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Various types of configuration parameters explained with their types, descriptions, and default values

Configuration Parameters

This document describes the various configuration parameters for the config.yaml file. You can fine-tune them to suit your application's needs.

{% hint style="info" %} These configuration parameters are also applicable for the config.toml file, in case you have an older RudderStack deployment. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="success" %} To best understand some of the terms covered in this guide, we recommend going through the RudderStack architecture first. {% endhint %}

Global Parameters

Parameter name Type Description Default value
maxProcess Int Number of parallel threads used in server. Should be set to number of cores. 12
gwDBRetention String The time for which the events are stored in the Gateway database after they have been processed. Examples: 1h, 30m, 35s, etc. 0h
routerDBRetention String The time for which the events are stored in the Router database after they have been processed. Examples: 1h, 30m, 45s, etc. 0h
enableProcessor Boolean This variable enables or disables the Processor module. It will be set to false when running in Degraded mode. true
enableRouter Boolean This variable enables or disables the Router module. Will be set to false when running in Degraded mode. true
enableStats Boolean This variable enables or disables stats. true

{% hint style="info" %} For more information on the Processor, Gateway, and Router modules of the RudderStack backend, refer to the Architecture. {% endhint %}


Parameter name Type Description Default value
webPort Int The port on which the RudderStack server runs. 8080
maxUserWebRequestWorkerProcess Int RudderStack spawns this specified number of processes to consume the events at a user level. 64
maxDBWriterProcess Int As requests come in to the Gateway and are batched, RudderStack runs the maxDBWriterProcess writers to send these batches to the database and the Configuration Backend. 256
CustomVal String For the creation of a job in the backend PostgreSQL database (jobsDB), the value of this variable will be assigned to the CustomVal column. GW
maxBatchSize Int The batch size used in the Gateway. The requests are batched up to this size before writing to the database. 32
batchTimeout String In case the request batches do not meet the maxBatchSize, the batches are are sent to the database and the Configuration Backend in this interval. 20ms
maxReqSizeInKB Int An error message ("Request size exceeds max limit") is thrown for a particular request is when its size in KB crosses this value_._ 4000
enableDedup Boolean Enables or disables deduplication of events. RudderStack uses message_id to de-dup. The duplicate events are dropped at the Gateway. false
dedupWindow String Events with the same message_id within this timeframe are considered duplicate and are dropped. 3600s
enableRateLimit Boolean Rate limits the number of requests accepted by the Gateway. This is used for running the RudderStack-hosted service. false


Parameter name Type Description Default value
disableEventUploads Boolean Enables or disables the event schema upload. false
maxBatchSize Int The maximum size of the live events batch sent to the Configuration Backend. 32
maxESQueueSize Int The maximum size of the live events queue in the memory. 1024
maxRetry Int The maximum number of attempts RudderStack makes to upload the request batches, in case of any errors. 3
batchTimeout String In case the request batches do not meet the maxBatchSize, the request batches are uploaded to Configuration Backend in this time interval. 2s
retrySleep String In case of errors while uploading the request batches, RudderStack waits for this time interval before retrying. This is done until the maxRetry limit is reached. 100ms


Parameter name Type Description Default value
jobDoneMigrateThres Float64 If (deletedJobsCount / totalJobsCount) > jobDoneMigrateThres, RudderStack migrates the table of the jobs that have been processed. 0.8
jobStatusMigrateThres Float64

If (statusCount / totalCount) > jobStatusMigrateThres,

RudderStack migrates the table of jobs that have been processed.

maxDSSize Int The maximum size of a table. If the maximum size is reached, RudderStack migrates all the jobs in that table. 100000
maxMigrateOnce Int The maximum number of tables that can be migrated together. 10
maxTableSizeInMB Int The maximum size of the tables in MB. The tables are migrated if they cross this limit. 300
migrateDSLoopSleepDuration String
The time RudderStack waits before migrating the datasets.
maxMigrateDSProbe Int64 The maximum number of tables probed to find if they can be migrated. 10
addNewDSLoopSleepDuration String The time RudderStack waits before adding a dataset. 5s
backupCheckSleepDuration String RudderStack waits for this time interval before checking if a dataset needs backing up. 5s
enableBackup Boolean Enables or disables the backup. This is set to false in the Degraded mode. true


