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Detailed technical documentation on the RudderStack’s JavaScript SDK to send data from your website to your destinations via RudderStack


1. What is the RudderStack JavaScript SDK?

RudderStack's JavaScript SDK leverages the rudder-analytics.js library to track and send user events from your website to RudderStack. You can then further transform and route this event data to the destination platform of your choice.

2. Installing the RudderStack JavaScript SDK

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: To quickly get up and running with setting up and using the RudderStack JavaScript SDK, please go through our quick start guide. {% endhint %}

To integrate the RudderStack JavaScript SDK with your website, place either the minified or non-minified version of the code snippet in the <head> section of your website.

2.1. Minified Code

rudderanalytics=window.rudderanalytics=[];for(var methods=["load","page","track","identify","alias","group","ready","reset","getAnonymousId","setAnonymousId"],i=0;i<methods.length;i++){var method=methods[i];rudderanalytics[method]=function(a){return function(){rudderanalytics.push([a].concat(}}(method)}rudderanalytics.load(<YOUR_WRITE_KEY>,<DATA_PLANE_URL>),;

<script src=""></script>

{% hint style="info" %} You can find your source write key and the data plane URL on your RudderStack dashboard. {% endhint %}

Source write key and Data Plane URL

2.2. Non-minified Code

rudderanalytics = window.rudderanalytics = [];

var  methods = [

for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
    var method = methods[i];
    rudderanalytics[method] = function (methodName) {
        return function () {
rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL);
//For example,
//rudderanalytics.load("1Qb1F3jSWv0eKFBPZcrM7ypgjVo", "http://localhost:8080");;

<script src=""></script>

{% hint style="success" %} NOTE: The above code snippet will load rudder-analytics.js on to your page synchronously. To load the SDK asynchronously to keep your page load time unaffected, use the following instead:

<script async src=""></script> {% endhint %}

Combining the initialization and the above async script together, we get:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
!function(){var e=window.rudderanalytics=window.rudderanalytics||[];e.methods=["load","page","track","identify","alias","group","ready","reset","getAnonymousId","setAnonymousId"],e.factory=function(t){return function(){var;return r.unshift(t),e.push(r),e}};for(var t=0;t<e.methods.length;t++){var r=e.methods[t];e[r]=e.factory(r)}e.loadJS=function(e,t){var r=document.createElement("script");r.type="text/javascript",r.async=!0,r.src="";var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(r,a)},e.loadJS(),
 e.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL),}(); 

The above code snippet does the following:

  • Creates an array to store the events until the analytics object is ready.
  • Stores a list of methods to replay them when the analytics object is ready. These methods include:
Method Description
load() Loads rudderanalytics.js with your write key
page() Records page views whenever a user visits a page
track() Keeps track of user actions and important events
identify() Associates users and their traits or actions
reset() Resets the userid and the associated traits
  • Loads the analytics object with your write key.
  • Makes the page()call to track the page view. It auto-captures properties such as path, referrer, search, title, and URL. If you want to override them, use the call mentioned in the section JavaScript SDK APIs.

2.3. Alternative Installation

Although we recommend using the minified or non-minified snippet as mentioned above to use RudderStack SDK with your website, you can also use this NPM module to package RudderStack directly into your project.

To install, run the following command:

npm install rudder-sdk-js --save

{% hint style="info" %} This NPM module is only meant to be used for a browser installation. If you want to integrate RudderStack with your Node.js applications, please refer to the RudderStack Node.js repository. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Important: Since the module exports the related APIs on an already-defined object combined with the Node.js module caching, you should run the below code snippet only once and use the exported object throughout your project. {% endhint %}

import * as rudderanalytics from "rudder-sdk-js"
rudderanalytics.ready(() => {console.log("we are all set!!!")})
rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL)
export { rudderanalytics }

You can also do so with ES5, using the require method, as shown:

var rudderanalytics = require("rudder-sdk-js")
rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL)
exports.rudderanalytics  =  rudderanalytics

Please refer to the following projects for a detailed walk-through of the above steps:

{% hint style="info" %} The related APIs exported by the module are:

  • load
  • ready
  • identify
  • alias
  • page
  • track
  • group
  • reset
  • getAnonymousId
  • setAnonymousId {% endhint %}

2.4 Supported Browser Versions

Browser Supported Versions
Safari v7 or later
IE v10 or later
Edge v15 or later
Mozilla Firefox v40 or later
Chrome v37 or later
Opera v23 or later
Yandex v14.12 or later

{% hint style="info" %} If the SDK doesn't work on the versions you are targeting, verify if adding the browser polyfills to your application solves the issue. {% endhint %}

3. JavaScript SDK APIs

RudderStack’s JavaScript SDK makes it very easy for you to send your event data to any destination without having to implement a new API every single time.

