A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred
- AutoHotkey
- C
- C#
- C++
- CMake
- CoffeeScript
- D
- F#
- Go
- Gosu
- Java
- JavaScript
- Makefile
- Objective-C
- Others
- PowerShell
- Python
- Ruby
- Shell
- Swift
- TypeScript
- 7plus - Improving Windows, one by one
- pAHKlight - Your Lightweight Guide to AutoHotkey libraries, classes, functions and tools
- belvedere - Automated file manager
- belvedere - Automated file manager
- screenkey.ahk - A tool that displays the keys that you type on the screen
- av.imageview - Titanium native ImageView module that extends the default Titanium ImageView with more capabilities and a different caching system.
- titanium-mac-address - Receive the Mac-Address from a given IP-Address (Private API, behave!)
- robotjs - Node.js Desktop Automation.
- Owin.Context - This package allows you to explicitly define a shared context between middleware for situations where this is permissable such as bootstrapping a framework. Sharing of state between middleware in this way is not encouraged.... where possible share only BCL types, through the enviroment dictionary.
- Ensure.That - Yet another guard clause project for .Net C#'ers
- .net-sdk - Constant Contact .NET SDK for v2 API
- rethinkdb-net - A C# / .NET client driver for RethinkDB.
- faker-cs - C# port of the Ruby Faker gem (http://faker.rubyforge.org/)
- PNGDecrush - A C# library for reversing the 'pngcrush' optimization process that is applied to PNG files in an iOS app.
- WebApi.AuthenticationFilter.Basic - An experimental basic authentication filter for Web API
- OAuth2.Demos.AuthzCodeGrant - OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant demo using self-hosted ASP.NET Web API
- WebApiBook.Security - Security libraries and samples
- QueryInterceptor - Provides a generic way to intercept IQueryable expression trees using custom expression visitors.
- config-r-samples - Sample applications using ConfigR - .NET configuration in C# based on scriptcs and Roslyn
- azure-storage-net - Microsoft Azure Storage Libraries for .NET
- Asp.netMVCPatchExample - An example of how to implement a patch method, similar to the Patch from Delta of oData...
- PBKDF2.NET - Provides adaptive password-based key derivation (PBKDF2) functionality for the .NET Framework allowing the use of any System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC-based hashing implementation, whether it's a built-in type, or an implementation of your own.
- Thinktecture.IdentityModel - [deprecated] Thinktecture.IdentityModel
- octokit.net - A GitHub API client library for .NET
- ServiceStack.Text - .NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
- kudu - Kudu is the engine behind git/hg deployments, WebJobs, and various other features in Azure Web Sites. It can also run outside of Azure.
- Headless - Headless browser support for fast web acceptance testing in .Net
- BrockAllen.MembershipReboot - MembershipReboot is a user identity management and authentication library.
- WebAPIContrib - Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
- hyper-library - A reference Hypermedia API
- RestAgent -
- RestBugs - A simple, hypermedia-driven bug tracking API
- WebStresser - A very simple .NET web stress tool
- TwitterBootstrapMvc - Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap.
- AppHarbor-SqlServerBulkCopy - Copy data between Microsoft SQL Server databases.
- ElasticObject - An Expandable dynamic object for .NET 4.0 +
- libgit2sharp - Git + .NET/Mono = ❤
- ReflectionMagic - Framework to drastically simplify your private reflection code using C# dynamic
- Hyper - A hypermedia api framework for building fully REST compliant internet scale web applications
- Fabrik.Common - Useful stuff from fabrik
- Hyprlinkr - A URI building helper library for ASP.NET Web API
- EventSource4Net - An eventsource(Server-Sent Events client) implementation for .Net.
- DynamicLinq - Dynamic LINQ queries based on C# 4 dynamic.
- mvc-utilities - Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption, routing, caching, authorization, and various other security issues. Designed to used with Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC3.
- Strathweb.CacheOutput - ASP.NET Web API CacheOutput - library to allow you to cache the output of ApiControllers
- CacheCow - An ASP.NET Web API HTTP caching implementation both on client and server
- WebApi.Service.Print - Web API self hosted inside Windows Service to provide remote access to prinitng services.
- WebActivator -
- Formo - Formo allows you to use your configuration file as a dynamic object. Turn your web.config or application settings into a rich, dynamic object.
- ChocolateyGUI - A delicious GUI for chocolatey
- hawknet - Hawk protocol implementation for .NET
- IronTools -
- Nancy.Serialization.JsonNet - NewtonSoft.Json serializer for Nancy
- FluentScheduler - Automated job scheduler with fluent interface.
- IdentityServer2 - [deprecated] Thinktecture IdentityServer is a light-weight security token service built with .NET 4.5, MVC 4, Web API and WCF.
- PingYourPackage - PingYourPackage: Small city delivery company's HTTP API application (the sample application of the Pro ASP.NET Web API book)
- Thinktecture.IdentityModel.45 - [deprecated] Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.5 and MVC4/Web API.
- msbuildtasks - The MSBuild Community Tasks Project is an open source project for MSBuild tasks.
- IdentityServer1 - [deprecated] Lightweight, easy to use security token service based on .NET
- Expando - Extensible dynamic types for .NET
- NuGetDocs - Former Documentation site for NuGet - now replaced by NuGet/docs.microsoft.com-nuget
- Nancy.Build - Nancy build scripts, helpers and other build related items
- WebBackgrounder - Proof of concept of a web based background task manager that deals well with web farms/app shutdowns
- SignalR - Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET
- DataAnnotationsExtensions - Validation extensions for DataAnnotations, including optional MVC client validation implementations
- BoC - Best Of Commons for .NET
- Nancy - Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .Net and Mono
- DotNetOpenAuth - A C# implementation of the OpenID, OAuth protocols
- ti.barcode - QR and Barcode Scanner
- Acktie-Mobile-iOS-Barcode-Reader - Acktie Mobile Barcode module is an easy to use yet powerful barcode reader.
- Ti.Appinfo - Titanium module for exposing some details about app (apk)
- BarcodeView - An Appcelerator Titanium Module that allows you to create a barcode scanner view
- iisnode - Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows
- iisnode - Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows
- node-ios-device - Queries connected iOS devices and installs apps
- mobiledevice - Command line utility for interacting with Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework
- ti.paint - Touch-based painting with the Titanium SDK.