Parameter name Type Description Default value
jobQueryBatchSize Int The size of a jobs batch to get from the database. This includes the retry list, processing list, unprocessed list, or executed list. 10000
updateStatusBatchSize Int The minimum size needed to update the status of a batch of jobs. 1000
readSleep String The time RudderStack waits before fetching the next jobs batch from the database, in case the length of unprocessed and retry list is 0. 1000ms
noOfWorkers Int RudderStack starts this number of workers to send events to the destinations. 64
noOfJobsPerChannel Int The number of jobs a channel in each worker can contain. 1000
maxSleep String The time to wait when the response status code is not 200. This is to give RudderStack some time before the next retry. 60s
minSleep String The time to sleep when the response status code is 200. 0s
maxStatusUpdateWait String The time to sleep before ending one round of stats collection. 5s
useTestSink Boolean Runs internal tests if set to true. false
maxFailedCountForJob Int The maximum number of times a job can fail before it is marked as aborted. 8
guaranteeUserEventOrder Boolean RudderStack maintains the order of user events if set to true. true
retryTimeWindow String The minimum retry window in case of 5XX, 429 errors. 180m
minRetryBackoff String The minimum time before the next retry in case of 5XX, 429 errors. 10s
maxRetryBackoff String The maximum allowed time between the errors in case of 5XX, 429 errors. 300s


Parameter name Type Description Default value
mainLoopSleep String The timeout while running the main loop. 2s
noOfWorkers Int The number of workers to batch jobs before deletion. 8
jobQueryBatchSize Int The number of events picked up from the batch router's database (Jobs DB) in each query. 100000
uploadFreq String The frequency with which the batch router dumps the events to the storage destinations. 30s
maxFailedCountForJob Int The maximum number of times a job can fail before marking it as aborted. 128


{% hint style="info" %} You can ignore these settings if you don't have any warehouse destinations configured in RudderStack. {% endhint %}

Parameter name Type Description Default value
stagingFilesTable String Table name of the staging files. wh_staging_files
loadFilesTable String Table name of load files. wh_load_files
uploadsTable String Table name of uploads. wh_uploads
schemasTable String Table name of schemas. wh_schemas
uploadFreq String The frequency of the upload in seconds. 1800s
noOfWorkers Int Number of concurrent writes to the warehouse. 8
mainLoopSleep String The time RudderStack waits between multiple warehouse writes. 5s
stagingFilesBatchSize Int The batch size of the staging files. 960


Variable name Type Description Default value
loopSleep String In case the length of the user jobs process queue is 0 or the unprocessed and retry list is empty, RudderStack sleeps for this specified time. 10ms
maxLoopSleep String Maximum loop sleep time for the Processor. 5000ms
dbReadBatchSize Int The total number of events to get as a batch from the database. 10000
transformBatchSize Int Batch size of the events added to the request queue before sending them for transformation. 100
userTransformBatchSize Int Batch size of the events added to request queue before sending them to the custom transformation server. Note: This is used only when a user transformation function is connected to a destination. 200
sessionThresholdEvents Int The minimum number of events needed to be process further. 20
sessionThreshold String The minimum time needed before a new session is created. 10s
maxChanSize Int The maximum channel size for the request and response queue in the transformer. 2048
processSessions Boolean If set to true, the status of the job in the database is updated. false
numTransformWorker Int Specifies the number of Go transform workers. 8
maxRetry Int The maximum number of times a transformer retries hitting the API in case of an error. 30
retrySleep String The sleep time in case of a transformer error while hitting the API, before retrying. 100ms


Variable name Type Description Default value
pollInterval String The frequency of updating data from the Configuration Backend. 5s
configFromFile Boolean When set to true, RudderStack reads the backend workspace configuration from a JSON file instead of fetching it from the API. false
configJSONPath String The path of the JSON file which contains the backend workspace configuration. /etc/rudderstack /workspaceConfig.json


Variable name Type Description Default value
eventLimit Int64 The maximum number of events to be allowed in a time interval. 1000
rateLimitWindow String The rolling time interval used to limit the allowed number of events. 60m
noOfBucketsInWindow Int32 The number of buckets rateLimitWindow is broken down into. 12


Parameter name Type Description Default value
enableDiagnosis Boolean RudderStack sends the server diagnostics report to the user. Disabling this will disable sending all diagnostics information. true
gatewayTimePeriod String The time interval to send the Gateway requests report 60s
routerTimePeriod String The time interval to send the Router requests report. 60s
batchRouterTimePeriod String The time interval to send the Batch router requests report. 10m
enableServerStartMetric Boolean Sends the server start event. true
enableConfigIdentifyMetric Boolean Sends the workspace config received event. true
enableServerStartedMetric Boolean Sends the successful server start event. true
enableConfigProcessedMetric Boolean Sends the workspace config details. true
enableGatewayMetric Boolean Sends the Gateway request metrics. true
enableRouterMetric Boolean Sends the Router request metrics. true
enableBatchRouterMetric Boolean Sends the Batch Router request metrics. true
enableDestinationFailuresMetric Boolean Sends the destination failures metrics. true

Contact Us

For more information on any of the configuration parameters discussed in this guide, you can contact us or start a conversation on our Slack channel.