Let us take a look at some of the key methods in this section:

3.1. Load

The load() method loads the rudderanalytics.js file with your write key.

The load()method is defined as follows:

rudderanalytics.load(<YOUR_WRITE_KEY>, <DATA_PLANE_URL>, options);

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: You need to replace <YOUR_WRITE_KEY> with the write key in the RudderStack Control Plane and <DATA_PLANE_URL> with the URL of the RudderStack Server. {% endhint %}

3.1.1. Load Options

The options parameter in the above load call looks like the following:

 logLevel: "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARN", 
 integrations: IntegrationOpts,
 configUrl: string,  // defaults to
 queueOptions: QueueOpts,
 loadIntegration: boolean // defaults to true.

It includes the following details:

Parameter Type Description
logLevel String Options include DEBUG, INFO, and WARN
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below.
configUrl String Defaults to You need to provide the server endpoint serving your destination configurations. sourceConfig is appended to this endpoint by the SDK.
queueOpts - Refer to QueueOpts
loadIntegration Boolean Defaults to true. If set to false, the destination SDKs are not fetched by the SDK. This is supported for Amplitude and Google Analytics.
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the Load IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

QueueOpts {
 maxRetryDelay: 360000, // Upper cap on maximum delay for an event
 minRetryDelay: 1000, // minimum delay before sending an event
 backoffFactor: 2, // exponentional base
 maxAttempts: 10, // max attempts
 maxItems: 100,  // max number of events in storage
Parameter Description
maxRetryDelay Corresponds to the upper limit on the maximum delay for an event. Default value is set as 36000ms.
minRetryDelay Corresponds to the minimum delay expected before sending an event. Default value is set to 1000ms.
backoffFactor Refers to the exponential base. Default value is set to 2.
maxAttempts Refers to the maximum attempts to send the event to the destination. Default value is set to 10.
maxItems Refers to the maximum number of events kept in the storage. Default value is set to 100.

3.1.2. Self-hosted Control Plane

If you are self-hosting the Control Plane, your load call will look like the following:

rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {configUrl: CONTROL_PLANE_URL});

3.1.3. Selective Destinations

RudderStack allows you to load selective destinations as specified by you and disable sending events to the remaining destinations. You can specify these destinations through the load call, as shown:

rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  integrations: { All: false, destination_name: true },

For more information, please check the How to Filter Selective Destinations section.

3.2. Identify

This method allows you to link the users and their actions to a specific userid. You can also add additional information as traits to a user. Once you set the identify information to the user, those will be passed to the successive track or page calls. To reset the user identification, you can use the reset method.

The identify() method definition is as follows:

rudderanalytics.identify([userid], [traits], [options], [callback]);

A sample example of how to use the identify() method is as shown:

  { email: "[email protected]" },
    page: {
      path: "",
      referrer: "",
      search: "",
      title: "",
      url: "",
  () => {
    console.log("in identify call");

In the above example, information such as the userId and email along with the contextual information is captured.

{% hint style="warning" %} If you explicitly specify the IP address in the event, RudderStack will use that IP instead of capturing it in the backend. You can use this feature to anonymize your users' IP - e.g., by supplying an anonymous IP address. {% endhint %}

The above identify call has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
userid This string defines the database ID of the user. If provided, this optional argument will be sent to destinations as the user ID instead of an anonymous ID
traits This optional dictionary contains the traits or properties associated with a userid such as email, address, etc.
options This dictionary is also optional, and provides information such as context, integrations, and anonymousId. Specific user traits can be provided as the context as well
callback This function gets executed after successful execution of the identify() method.

3.2.1. The options parameter

The options parameter in the identify call looks like the following:

integrations: IntegrationOpts,
anonymousId: string,
originalTimestamp: ISO 8601 date string,
<other keys>: <value> // merged with event's contextual information
Parameter Type Description
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below. More information can be found here.
anonymousId String Overrides the current event anonymousId at the top level
originalTimestamp ISO 8601 date string Overrides the current event originalTimestamp at the top level
<other keys>: <value> - Merged with the event's contextual information
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: The anonymousId is a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) generated to uniquely identify the user. Also, if it is provided by the user using the setAnonymousId method, the user-specified anonymousId overrides the SDK-generated one. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="success" %} There is no need to callidentify()for anonymous visitors to your website. Such visitors are automatically assigned an anonymousId {% endhint %}

3.2.2. identify Options

The JavaScript SDK generates one unique anonymousId , stores it in a cookie named rl_anonymous_id in the top-level domain, and attaches to every subsequent event. This helps in identifying the users from other sites that are hosted under a sub-domain.