- azure-mask - A Chrome extension that toggles concealment of sensitive information found in the Azure Portal web page such as Subscription Id's
- f1experience - Backend project to F1 Experience mobile app
- material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google
- Ti.UX.Templates - The Titanium UX Templates Gallery
- offline - Automatically display online/offline indication to your users
- lilacs - Li'l ACS is an instant API on top of Appcelerator Cloud Services, using the Custom Objects API. Use LilACS any time you need to have a custom on-line database for your web and/or mobile apps.
- Flat-UI - Flat UI Free - Design Framework (html/css3/less/js). Flat UI is based on Bootstrap, a comfortable, responsive, and functional framework that simplifies the development of websites.
- DotNetOpenAuth.Samples -
- octonode - github api v3 in nodejs
- iron_worker_node -
- iron_mq_node -
- node-green-jwt - Node implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) with support for signatures (JWS), encryption (JWE) and web keys (JWK).
- oauthd - oauthd - The OAuth Daemon is the open source version of the OAuth.io core
- Keypress - A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
- jasmine-given - Like rspec-given, but for jasmine
- NuGetPlus - Wrapper for NuGet usage.
- packer - Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- SmartApp - My smartApp for SmartThings
- whats-the-user-doing - Raising awareness of what you can do with a smartphones gyro sensors
- appc-liveviewer-server - Server-component for the Appcelerator LiveViewer app.
- hjson - Hjson, a user interface for JSON
- ti-qa-archive.github.io - Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive
- dotnet - This repo is the official home of .NET on GitHub. It's a great starting point to find many .NET OSS projects from Microsoft and the community, including many that are part of the .NET Foundation.
- bootmetro - Simple and complete web UI framework to create web apps with Windows 8 Metro user interface.
- TitaniumNewRelic - Android Titanium 6.0 Module for New Relic
- fonticons -
- ti.calendar -
- ti.styledlabel - Style your labels quickly and easily. This module has been archived, use the Ti.UI.AttributedString API these days.
- ti.ntlm - Provides the JCIFS library as a authenticator factory for NTLM scheme
- ti.inappbilling -
- ti.facebook.bak - This is an outdated version. Please refer to ti.facebook for all new updates
- titanium-okhttp - ⚡ OkHttp networking module for Android on Titanium
- ti.box - Access and share content anywhere using Box.net
- ti.certificatestore - A certificate store that can be used with HTTPClient in Titanium.
- TiOpenStreetMap - example to use Titanium Android OSM module
- ti-stetho - Simple module to work with the Chrome Developer tools inside your Android Appcelerator Titanium application using Stetho
- CTPermission -
- TiAndroidCanvas - Canvas module for Appcelerator Titanium (Android)
- Acktie-Mobile-Android-Barcode - Acktie Mobile Barcode module is an easy to use yet powerful barcode reader.
- ToogleKeyboard -
- CTTimekoGCM -
- ctswiperefreshlayout -
- ctimagetexture -
- Ti.IEC60870 - j60870 is a library implementing the IEC 60870-5-104 communication standard. The library can be used to program clients as well as servers.
- Ti.GoogleSignIn - Use the native Google Sign In SDK in Appcelerator Titanium.
- Ti.RadioRecorder - Module for Appcelerator Titanium framework realizes a recorder for streaming radio stations.
- Ti.Badger - The ShortcutBadger makes your Android App show the count of unread messages as a badge on your App shortcut!
- Ti.A2DP - Titanium module for browsing and connecting previously paired A2DP Bluetooth Speaker
- Ti.CompassView -
- Ti.VoiceRecorderVisualizer -
- Ti.SpectrumAnalyzerView - Fast Fourier Transformation based Simple Spectrum Analyzer for Axways Titanium
- ti.optimizationpreferences - Show a warning too add huawei/samsung app to protected apps
- Ti.Zbar - This is a merge of Acktie Mobile QR and Barcode Reader in one module
- Ti.FCM -
- Ti.AndroidPay - Axway Titanium module for Android payment
- mbs-android-example - Android App to access MBS App API's
- lottie-android - Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS
- Ti.ParseLiveQuery - Titanium module for using of ParseLiveQuery
- TiAndroidSMS - An Android module for Titanium Mobile that allows sending text messages.
- Ti.Paypal - 💰 Use the PayPal iOS-SDK 2.x with Titanium Mobile.
- gcm - This module is no longer maintained, please use the updated Ti.Goosh
- benCoding.Android.Tools - A collection of utilities designed to make working with Titanium on Android alittle easier.
- SignalA - A SignalR client for Android.
- carbon - 🎨 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- TiStore - Utils for iOS AppStore Search API
- alloy-toast-notification - Simple toast notification poping from the bottom of the screen on demand.
- titanium-module-zoom - Titanium Mobile Module using FaceTec's ZoOm SDK - 3D Face Login + TrueLiveness
- cz-cli - The commitizen command line utility.
- Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
- titanium-scrollable-views - A cross platform Ti.UI.ScrollableView widget with nice background effect and paging controls
- ti.androidfingerprintalertdialog - Titanium Alloy Widget - Android Fingerprint AlertDialog
- alloy-select-listview - A Ti.UI.ListView wrapper with mighty powers for forms.
- fr.squirrel.tutorial - Appcelerator widget for display a tutorial
- ti.superagent - A fork of http://visionmedia.github.com/superagent/ that works with Ti.Network.HTTPClient
- ti.passbook -
- ti.oauth - OAuth 2.0 implementation in CommonJS.
- ti.newsstand -
- ti.moddevguide - Appcelerator Titanium native Module Guide
- ti.cloud - This is the cloud module for Titanium
- xslide - Dynamic cross platform slider menu with additional info pull down
- whereDemo -
- UltimateFrisbee -
- ti.teamwork - Teamwork PM API Set Appcelerator Titanium CommonJS Module
- ti.smart - Titanium commonjs module for the Smart Things API Set
- theCellar - The Cellar App
- Text2Table - Appcelerator SMS Module Sample App
- StPatricks - 24 hour app project to create a fun and simple St. Patricks day app.
- storyBook -
- SmartThings - A Titanium App for the SmartThings Platform
- photoCloudBorder -
- photoBooth -
- New-Years -
- MemoryGame -
- MapExtensions - Titanium Map Javascript Extensions
- LiveLocal -
- Hairspray - The Hairspray app for the Cascade Theatre production of Hairspray in 2012
- DriveTrak -
- dragbox -
- CrossPlatform -
- ACS-Sample -
- CIDM4385_Chapter05_To_13_Tigram - Chapter Five to Thirteen Code
- Ti.Chai.Widgets - Appcelerator widgets
- it.numidia.gridWidget - A titanium alloy widget for grids, using a tableview. Sample app provided.
