这是一份适用于 Clevo P65xHP 的 Hackintosh EFI 配置,我的机型为 HASEE Z7-KP7D1,故 HASEE Z7-KP7S1 应该也是通用的。
- 无线网卡:DW1830 BCM943602BAED(会附送一根天线接到最右侧即可)
- 固态硬盘:SAMSUNG PM961
- 显示屏:SHARP SHP1430(10.13 及以上)
从 10.13 开始更换了夏普的 SHP1430 屏幕,所以核心显卡部分会不一样,使用黑果小兵镜像中较为纯净的 config.json 配合 Hackintool 驱动核显即可,需要注意的是本机型的「平台 ID」为「0x591B0006」(使用「0x591B0000」存在开机黑屏的问题)
本机型号(Realtek ACL892)不需要 AppleALC 仿冒,直接将 Clover 中「Devices」下「Audio」的「Inject」设置为「28」即可声卡和麦克风同时工作。
DW1830 的蓝牙驱动使用以下 3 个:
- BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext
- BrcmFirmwareData.kext
- BrcmPatchRAM2.kext
将以上三个放置 EFI 中即可,不需要放置「SE」(另一种解决方案是用 BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext 取代 BrcmFirmwareData.kext 的就需要放置在 SE,不过个人并不建议)
另外,10.15 中的蓝牙使用 OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM 2018-05-05 版本已经不可用还会导致开机和关机卡顿,本配置使用也是用了黑果小兵镜像中的修改版,已可正常使用。
• 1 - Applications Switch: command+"left arrow"
• 2 - App close: command+"right arrow"
• 3 - Launchpad: control+shift+command+L
• 4 - Mission control: control+up
• 5 - Dashboard: F12
• 6 - Left Space/Full Screen apps switch: control+"left arrow"
• 7 - Right Space/Full Screen apps switch: control+"right arrow"
• 8 - Application window: control+shift+command+A
• 9 - Minimize app: works as expected (command+M)
• 10 - Toggle Full screen Switch: alt+command+F
• 11 - Backward: alt+command+"["
• 12 - Forward: alt+command+"]"
• 13 - Desktop: F11
• 14 - Notification center (keyboard shortcut): control+shift+command+N (and not command+shift+N as stated in the documentation)
• 15 - Show Properties/Info: works as expected (command+i)
• 16 - Hide/Show Dock: alt+command+D (but it doesn't seem to work)
• 17 - Notification center (soft mode): doesn't work
• 18 - Zoom reset: works as expected (command+zero)
• 19 - Finder: alt+command+space (but I'm not shure what it should be doing, doesn't seem to work)
• 20 - Force Quit: work as expected (alt+command+esc)
• 21 - Right click: doesn't work as right click, instead it works as "20 - Force Quit" (alt+command+esc)
• 22 - Middle click: doesn't work
• 33 - should work as "F23" instead it's the real right click, but only when set to a tapping gesture
• 34 - should work as "F24" instead it's the real middle click, but only when set to a tapping gesture
• 35 - Left click: work as expected but only when set to a tapping gesture