{% hint style="info" %} As an example, if you include the RudderStack JavaScript SDK in both and, the SDK will store the cookie in the top-level domain {% endhint %}

If you identify a user with your application's unique identifier like email, database ID etc. RudderStack stores this ID in a cookie named rl_user_id and attaches to every event.

There are two options that you can use to identify users when using the JavaScript SDK:

3.2.3. Overriding anonymousID in the options parameter

There can be scenarios where you may want to provide your own anonymousID instead of an auto-generated ID by the SDK. To do so, you can provide the anonymousId in the options parameter of the identify call, as mentioned above. This will send the value provided by you in the anonymousId key of the event.

{% hint style="info" %} All other events will haveanonymousId from the one persisted in the cookie, except this event where you override the options. {% endhint %}

An example of this approach is as shown in the code snippet below:

  { email: "[email protected]" },
    anonymousId: "my-anonymous-id",
  () => {
    console.log("in identify call");

3.2.4. Overriding the anonymousId for all future events using setAnonymousId

You can also override the anonymousId for all the future events using the rudderAnanlytics.setAnonymousId method.

An example of this is shown in the code snippet below:


// All event payloads will have the anonymousId key set "my-anonymous-id".

rudderanalytics.identify("userId", { email1: "[email protected]" }, () => {
  console.log("in identify call");
}); AMP Analytics

You can call the following method to parse the AMP Linker ID and set the anonymousId as shown:

setAnonymousId(null, "<version>*<checkSum>*<idName1>*<idValue1>*<idName2>*<idValue2>...")

Here, the second parameter is the AMP Linker ID format in accordance with the specified structure. For the links decorated with the RudderStack Linker parameter, the <idName1> value will be rs_amp_id.

Calling the above method will parse the Linker ID and set the anonymousId as the value of the rs_amp_id key.

3.2.5 Setting userid to Empty

If you would like to set the userid to be empty, pass an empty string or "". A common use case for this is if an anonymous user was identified with a userid and then logs out of their account. You can then identify("", {isLoggedIn: false}) and the user will continue to be identified by their anonymousId for future events.

{% hint style="warning" %} Do not identify with null, as this will not allow you to pass a traits object and it will keep the current userid. {% endhint %}

3.2.6. Identifying New Users

To identify new users in scenarios like a new login, you can take one of the following approaches:

  • Call the identify API with a new userid. RudderStack will reset all cookies related to the user for userid and user-traits and update them with the new values provided by you.

{% hint style="info" %} The anonymousId will remain unchanged in this case. It will be the value that you set explicitly using setAnonymousId , or the auto-generated value set by the SDK while loading. {% endhint %}

  • Explicitly call rudderanalytics.reset() and then call identify. It has the same effect as described above.

For updating the traits of a user, you can call identify with the same userid multiple times with new traits. All the traits for that user keep on getting appended/modified.

Calling reset() or identifying with a new userId with new traits will reset the earlier traits and update them with the new values, as shown:

  { email1: "[email protected]" },
  () => { console.log("in identify call"); }

  { email2: "[email protected]" },
  () => { console.log("in identify call"); }

// both email1 and email2 with be sent in the identify payload
// for the second call.

3.3. Page

This method lets you record information about the web page being viewed by the user. This includes page views, category, and other relevant information about the page.

The page() method definition is as follows:[category],[name],[properties],[options],[callback]);

A sample example of how to use the page() method is as shown:
  "Cart Viewed",
    path: "",
    referrer: "",
    search: "",
    title: "",
    url: "",
  () => {
    console.log("in page call");

In the above example, the page() method captures information such as the page category and page name. It also captures contextual information such as IP address and the ID of the user.