- EDAM-Earthquakes-Damage-Assessments-Manager - The easiest and fastest way to manage earthquakes damage assessments, for residents and professional users.
- ParkAdvisor - Smart parking system
- Alloy-Bootstrap - An alloy bootstrap with ES6, STSS, TiCons, TiShadow and a custom android theme without ActionBar.
- ti-installr-hook - A titanium cli hook for deploying builds to
- spac-mobile - The Mobile Application, written on the Appcelerator Titanium platform, for the Saint Paul Athletic Club.
- CarbonFiber - Cross-platform application framework for Alloy
- gestureTester - Test the gesture events to help mobile app development with Appcelerator Titanium
- appcelerator.oracle.opensync -
- insights - Archive of Appcelerator Insights
- appc-docs-desktop - Appcelerator Documentation as offline Desktop App
- appc-example-app-images - Example app showing how to work with images in Titanium.
- appc-sample-3dtouch - This app demonstrates the iOS 3D Touch APIs supported in Titanium 5.1.0
- appc-sample-appsearch - This sample app demonstrates how to make the activities and content of your app searchable via Spotlight, Safari and Siri by using new API's introduced in iOS 9 and supported by Titanium 5.0.0.
- appc-sample-funnyface - Alloy port of the Funny Face sample in the Titanium Cookbook, Second Edition
- appc-sample-handoff - This sample app demonstrates how to use Handoff introduced in iOS 8 and supported by Titanium 5.0.
- appc-sample-rss - Titanium Mobile RSS sample app
- appc-sample-ti410 - Appcelerator Titanium 4.1.0 Sample App
- appc-sample-ti500 - Appcelerator Titanium 5.0.0 Sample App
- appc-sample-ti510 - This app demonstrates new features in Titanium 5.1.0
- appc-sample-ti520 - This app demonstrates new features in Titanium 5.2.0
- appc-sample-ti550 - Sample application for the Titanium 5.5.0 release
- appc-sample-watchos2 - This app demonstrates WatchSession support in Titanium 5.0
- AppNameLocalization - Template project for localizing your application's name for android and ios
- BookClient -
- BookService -
- Forging-Titanium - A weekly screencast series on Titanium development topics
- KitchenSink - Titanium Mobile Kitchen Sink Demo
- KitchenSink - Refactoring of the Titanium Kitchen Sink project
- parse-server-example - Example Arrow Cloud app running parse-server
- appc-sample-geocoder - Titanium sample app demonstrating maps, geolocation and (reverse) geocoding
- Sample.Todo - Titanium Mobile todo sample app
- Template.Flat-Navigation - Alloy App Template for apps that require a single level of navigation, also know as single-window apps.
- Template.Platform-Agnostic-UI - Alloy App Template for apps that will override the native navigation structures. This template completele removes the iOS Toolbar and hides the Android ActionBar.
- Template.Tab-based-ActionBar-Style - Alloy App Template for template-based apps and custom ActionBar Style on Android.
- Template.Tab-based-App - Alloy App Template for template-based apps. Includes example images for muiltiple screen sizes and densities.
- TodoListACS - The TodoList sample application updated to use ACS
- TodoListAlloy - A port of the TodoList application to Alloy
- appc-liveviewer-app - An app to load and run Titanium and Alloy code from any URL, GitHub repositories and gists.
- grunt-appc-coverage - Grunt plugin for uploading code coverage results
- grunt-kahvesi - grunt plugin for generating istanbul + mocha coverage reports
- grunt-kahvesi - grunt plugin for generating istanbul + mocha coverage reports
- hierarchical-menu - Hierarchical menu for alloy titanium appcelerator.
- okdone -
- oldPickerVersion - old version of picker in latest android versions 5.0 or more
- acs-adapter-starter - A template for an application to integrate with Appcelerator Cloud Services and utilize Titanium Alloy Models/Collection capabilities
- Alloy-Parse-Adapter - Appcelerator Alloy Model Sync Adapter Example for Parse.com API
- AlloyAppTemplate - This repo contains a cross-platform template app for Alloy that allows you to have platform-specific containers with cross-platform reusable content
- Template.Hierarchical-Navigation - Alloy App Template for apps that require hierarchical navigation, also known as parent-child or master-detail.
- AlloyAppTemplate - This repo was moved to https://github.com/appcelerator-developer-relations/Template.Hierarchical-Navigation
- alloy_fugitive - Titanium Fugitive App written with Appcelerator Alloy
- AppC-Alloy-Book-Misc-Ch3 -
- AppC-Alloy-Book-Misc-Chp2 -
- ci-alloy-twitter-widget - ci-alloy-twitter-widget
- ci.alloy.acs.books - Alloy sql model example using custom ACS sync adapter
- ci.alloy.adapter.one - Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS) Adapter for Alloy. This is based on some previous work I have done with ACS and Backbone integration.
- Appcelerator-Cloud-Services-Sync-Adapter - A more efficient approach to an Cloud Services Adapter for Appcelerator Titanium Alloy
- ci.behave.test -
- google.charts - Google Charts in Appcelerator
- aaronksaunders.kinvey-appc-public - kinvey-appc-public
- nutritionAPIAdapter -
- parse-starter-appC -
- sampleListViewButtonClick -
- strongloopAlloy -
- TableViewRowExample - Working through databinding topics with Alloy TableViewRows
- testInClass -
- ti-dropboxjs - javascript dropbox API for Titanium Appcelerator
- Ti.Parse - Demo App using Parse.com JS SDK and Titanium Appcelerator
- Ti.Parse - Demo App using Parse.com JS SDK and Titanium Appcelerator
- Ti.Parse - Demo App using Parse.com JS SDK and Titanium Appcelerator
- TiMongoDBJS - TiMongoDB JS
- tiParsePushSample - basic libraries for implementing parse push in titanium appcelerator
- TiParseTestApp -
- todolist.alloy - todolist.alloy
- todolist.alloy.kinvey - basic alloy todo app modified to support Kinvey as a backend
- abada.materialicons - An Alloy widget creates an icon label using Google material icons .
- eg.abada.passcode - An Alloy titanium widget passcode implementation.
