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Eye/Pin Contact 2D

Tested with CGX 2.19 / CCX 2.19

  • Plane strain model (can be switched to plane stress)
  • Linear elastic pin, elasto-plastic eye
  • Node-to-surface Penalty contact
  • Prescribed displacement of the pin
  • Force-displacement-plot, stress profiles

The model was inspired by a model by user dichtstoff in the CalculiX user forum. Here, essentially, parametrization with the script was added.

File Contents
par.eyebar.fbd Pre-processing script for CGX (parametrized with
eyebar.inp CCX input
post.fbd CGX post-processing script
df.gnu Gnuplot script for the force-displacement plot
path.gnu Gnuplot script for the stress profiles Python script to run the full simulation


Two separate parts are generated and meshed with plane strain elements. The prescribed displacement is applied to the flat equatorial surface of the pin.

Parameter Value Description
wi 10 Width of the material around the hole (eye) in mm
re 10 Radius of the hole in mm
rp 9.5 Radius of the pin in mm
etyp "qu4e" Element type

You can change the model type using the parameter etyp in par.eyebar.fbd. Default is 4 node plane strain.

> par.eyebar.fbd
> cgx -b eyebar.fbd


> ccx eyebar
> eyebar


> cgx -b post.fbd

The force-displacement curve is valid for the half model and is created from the .dat-file-output of the total reaction forces and the displacement of the monitor node.

Stress profiles in cross sections at the support (left) and at the eye (right, light blue in the mesh plot). The diagrams show the profiles at the first increment (still elastic) and at the end of the load step.