The above code snippet has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
category An optional string that defines the category of the page
name An optional string that defines the name of the page
properties An optional dictionary that defines the properties of the page. These properties are auto-captured by the page
options An optional dictionary that provides information such as context, integrations, anonymousId, etc. Specific user traits can be provided as the context as well
callback This function gets executed after successful execution of the page() method

3.3.1. The options parameter

The options parameter in the page call looks like the following:

integrations: IntegrationOpts,
anonymousId: string,
originalTimestamp: ISO 8601 date string,
<other keys>: <value> // merged with event's contextual information
Parameter Type Description
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below. More information can be found here.
anonymousId String Overrides the current event anonymousId at the top level
originalTimestamp ISO 8601 date string Overrides the current event originalTimestamp at the top level
<other keys>: <value> - Merged with the event's contextual information
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

3.4. Track

This method allows you to track any actions that your users might perform. Each of these actions is commonly referred to as an event.

The track()method definition is as follows:


A sample example of how to use the track() method is as shown:

  "test track event GA3",
    revenue:  30,
    currency:  'USD' ,
    user_actual_id:  12345
  () => {console.log("in track call");}

In the above example, the method tracks the event test track event GA3, information such as the revenue, currently, user ID, and other contextual information such as IP address.

The above code snippet has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
event A string that captures the name of the event that is being tracked
properties An optional dictionary that tracks the properties of the event
options An optional dictionary of information such as context, integrations, etc. Specific user traits can be provided as the context as well
callback This function gets executed after successful execution of the track call

3.4.1. The options parameter

The options parameter in the track call looks like the following:

integrations: IntegrationOpts,
anonymousId: string,
originalTimestamp: ISO 8601 date string,
<other keys>: <value> // merged with event's contextual information
Parameter Type Description
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below. More information can be found here.
anonymousId String Overrides the current event anonymousId at the top level
originalTimestamp ISO 8601 date string Overrides the current event originalTimestamp at the top level
<other keys>: <value> - Merged with the event's contextual information
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

3.5. Alias

Many destination platforms need an explicit alias call for mapping the already identified users to a new identifier that you may want to use, to track the users in the future. The RudderStack alias API allows you to implement this functionality.

{% hint style="success" %} Simply put, the alias call associates the user with a new identification. {% endhint %}

The format of an alias call is as shown:

rudderanalytics.alias("to", "from", options, callback);

The above alias call has the following parameters:

Parameter Presence Description
to Required Denotes the new identifier
from Optional Denotes the old identifier which will be an alias for the to parameter. If not provided, the SDK will populate this as the currently identified userId, or anonymousId in case of anonymous users.
options Optional This dictionary provides additional context to the event payload.
callback Optional This function gets executed after successful execution of the alias() method.

3.5.1. The options parameter

The options parameter in the alias call looks like the following:

integrations: IntegrationOpts,
anonymousId: string,
originalTimestamp: ISO 8601 date string,
<other keys>: <value> // merged with event's contextual information
Parameter Type Description
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below. More information can be found here.
anonymousId String Overrides the current event anonymousId at the top level
originalTimestamp ISO 8601 date string Overrides the current event originalTimestamp at the top level
<other keys>: <value> - Merged with the event's contextual information
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

A sample example of how to use the alias() method is as shown:


3.6. Group

The group call associates a user to a specific organization.

The format of a group call is as shown:"groupId", traits, options, callback);

The above group call has the following parameters:

Parameter Presence Description
groupId Required Denotes the group identifier to which the traits are to be modified or added. RudderStack will call the destination APIs to attach the currently identified user to this group.
traits Optional Denotes the traits of the group. RudderStack will pass these traits to the destination to enhance the group properties.
options Optional This dictionary provides additional context to the event payload.
callback Optional This function gets executed after successful execution of the group() method.

3.6.1. The options parameter

The options parameter in the group call looks like the following:

integrations: IntegrationOpts,
anonymousId: string,
originalTimestamp: ISO 8601 date string,
<other keys>: <value> // merged with event's contextual information
Parameter Type Description
integrations: IntegrationOpts - Refer to IntegrationOpts below. More information can be found here.
anonymousId String Overrides the current event anonymousId at the top level
originalTimestamp ISO 8601 date string Overrides the current event originalTimestamp at the top level
<other keys>: <value> - This info is merged with the event's contextual information
  • The structure of IntegrationOpts looks like the following:
IntegrationOpts {
 All: boolean, // default true
 <Destination1>: boolean,
 <Destination2>: boolean,
Parameter Type Description
All Boolean Corresponds to all the destinations to which the event has to be sent. Default is set to true. All: false instructs RudderStack not to send the event data to any destinations by default.
<Destination> Boolean Specific destination to which the event is to be sent or not sent, depending on the boolean value assigned to it.