- TiRater - Rating module for titanium platform, the module work both Android and iOS
- ti-unit - Real unit testing and mocking for Appcelerator Titanium
- alloy-material-tabs - Proyecto de Titanium Alloy con tabs estilo Material Design
- androidltemplatealloy - Project with base elements to use with Android L
- f1experiencealloy - App about F1 developed in Titanium Alloy
- f1experienceapp - Aplicación Titanium Alloy "F1 Experience" para Android e iOS
- slide_menu - Simple slide menu to Appcelerator Titanium Studio
- tifeedly - Feedly library for Titanium Appcelerator
- Acktie-Mobile-Barcode-Example - A working example for the Acktie Mobile iOS and Android Barcode Module
- alloy-widgets - A growing collection of Titanium Alloy widgets I have made.
- ti-better-option-dialog - A wrapper for Titanium's Option Dialog that makes it simpler to add option buttons.
- titanium-floating-labels - Inspired by Matt D. Smith's "Float Label Pattern." Implemented in Titanium.
- bikes_nearby_app -
- AlloyActionJackson - Action Bar examples using custom Holo themes and Titanium Alloy. It's Time for 'Action'.
- MaterialWorld - Using Material themes with Appcelerator Titanium and Alloy
- TiCloak - Example Project using Mapbox.com maps in Appcelerator Titanium
- TiCodeForFTL - Demo app for Code For Ft Lauderdale Meetup
- TiJazzCon - Example Appcelerator Titanium application for Presentation at JazzCon.tech 2017
- TiSortable - Drag and Drop Sorting Grid for Titanium
- TrackLocation - Simple Titanium app to demo location tracking via iOS significantLocationChange
- TiParallax - An Parallax module for Titanium
- ti-app-dependency-injection-example - How to use dependency injection on Titanium
- TiXCallbackURL - iPhone app demonstrating implementation of x-callback-url in Appcelerator Titanium
- appc.googlesearch - Google custom search connector for Appcelerator Arrow
- AlloyBalloonPop -
- arrow2ParseMigrator - A tool to migrate ArrowDB data from Appcelerator to ParseServer database
- mich-ca-app -
- node-titanium-sdk -
- appc.sqlite3 - An SQLite3 connector for Arrow
- imagine-workshops-todo - Simple Todo app for the Imagine Workshops
- TiStarWars - Example of using JavaScript Promises in Appcelerator Titanium
- Ti.MTTCircularSlider - Hyperloop module for https://github.com/MTT-IOS/MTTCircularSlider
- Ti.HCSStarRatingView - Hyperloop module for https://github.com/hsousa/HCSStarRatingView
- Ti.FSCalendar - Hyperloop module for https://github.com/WenchaoD/FSCalendar
- Ti.SYFavoriteButton - Hyperloop module for https://github.com/Sunnyyoung/SYFavoriteButton
- Ti.IRLDocumentScanner - Hyperloop module for https://github.com/charlymr/IRLDocumentScanner
- swagger-js - Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
- appc-swagger-client - Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
- tiStripePayments -
- hyperloop-google-maps - Use the GoogleMaps SDK with Axway Hyperloop in your Titanium project.
- titanium-eslint-config - ESLint environment to improve development efficiency of Axway(Appcelerator) Titanium.
- ti.musicplayer - Widget for titanium to manage playing audio files
- Ti.DrawView -
- star-demo-es6 - A Test Titanium App using ES6 and Promises
- indiesquare-wallet - Mobile counterparty wallet.
- hyperloop.bluetooth -
- AppcWindowsSample - Sample project to validate that the Axway Appcelerator Titanium tools are setup correctly
- Ti.Spinkit - Ti.SpinKit is an iOS Hyperloop wrapper of the SpinKit-ObjC library.
- Ti.AndroidViewAnimations - Ti.AndroidViewAnimations is an Android Hyperloop wrapper of the AndroidViewAnimations library
- Ti.FAB - Ti.FAB is an Android Hyperloop wrapper of the native Floating Action Button component.
- mocx - A JavaScript Backbone helper for Titanium Alloy
- tiapp-updater - Updates the tiapp.xml file based on a JSON file configuration. Usefull for projects that require different settings for the app name, version, description, etc.
- ti-media-picker-widget - Media Picker Widget (Image and Video) for Titanium Mobile
- Ti.LabeledSwitch - Native like Switch/Toggle button compatible for iOS and Android.
- generator-titpl - Template Application Axway Appcelerator Titanium Mobile SDK
- titanium-template-burger - Template Application Axway Appcelerator Titanium Mobile SDK with burger menu
- hook-swift-frameworks - Support Swift frameworks in Titanium modules.
- appc-tasks - Provides an extendable base interface for file based build tasks
- ti.suggestions - Titanium Axway Suggestions
- hook-embedded-frameworks - Support embedded frameworks in Titanium modules and Hyperloop
- ImageResizer - commonJS library to scale images and maintain aspect ratio
- Lepton - 💻 Cross-platform Snippet Manager based on Gist (Win/Mac/Linux)
- titanium-system-capabilities - Inject system-capabilities known from Xcode into your Titanium module / project
- ti.mapbox - Use the MapBox SDK with Axway Hyperloop
- eslint-config-axway - Shareable eslint config for Axway projects
- ti.hockeyapp - Hyperloop-based version of HockeyApp for both Android and iOS
- babel-plugin-titanium-controller-args -
- abifestival-app - Cross-platform festival-app built with the Appcelerator Titanium framework
- titanium-recaptcha - Use the native reCAPTCHA API in Appcelerator Titanium (currently Android-only)
- node-semver - The semver parser for node (the one npm uses)
- Ti.CalendarView - Axway Hyperloop Calendar View for Android
- hyperloop.barcode - Axway Hyperloop barcode scanner for Android
- ti.cloudsharing - Use the UICloudSharingController with Hyperloop in Titanium
- hyperloop.speech - Axway Hyperloop speech recognition and text-to-speech for Android
- prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- ti.speech - Use the iOS 10 SFSpeechRecognizer API in JavaScript with Appcelerator Hyperloop.
- barcodescanner-sdk-titanium-samples - Sample Applications for the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK Module for Titanium
- prettier-miscellaneous - Prettier is an opinionated JavaScript formatter.
- reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
- rxdb - 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- vscode-fileheader - vscode-fileheader
- hook.io-sdk - sdk api client for communicating with https://hook.io
- tn - Appcelerator & Titanium CLI wrapper to save you keystrokes.
