMessage& nMessageIDRet);
/// Add signature to a txin
bool AddScriptSig(const CTxIn& txin);
/// Charge fees to bad actors (Charge clients a fee if they're abusive)
void ChargeFees(CConnman& connman);
/// Rarely charge fees to pay miners
void ChargeRandomFees(CConnman& connman);
/// Check for process
void CheckPool(CConnman& connman);
void CreateFinalTransaction(CConnman& connman);
void CommitFinalTransaction(CConnman& connman);
// 是否接受交易的抵押?
bool IsAcceptableDenomAndCollateral(int nDenom, CTransaction txCollateral, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet);
bool CreateNewSession(int nDenom, CTransaction txCollateral, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet, CConnman& connman);
bool AddUserToExistingSession(int nDenom, CTransaction txCollateral, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet);
/// Do we have enough users to take entries?
bool IsSessionReady() { return (int)vecSessionCollaterals.size() >= CPrivateSend::GetMaxPoolTransactions(); }
/// Check that all inputs are signed. (Are all inputs signed?)
bool IsSignaturesComplete();
/// Check to make sure a given input matches an input in the pool and its scriptSig is valid
bool IsInputScriptSigValid(const CTxIn& txin);
/// Are these outputs compatible with other client in the pool?
bool IsOutputsCompatibleWithSessionDenom(const std::vector<CTxOut>& vecTxOut);
// Set the 'state' value, with some logging and capturing when the state changed
void SetState(PoolState nStateNew);
/// Relay mixing Messages
void RelayFinalTransaction(const CTransaction& txFinal, CConnman& connman);
void PushStatus(CNode* pnode, PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, PoolMessage nMessageID, CConnman& connman);
void RelayStatus(PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, CConnman& connman, PoolMessage nMessageID = MSG_NOERR);
void RelayCompletedTransaction(PoolMessage nMessageID, CConnman& connman);
void SetNull();
CPrivateSendServer() :
fUnitTest(false) { SetNull(); }
void ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv, CConnman& connman);
void CheckTimeout(CConnman& connman);
void CheckForCompleteQueue(CConnman& connman);