{% hint style="info" %} More information on the IntegrationOpts option can be found here:

An example of how to use the group call is as shown below:"sample_group_id", {
  name: "CompanyA",
  location: "USA",

3.7. Reset

This method resets the userid and the associated traits and properties of that specific user.

The reset() method can be used as shown:


{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: The reset()method only clears the cookies and local storage set by RudderStack, and not the information stored by the integrated destinations. To completely clear the user session, please refer to the documentation provided by those respective tools. {% endhint %}

4. How to Filter Selective Destinations to Send Event Data

RudderStack allows you to send your event data only to a few intended destinations by filtering out the rest. You can do so by passing an integrations object in the options parameter of the identify(), page(), and track() methods. Please refer to the How to Filter Selective Destinations section.

4.1. Common Destination Names

Below shows some of the supported names that RudderStack can intake for each destination when sending the event data through the event method as described above (please note that not all destinations are listed below):

Destination Supported Common Names
Google Analytics Google Analytics
Google Ads Google Ads
Braze Braze
Chartbeat Chartbeat
Facebook Pixel FB Pixel
Facebook Pixel
Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager
Hotjar Hotjar
Hubspot Hubspot
Intercom Intercom
Keen.IO Keen
Kissmetrics Kissmetrics
Lotame Lotame
VWO Visual Website Optimizer
Amplitude Amplitude
Mixpanel Mixpanel
Facebook App Events Facebook App Events
Amazon S3 Amazon S3
Salesforce Salesforce
Autopilot Autopilot
Mailchimp Mailchimp
Redshift Redshift
BigQuery BigQuery
Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage
Azure Blob Storage Azure Blob Storage
Branch Metrics Branch Metrics
Kochava Kochava
Leanplum Leanplum
Slack Slack
Zendesk Zendesk
AWS Personalize AWS Personalize
Amazon Kinesis Amazon Kinesis

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: You can also refer to this section for more information on the naming convention of the destinations names. {% endhint %}

4.2. Specifying Selective Destinations in the load Method

You can also choose to load selective destinations by modifying the load method to take a third argument. You can pass anintegrations object containing the destination names in the format specified here. RudderStack loads only those destinations that are marked as enabled with the boolean value true .

A sample RudderStack load method with integration names passed as arguments will look like the following snippet:

rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  integrations: { All: false, <destination_name>: true },

Where <destination_name> is the name of the destination.

{% hint style="info" %} Please refer to the section above for the common destinations names or refer to this section for destination naming convention. {% endhint %}

An example of the load method is as shown:

rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  integrations: { All: false, "Google Analytics": true, Intercom: true },

As seen from the example above, three arguments are now passed in the load method:

  • writekey
  • The integrations dictionary containing Google Analytics and Intercom as the destination names

5. Contexts and Traits in RudderStack

RudderStack gives you the option to automatically capture certain event-specific and user-specific data, based on the type of the event.

In this section, we cover two specific dictionaries, within the options argument, which is included in the identify(), page(), and track() methods.

5.1. Context

A context is a dictionary of additional information about a particular data, such as a user’s IP address.

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: A context is a complete and specific piece of information. Any other information provided outside of this specification is ignored. {% endhint %}

5.2. Trait

A trait is an optional dictionary included within context, which specifies the unique traits of the user. This is a very useful field for linking information of a user from a previously made identify() call to a track() or page() event.

In order to better understand how contexts and traits work, let us look at the following identify event:

rudderanalytics.identify("userId", {
  plan: "Paid, Premium",
  email: "[email protected]",

The trait in the above event is plan. If you wish to include this trait in a subsequent track() or page()event that is triggered by the user, you can establish the association by passing this trait into context.traits as shown:

    campaign: "Subscribe",
    traits: {
      plan: "Paid, Premium",

The above code snippet will append plan as a trait to the track event.The trait email will not be appended, as it was not specified in the context.traits field.

6. Querystring API

RudderStack's Querystring API allows you to trigger track, identify calls using the query parameters.

You may use the below parameters as a query string parameters and trigger the corresponding call.

Parameter Action
ajs_uid Makes a rudderanalytics.identify() call with userId having the parameter value.
ajs_aid Makes a rudderanalytics.setAnonymousId() call with anonymousId having the parameter value.
ajs_event Makes a rudderanalytics.track() call with event name as the parameter value.
ajs_prop_<property> If ajs_event is passed as a query string, value of this parameter will populate the properties of the corresponding event in the track call.
ajs_trait_<trait> If ajs_uid is provided as a query sting, the value of this parameter will populate the traits of the identify call made.