- geek-npm - npm api with promises
- geek-spawn - a cross-platform spawn replacement with promises
- geek-spinner - cli spinner forked from sindresorhus/ora
- template-feature-tests - 📓 {nativeloop} mobile app template used for testing features
- template-default - 📓 {nativeloop} default mobile app template
- nativeloop - ⚡ framework for creating awesome native mobile apps
- sculejs - SculeJS - data structures for the web
- EventEmitter2 - A nodejs event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, works in the browser
- ti.painter - Alloy widget wrapping the most powerful HTML5 Literally Canvas module for Titanium
- ti.searchbar - Titanium Widget to display a search bar.
- mobile-lodash - 📦 Repackaged version of lodash for mobile
- loadtest - Runs a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends.
- p-time - Measure the time a promise takes to resolve
- aplus-npm -
🅰️ ➕ Alloy+ plugin for executing npm during build process - aplus-underscore -
🅰️ ➕ Alloy+ plugin for fixing underscore.js usage issues in Alloy - aplus-bundle -
🅰️ ➕ Alloy+ Bundle of Goodies (alloy+ core and assortment of plugins) - mobile-bluebird - 📦 Repackaged version of bluebird Promises/A+ implementation for mobile
- mobile-tinycolor2 - 📦 Repackaged version of tinycolor2 for mobile
- mobile-hjson - 📦 Repackaged version of Hjson, the Human JSON, for mobile
- ti.checkaccess - Small utility to check iOS and Android API permissions, and access.
- aplus-es6 -
🅰️ ➕ Alloy+ plugin for transforming ES6/ES2015 code to Alloy ES5 code - aplus-node -
🅰️ ➕ Alloy+ plugin for fixing underscore.js usage issues in Alloy - gifify - 😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
- documentation - 📖 documentation for modern JavaScript
- node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- conf - Simple config handling for your app or module
- aplus-core -
🅰️ ➕ Mobile framework for enhancing Appcelerator Alloy projects - node-require-all - An easy way to require all files within a directory.
- npm - a package manager for javascript
- grunt-alloy-theme-switcher - A grunt plugin to add theme's inheritance and make easier theme switching in titanium's alloy
- J2M - [UNMAINTAINED] Convert from JIRA text formatting to GitHub Flavored MarkDown and back again
- deluxe-version - The version library you've always wanted.
- co.grantges.azure.adal - This widget provides an interface for using oAuth based authentication with Microsoft Azure
- docker-orientation -
- faster-titanium - Accelerate Titanium development
- resolve - Implements the node.js require.resolve() algorithm
- adamantium - 🔚 No longer Maintained -- Use {nativeloop} now: https://github.com/nativeloop
- hook.io - Open-Source Microservice Hosting Platform
- node-bitbucket - node.js library to access the Bitbucket API
- ti-slag - Titanium faker API, Titanium app running on Node.js.
- lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
- ti-commonjs-wrap-plugin - Wrap js files for ti-commonjs on stock Titanium SDK
- ti-ignore-plugin - Don't copy ignored files into build directory according to an .gitignore-like .ti-ignore file
- crypto-js - JavaScript library of crypto standards.
- node-fetch - A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js
- fetch - A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
- movies - Appcelerator loves Movies! So we built this cross platform application to showcase just how good movies can look on a mobile app.
- corporate-directory -
- redmix - A fun and friendly Appcelerator Cloud MBaaS command line
- Codly-UI-Sync - Sync your UI code with your Titanium mobile app
- RESTe - A simple JavaScript REST / API helper for Titanium
- arrowdb-node-sdk - ArrowDB Node.JS SDK
- hjson-js - Hjson for JavaScript
- json-editor - JSON Schema Based Editor
- node-pwd - Hash and compare passwords with pbkdf2
- caminte - Cross-db ORM for NodeJS
- humanize - A JS library for adding a “human touch” to data.
- ti-xregexp - XRegExp for Titanium
- com.mp5systems.rippleeffect - Simulate Google Material's ripple effect on event
- Ti.RippleEffect - Google’s new Material Design UI comes with many new interaction effects. One of them is this sweet touch ripple effect. This tutorial will show you how to make your own recreating of this effect for Titanium.
- doqmentdb - A Promise-Based DocumentDB ODM Client for NodeJS
- appc-install - Appcelerator Installer
- connect-google-jwt - Vaidate google's JWTs middleware in connect applications.
- node-ironio -
- acs-node-sdk-deprecated - SDK to use ACS from Node.js applications -- deprecated
- commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- ti-fs - Titanium implementation of node.js's fs module
- libs - titanium libraries
- ticonf.us - Titanium app and strongloop node backend for ticonf.us
- strider-titanium -
- node-activedirectory - ActiveDirectory is an Node.js ldapjs client for authN (authentication) and authZ (authorization) for Microsoft Active Directory with range retrieval support for large Active Directory installations.
- express-jwt - connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes
- node-jwt-simple - JWT(JSON Web Token) encode and decode module for node.js
- tedious - Node TDS module for connecting to SQL Server databases.
- node-sqlserver-unofficial - An unofficial binary distribution of Microsoft's node-sqlserver driver, a node.js module to connect to MS/Azure SQL databases.
- node-jws - JSON Web Signatures
- node-jsonwebtoken - JsonWebToken implementation for node.js http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html
- swagger-node - Swagger module for node.js
- wrench-js - Recursive file operations in Node.js
- node-github - node library to access the GitHub API
- json-fallback - JSON parser / stringifier polyfill
- jpeg-size - Ready JPEG dimensions from a Uint8Array or Buffer in node
- node-oauth2-server - Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in node.js
- ScreenSizes - Titanium module - determines if you're running on an Android tablet based on screen size & density
- nodeacscms - NodeACS CMS - Simple node.js CMS with storage in Appcelerator's ACS cloud
- JSVersion - Titanium app for JavaScript feature detection
- simplesim - Simplifies launching Titanium apps to the simulator/emulator
- ForekastMobile - The mobile app for Forekast
- log4ti - A logger for Titanium mobile based on the same idea as log4net/log4j/log4js ...
- socialshare - CommonJS Module and Widget for Appcelerator that implements cross-platform sharing of text and images over social networks.
- ti-testflight-hook - ti cli hook for deploying testflight builds
- org.favo.platform - commonjs Platform Detection Module for Titanium
- tiapp.xml - Titanium tiapp.xml parsing and manipulation API
- bolts - An opinionated bootstrap for my node.js projects
- titanium-os - node.js os module for Titanium
- Sugar - A Javascript library for working with native objects.
