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A Lucene index keeps track of startTime, endTime, tags and full partKey for every time series ingested within retention period. It is used during the first part of query processing when relevant time series are identified for a given query filter.
The timestamp of the first sample of the time series is used as startTime and the last sample is used as endTime for indexing. For actively ingesting partitions, endTime is Long.MaxValue.
A document in the Lucene index is upserted whenever a partKey (time series) starts/stops/restarts ingesting. Besides updating the local Lucene index, this data persisted to Cassandra for recovery on failure. The persist operations happen as part of the flush task. When a node restarts, records from Cassandra are first scanned to re-populate the local Lucene index before any ingestion starts.
PartKeys, start/endTimes are stored in a cassandra table with partKey as the partition/primary key. For efficient scans of entire shard's worth of data, we have a table per shard. Token scans are employed to read data quickly while bootstrapping FiloDB shard.
One of the first steps when ingestion starts on a node is index recovery. We download the data from cassandra and repopulate the Lucene index.
For time series that are ingesting (endTime == Long.MaxValue) TimeSeriesPartition objects are created on heap. For those that have stopped ingesting, we do not load them into heap. It is done lazily when a query asks for it.
A list per shard tracks dirty partKeys that need persistence to cassandra. Part Key data is persisted in one randomly designated flush group per shard. This is to scatter the writes across shards and reduce cassandra peak write load. During flush we also identify any partition that is marked as ingesting but has no data to be flushed as a non-ingesting partition and add them to the dirty keys that need to be persisted.
We piggy-back on regular flush group checkpointing as follows:
For new partitions and restart-ingestion events, flushing of key data happens during the randomly designated group for the shard. Thus, checkpointing of this event will never be behind the last flush group's checkpoint. During kafka recovery, the partKey is added to index and marked as dirty for persistence even if we skip the sample.
End-of-ingestion detection is done along with chunk flush, and persistence of end of time series marker will always be consistent with its group checkpoint. If for any reason node fails before persisting end-of-ingestion, the partition will be recovered as actively ingesting, and will eventually be marked as non-ingesting during its flush.