As an example, if you pass the following parameters in the URL as shown:

The following SDK calls will be triggered:

rudderanalytics.identify("userId", {name: "Firstname Lastname"});
rudderanalytics.track("test event", {testProp: "prop1"});

7. Detecting Ad-blocked Pages

RudderStack's JavaScript SDK provides a way to send a page view containing relevant markers on whether a page is ad-blocked. You can analyze this data to find what percent of your site's page views are affected by ad-blockers.

To send an ad-blocked page view, load the SDK as follows:

rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  sendAdblockPage: true,
  sendAdblockPageOptions: { integrations: { All: false, Amplitude: true } },

Some of the properties in the snippet above are:

  • sendAdblockPage: Enables the JavaScript SDK to make a call to load the Google AdSense library. If RudderStack fails to load this library, it concludes that an ad blocker is enabled on the page.

{% hint style="info" %} Since most ad blockers block the request to the Google AdSense servers, this is assumed as a good measure to detect ad-blocked pages. {% endhint %}

  • sendAdblockPageOptions: The RudderStack SDK will make an implicit page call about the ad-blocked pages if sendAdblockPage is set to true. With sendAdblockPageOptions, you can provide the destinations to which you want to forward this page call.

The implicit page call semantics is as follows:"RudderJS-Initiated", "ad-block page request", {
  path: "/ad-blocked",
    "error in script loading:: src:: id:: ad-block",

8. FAQs

This section provides solutions to some of the commonly faced issues while using the RudderStack JavaScript SDK on your website.

Where do I get the Data Plane URL?

For routing and processing the events to the RudderStack backend, a Data Plane URL is required. Refer to this section to get the Data Plane URL depending on your choice of setup.

How to load analytics.js correctly?

In order to load analytics.js, simply copy the minified or non-minified version of the code snippet provided in the Installing the RudderStack JavaScript SDK section.

To check if it has loaded correctly, open the JavaScript console in your browser:

  • Safari: Ctrl+Alt+I (Windows) or Command+Option+I (Mac) and go to the Console tab
  • Chrome: Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows) or Command+Option+J (Mac)
  • Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows) or Command+Option+K (Mac) and select the Console tab
  • Internet Explorer: Press F12 and go to the Console tab

In the console, run rudderanalytics. If it returns an object as shown in the following code snippet, it means that the rudderanalytics.js file has loaded successfully:

{Integrations: Object, _integrations: Object, _readied: true, _timeout: 300, _user: n_}

If it gives you an undefined error, you might want to verify if the setting up procedure was correctly followed. Our Quick Start Guide may be able to help you get up and running.

Should I disable ad-blockers on my browser?

Yes, it is important that you ensure no ad-blockers are running on your browser, as they restrict therudderanalytics.js script from executing and storing user information in the browser.

Can I load multiple instances of rudderanalytics.js?

No, it is not possible to load multiple instances of rudderanalytics.js, as it is bound to exceed the maximum stack call size and give you an error.

How to check if the data is being transmitted to the desired destinations?

To check if data is being transmitted to the specified destinations, go to the Network tab of your JavaScript console on your browser.

page call as seen in the Network tab

track call as seen in the Network tab

{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: If the outbound request is not being shown, check if you have installed and set up the RudderStack JavaScript SDK correctly, or if ad-blockers are enabled on your browser. {% endhint %}

What is the size limit on the requests?

The size limit on requests is 32 KB per message.

Can I send the event data to specific destinations only?

Yes, you can. Refer to the How to Filter Selective Destinations to Send Your Event Data section above to see how to do this.

What is an Anonymous ID and how to retrieve it?

An Anonymous ID is an auto-generated UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that gets assigned to each unique visitor to your website.

To retrieve the anonymous ID of any visitor, simply call the following:


{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: In case the anonymousId value is null, calling the above function will lead to automatically setting a new anonymousId. {% endhint %}

What is the Reserved Keyword error?

When using the JS-SDK, you may run into the following error: Warning! : Reserved keyword used in traits --> id with track call. This is due to one or more of the keys in your traits and/or properties object is the same value as a reserved keyword. The following list of reserved keywords are keys the RudderStack uses for a standard event payload and therefore should be avoided when naming traits and properties.

Reserved Keywords:

Contact Us

To know more about the RudderStack JavaScript SDK or to see it in action, you can contact us or see the SDK in action. You can also talk to us on our Slack channel.

In case you come across any issues while using this SDK, please feel free to submit them on our GitHub issues page.