- AppC-Alloy-Book - Complete and updated source code for the book Building Cross-Platform Apps using Titanium, Alloy, and Appcelerator Cloud Services
- tiConnectSampleApp -
- azure-sdk-for-node - Azure SDK for Node.js
- dante4azure - WebSockets with Node.js in Windows Azure Web Sites
- nodalytics - Google Analytics for Node.js HTTP APIs
- Ti.MarkdownViewer - Alloy widget that allows you to display Markdown documents in your Appcelerator Apps.
- SlideMenuTemplate - Application Template that includes a sliding menu feature
- ti-commonjs - node.js-style commonjs implementation for Titanium 3.X
- UglifyJS2 - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
- Backbone.dualStorage - A dual (localStorage and REST) sync adapter for Backbone.js
- superagent - Ajax with less suck - (and node.js HTTP client to match)
- generator-cli-titanium-project -
- generator-travis-ci - Yeoman generator for travis-ci setup [available for Yeoman >= 1.0 beta]
- Apic.js - Rest API Client Builder thats pretty epic.
- asap - High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers
- phantomjs - NPM wrapper for installing phantomjs
- rsvp.js - A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code
- TiCachedImages - Example on how to cache images/files in Titanium
- AlloySliderMenu -
- TiCons-CLI - Command-Line version of TiCons for generating icons and splash screens for Titanium & Alloy projects.
- side-waffle - A collection of Item- and Project Templates for Visual Studio
- ui - titanium UI elements
- TiInspector - Debug Titanium Mobile applications through Chrome DevTools
- Badass-Pageflow - 📲 A simple Alloy "pageflow" widget, which allows to open windows w/ styles back buttons. Features a complete a simple API.
- casual - Fake data generator for javascript
- promises-titanium - An example on using promises in a Titanium application
- titanium_alloy_calendar - This is the calendar widget of Titanium Alloy.
- mr-data-converter - Takes CSV or tab-delimited data from Excel and converts it into several web-friendly formats, include JSON and XML.
- nl.fokkezb.browserView - Alloy widget for a browserview
- nl.fokkezb.alloyCarbonized - A simple test case to speed up Alloy using Carbon
- bootstrap-markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing
- gittio - Search & Install all Titanium Modules and Alloy Widgets on GitHub
- UTiL - Collection of utility scripts for Titanium (Alloy).
- nl.fokkezb.loading - The widget provides a simple loading mask that can be easily styled and configured.
- timodules - module commands for a titanium project
- should.js - BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic
- com.jasonkneen.slidemenu - Slide menu for iOS and Android
- color-thief - Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses javascript and canvas.
- Toasti - Alloy Widget for enhanced toast notifications
- com.mdpauley.frostedsidebar -
- BootstrapHelpers - ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap HTML Helpers
- com.mcongrove.navigationBar - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- com.mcongrove.toast - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- com.mcongrove.detailNavigation - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- TitaniumAnimationDemo - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- GitExplorer - Git project explorer made with Titanium
- nl.fokkezb.cachedImageView - Alloy version of the best practice to cache remote images locally.
- OwinSamples -
- com.mcongrove.slideMenu - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- core - Titanium / Alloy Boilerplate
- ChariTi - Please do not use: this is out-dated
- AlloyToggle - Toggle button (like checkbox)
- jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
- bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- headroom.js - Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
- resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
- TiBeacons-Example-App - Shows use of the TiBeacons module
- titemplates - Titanium App Templates
- overload.js - Method overloading based on parameter types for JS
- TiCucumber - Cucumber for Appcelerator Alloy
- cucumbertalk -
- HimsaProject - This is part of my experiment to gamify education. Website was built Ruby on Rails.
- Gravatar-ProfileDetails - Gravatar Profile Details With the help of E-Mail Address
- wriststrap - A Twitter Bootstrap inspired framework for Appcelerator Titanium (Alloy)
- BootstrapMvcHelpers - Html helpers for twitter bootstrap components
- Conzole - Oaxoa.github.io
- hangoff - A Chrome extension for using Hangouts Chat on https://plus.google.com without Google+ cruft.
- Basic-custom-NavBar - A basic custom navigation bar project for Titanium
- tiactionbarhelper - ActionBar Helper Class for Titanium. Full blog post at http://t.co/MvnKi2LgGg
- TiCrossPlatformNavigationGroup - Titanium Cross-Platform Navitation Group
- nl.fokkezb.button - Bootstrap Button widget for Appcelerator (Titanium)
- nl.fokkezb.infiniteScroll - Alloy widget for infinitive scrolling TableViews and ListViews
- favico.js - Make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos
- no.leitom.autocomplete - Autocomplete widget for appcelerator alloy
- q - A promise library for JavaScript
- jasmine.async - Make Jasmine's asynchronous testing suck less.
- async - Async utilities for node and the browser
- when - A solid, fast Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
- meld - AOP for JS with before, around, on, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after advice, and pointcuts
- underscore.deferred - jQuery style Deferreds for Underscore
- TiShadow - Quick Titanium previews across devices. This fork is focused on providing collaborative prototyping realted functions. (See code_collaboration branch)
- TitaniumCachedImageView - Quick function for caching remote images in Appcelerator Titanium. Works on Titanium SDK 1.4.0+
- XHR - Super awesome HTTP Client for Appcelerator Titanium :)
- net.hoyohoyo.iconiclabel - Iconic label widget implements TiIconicFont for Titanium Alloy
- BedFrame - A framework for exposing RESTful APIs to Appcelerator Titanium Mobile.
- napp.alloy.adapter.restsql - SQL & RestAPI Sync Adapter for Titanium Alloy Framework
- napp.alloy.adapter.restapi - RestAPI Sync Adapter for Titanium Alloy Framework
- TiIconicFont - Iconic font wrapper for Titanium.
- alloy.widget.iconicfont - TiIconicFont (https://github.com/k0sukey/TiIconicFont) on Alloy widget.
- MvcApplicationRazorGeneratorSeparateLibrary - Test application that uses RazorGenerator with views in a separate library
- SignalRtest - SignalR client & server to monitor traffic.
- ServerSentEvent4Net - Server-Sent Event(SSE) implementation for ASP.NET WebApi.
- Autohotkey - My Autohotkey Scripts
- alloy - Alloy is an MVC framework for the Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- Metro-UI-CSS - CSS styles for build Windows 8 Metro UI stylable interface
- CookieTempData - Cookie-based TempData provider for ASP.NET MVC
- JSON-Webservice-Tester - A small tool that helps (me) testing json web services.
