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File metadata and controls

119 lines (89 loc) · 4.02 KB

Advanced Setup

Local development

Once you decided to code something in the project you'll need to setup your environment. Here's how you can make it.

Setup pipenv

  1. Get pipenv: pip3 install --user pipenv
  2. Install packages and activate virtual environment: pipenv install --dev
  3. Check that it was installed correctly: pipenv shell

Setup postgres


Easies way is to run postgres is to run in docker, just run it with follow command:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d postgres

When you need to connect to postgres use next params:

In case you really want setup local postgres then go under cut...
Brief instruction:

1. Install postgresql (for macos is easies start)
2. After you install and run postgress create a project database:
      # create db
      $ psql postgres
      postgres=# createdb vas3k_club

      # create user (user: vas3k, password: vas3k)
      postgres=# createuser --interactive --pwpromp

      # grant priviliges
      postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE vas3k_club TO vas3k;
      postgres=# \connect vas3k_club
      postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO vas3k;
      postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public to vas3k;
      postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA public to vas3k;
      postgres=# \q

      # check connection
      $ psql -d vas3k_club -U vas3k

Setup frontend

$ cd frontend
$ npm run watch # will implicitly run `npm ci`

Run dev server

After you have setup postgres, venv and build frontend (look this steps above) complete preparations with follow commands:

# run redis
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up redis

# run queue
$ pipenv run python qcluster

# run db migration
$ pipenv run python migrate

# run dev server
$ pipenv run python runserver

Telegram bot or help-desk-bot

To run telegram bot you have to:

  1. Copy env.exmaple file: cp ./club/.env.example ./club/.env
  2. Fill all the requirement fields in ./club/.env, such as TELEGRAM_TOKEN etc.
    • TELEGRAM_TOKEN you can get from @BotFather
    • To get TELEGRAM_CLUB_CHANNEL_URL, TELEGRAM_ADMIN_CHAT_ID etc Just Simply Forward a message from your group/channel to @JsonDumpBot or @getidsbot
  3. Rebuild application: docker-compose up --build


Check out our docker-compose.yml to understand the infrastructure.

Load posts from main to dev/local database

Sometimes you need fill saome posts/users data from real project. For this case you can use import_posts_to_dev command.

Command fetch and copy is_public=True posts to your database:

# fetch first page
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev

# fetch first 10 pages
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev --pages 10

# fetch 10 pages, starts from page 5
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev --pages 10 --skip 5

# fetch 10 pages, starts from page 5 and update exists posts
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev --pages 10 --skip 5 --force

# if use docker-compose
$ docker exec -it club_app python3 import_posts_to_dev --pages 2

You can also import private posts and comments, but you will need to create an application ( and use service_token to do this.

# fetch first page with comments
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev --with-comments --service-token XXX

# fetch first page with private posts and comments
$ python3 import_posts_to_dev --with-private --with-comments --service-token XXX