- Html5MvcTemplates - Html5 ASP.NET MVC Input Templates
- TiFlamebase - Appcelerator Native iOS Module for receiving Push Notification from Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Ti.ModBus - Titanium module for industrial ModBus
- Ti.AudioRecorder -
- TiStartapp - Show StartApp Ads inside your titanium project
- ti.cameraview -
- Ti.Speakerphone - Titanium module for controling speaker phone
- TiRotate - Titanium Android module
- Ti.Accountkit - Support for the Facebook AccountKit framework in Titanium Mobile to login using an email or phone number.
- detect.location - An easy way to access the user's iOS location data without actually having access
- OpenInCode - 📂 Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code
- benCoding.iOS.Tools - Tools to make working with Titanium on iOS even easier.
- ti.touchid - Fingerprint authentication and Keychain access for iOS and Android using Appcelerator Titanium
- ti.redlaser - RedLaser module
- ti.python - Ports common Python functions to JavaScript
- ti.php - Ports common PHP functions to JavaScript
- ti.pageflip - Automatic page turner
- ti.millennialmedia -
- ti.map - Use native Apple Maps & Google Maps in iOS and Android with Axway Titanium
- ti.jira - Access JIRA in a mobile app
- ti.googleanalytics - Google Analytics module for Titanium Mobile
- ti.getglue - Check-in to TV, movies and music
- ti.custompopover - Provide custom graphics for the popover background
- ti.coremotion - Support for the native iOS CoreMotion framework in Appcelerator Titanium
- Titanium-Calendar - Providing a Calendar Widget and Event creation for iPhone
- Titanium-Calendar - Providing a Calendar Widget and Event creation for iPhone
- Navi-Tour -
- CascadeChristmas -
- titanium-chromecast - 📡 A Titanium Appcelerator GoogleCast SDK (chromecast) module
- TitaniumAnimator - A replacement for Titanium's view animations.
- TitaniumCoreLabel - A Titanium UILabel replacement
- TitaniumTestFlight - A TestFlight SDK implementation for Titanium
- appcelerator-modules - Appcelerator Platform modules for Android and iOS
- ios-extensions-sample-sirikit - Sample app demonstrating how to use the iOS 10 framework SiriKit in your native Titanium app.
- ti.admob - Use the Google AdMob SDK on iOS and Android with Titanium
- titanium-mapbox - Titanium Module Wrapper for MapBox iOS SDK
- Live-blurView - A True Real Time BlurView implementation for Titanium
- SimplyCharts -
- titanium-alternate-icons - Leverage the ability to change the app icon in iOS 10.3+
- ti-audioplayer -
- Ti.IVW -
- titanium-exif - Parse EXIF-data from local images in Axway Titanium.
- ti.icloud - Use the iCloud framework in Axway Titanium.
- lottie-ios - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- ti.siriview - Support for the iOS library SCSiriWaveformView in Titanium Mobile
- Dash-iOS - Dash gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 150+ API documentation sets
- titanium_mobile - 🚀 Native iOS-, Android- and Windows Apps with JavaScript
- titanium-arkit - Use the iOS 11 ARKit API in Axway Titanium
- titanium-image-filters - Use the GPUImage library to apply pre-built and custom filters to images in Titanium
- ti.yahoo - Use Yahoo API's in Appcelerator Titanium (moved from the core Ti.Yahoo namespace)
- titanium-swift-module-poc - Utilize Swift to build native modules for Appcelerator Titanium.
- titanium-homekit - Support for the HomeKit framework in Appcelerator Titanium
- titanium-review-dialog - Use the SKStoreReviewController in Appcelerator Titanium.
- titanium-apple-pay - 💰 Support for iOS Apple Pay in Appcelerator Titanium
- ti.onepassword - 🔐 Support the 1Password App Extension with Titanium Mobile
- titanium-google-signin - Use the native Google Sign In SDK in Appcelerator Titanium.
- ti.barcodescanner - Refactored version of Ti.Barcode using the AVCaptureDevice API
- ti.splashview - 💦 Support for the splash-screen library CBZSplashView in Appcelerator Titanium.
- ti.accountkit - 🔐 Use the Facebook AccountKit iOS-SDK with Titanium Mobile.
- ti.keyframes - 🖼 Support for the @facebook Keyframes library in Titanium
- Ti.WKWebView - 📡 Support the WKWebView with Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile
- ti-firebase - Appcelerator / Titanium module project to build and use the google firebase SDK
- tipop - titanium client for facebook pop
- TiFXBlurView - Titanium FXBlurView Module
- titanium-google-analytics - Google analytics for Appcelerator Titanium
- TiGPUImageView - GPUImage wrapper module for Titanium
- ti.ios.trim - A module for trimming and compressing videos with Appcelerator Titanium.
- TiBrightcove - Titanium module for playing Brightcove videos
- RMConnecter - Connecter is an OS X app to help you interact with iTunes Connect’s Transporter binary, which allows you to interact with app metadata in iTunes Connect.
- Ti.GA - Google Analytics Native SDK modules for Titanium
- TiISRefreshControl - Wrapping ISRefreshControl for Ti.UI.TableView and Ti.UI.ListView on Titanium Mobile.
- TiOAuthIO - Titanium module implementing the OAuth.io iOS SDK
- TiBeacons - iBeacon advertising and scanning in a Titanium module
- Securely - Security Modules for Titanium Mobile
- Ti.BlurView - A Blur View implementation for Titanium
- NappUI - A collection of extended functionality for the UI components of Titanium SDK
- plot-titanium-module - Enable the power of Location Based Notifications provided by the Plot plugin in your Titanium apps
- Titanium-PixateFreestyle - Titanium Module for Pixate Framework
- SignalR-ObjC - Objective-C Client for the SignalR Project works with iOS and Mac
- Alloy-Custom-Fonts - Quick Help: Appcelerator Custom Fonts in Alloy
- AGCalendar - Calendar module for Titanium
- titanium-modules - The extensive list of good Titanium Modules!
- Local-Storage-Demo - Used to demonstrate how to download, display, and cache data in an application.
- typescript-titanium - Ambient declarations for use titanium (appcelerator) with typescript
- caching_alloy_restadapter - A rest api adapter for appcelerator alloy that has built in caching
- learning-modules-labs - Public repo for legacy shortlinks
- LP-ASF - Public repo for managing updates, features or bugs to LP-ASF
- Ti.MultipleAARmodule - Using of multiple AArs and JARs in Titanium module
- cd.releasescripts - Set of scripts to deploy node & mobile apps (Titanium or iOS native) with Go Server. (Continuous Delivery project)
- titanium-navigation - Navigation structures for Appcelerartor Titanium applications
- ti.build - Independend Docker image for building Appcelerator Titanium mobile projects
- Titanium-Docker - Appcelerator Titanium Docker image
- titanium-devicecheck - Axway Hyperloop module for iOS 11 DeviceCheck API
- extending-vscode-talk - Notes and demo code for a session I present on extending Visual Studio Code.
- open-in-buttons-for-finder-toolbar - Open in TextMate, open in VS Code buttons for Finder toolbar
- vscode-tips-and-tricks - Collection of helpful tips and tricks for VS Code.
- nativeloop-mobile - Deprecated: Use {nativeloop} instead. https://www.npmjs.com/package/nativeloop
- alloy-widget-nativeloop -
- es6features - Overview of ECMAScript 6 features
- javascript-in-one-pic - Learn javascript in one picture.
- discuss - By the Titanium™ community, For the Titanium™ community
- pem - Automatically generate and renew your push notification profiles
- snapshot - Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS app on every device
- cert - Automatically create and maintain iOS code signing certificates
- sigh - Because you would rather spend your time building stuff than fighting provisioning
- produce - Create new iOS apps on iTunes Connect and Dev Portal using the command line
- frameit - Quickly put your screenshots into the right device frames
- postman-app-support - Postman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Using Postman, you can construct complex HTTP requests quickly, organize them in collections and share them with your co-workers.
- ARCHIVED-Titanium-Docs - [ARCHIVED] Desktop App for Offline Titanium Docs
- deliver - Upload screenshots, metadata and your app to the App Store using a single command
- git-commands - List of useful git commands
- JSON.minify - Simple minifier for JSON to remove comments and whitespace
- socketio4net - SocketIO4Net provides a .NET v4.0 & v4.5 (C#) client for Socket.IO.
- toggl_api_docs - Documentation for the Toggl API
- titanium_modules - Modules for Appcelerator's Titanium
- bitballoon-api - API Documentation for the BitBalloon REST API
- api-people - This is a template API for 'people'.
- raml-spec - RAML Specification
- alljoy - A set of tools for Titanium Alloy, including a Balsamiq to alloy converter
- json-schema - JSON Schema specifications
- npp-ahk - Notepad++ syntax highlighting and autocompletion for AutoHotkey
- gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- NuGet.Build - Build script used by NuGet package restore.
- Accessories - Accessories for Nancy development
- FontAwesomeJS - Generates a CommonJS module exposing the UniCode strings for all Font Awesome icons.
- password-hashing - Password hashing code.
- chocolatey - [DEPRECATED - https://github.com/chocolatey/choco] Chocolatey NuGet - Like apt-get, but for windows.
- ti.timezone -
- iAdAttributes -
- ti.soundsampler - Audio peak meter sampling
- ti.quicklook - Preview multiple file formats
- ti.imagefactory - The ImageFactory Module for Appcelerator Titanium
- ti.gcp - Google Cloud Print for Appcelerator Titanium
- ti.flurry - The Flurry Analytics Module for Appcelerator Titanium
- statusbar - Statusbar control in iOS 7 with Titanium
- ti.doorbell - Implementation doorbell.io in titanium
- ti.sms -
- ci.geofencing - Quick Example a basic IOS Module for Appcelerator Titanium to demonstrate geofencing
- iLasse -
- titanium-cookies - Me want cookies. OM NOM NOM.
- brightness - Control the brightness of your device on Titanium
- adrianopaladini.statusbar - Statusbar control in iOS 7 with Titanium
- tibeacon - A quick and dirty Titanium iOS module to for creating an iBeacon in your app.
- tiads - Titanium Module for fetching advertisingIds both for iOS and Android
- titanium-deep-learning - Use the JetPac DeepBeliefSDK framework in Appcelerator Titanium
- titanium-sirikit - Support for the native iOS SiriKit API in Appcelerator Titanium
- tiapprestart - Titanium module to restart an iOs app.
- itunesfs - Script for generating an iTunes Connect package (.itmsp) straight from the file system
- Ti.CoreMotion - Surfacing a few CoreMotion components to Titanium Mobile
- TiBCGenieEffect - Wrapping BCGenieEffect module.
- Ti.Safari.ReadingList - Titanium module to add items to the Safari Reading List
- TiStoreView - Show apps in the App Store from within your App (app-ception?)
- DZDynamicType - Titanium module to fetch Text Sizes as set by your Users as a perferrence. This is a great module if you care about your user's accessibility requirements.
- AlloyReadium - Appcelerator Alloy Readium ePub Reader Demo
- fastlane - 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- codes - Create promo codes for iOS Apps using the command line
- itunes_store_transporter_web - iTunes Store Transporter GUI: A GUI for the iTunes Store’s Transporter (iTMSTransporter)
- itmsp-scripts -
- itunes_store_transporter - Upload and manage your assets in the iTunes Store using the iTunes Store’s Transporter (iTMSTransporter).
- itunes_transporter_generator - CLI for generating and packaging app store assets for Game Center and In-App Purchases
- jekyll-auth - A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected Jekyll site to your GitHub organization
- jekyll-bootstrap - The quickest way to start and publish your Jekyll powered blog. 100% compatible with GitHub pages.
- ci - Continuous integration scripts and resources
- alexa-avs-sample-app - This project demonstrates how to access and test the Alexa Voice Service using a Java client (running on a Raspberry Pi), and a Node.js server.
- command-line-uploader - Upload builds to TestFairy via command line
- jenkins-slave-osx - Jenkins JNLP slave service for modern OS X systems
- iOS11-PasswordFill-Example - Example showing how to use the PasswordFill API in iOS 11.
- iOS11-QR-Code-Example - Example showing how to use the QR-code detection API (VNDetectBarcodesRequest) in iOS 11.
- iOS11-NFC-Example - 📱 Example showing how to use the Core NFC API in iOS 11 and later.
- facebook-live-ios - 📺 A Swift utility "FBSDKLiveVideo" to stream Facebook Live videos on iOS
- ios_guides - Comprehensive open-source iOS guides
- graphql-playground - 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
- prettier-vscode-with-tabs - Visual Studio Code plugin for Prettier
- prettier-vscode - Visual Studio Code plugin for Prettier
- titanium-typescript - TypeScript's typings for Titanium Mobile.
- zone.js - Implements Zones for JavaScript
To the extent possible under law, brentonhouse has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.