This is your course initialization stub.
Please see the Docs to find out what is possible in LiaScript.
If you want to use instant help in your Atom IDE, please type lia to see all available shortcuts.
You can use common Markdown syntax to create your course, such as:
ordered or
- unordered
- ones ...
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
But you can also include other features such as spoken text.
Insert any kind of audio file:
Even videos or change the language completely.
--{{3 Russian Female}}--
Первоначально создан в 2004 году Джоном Грубером (англ. John Gruber) и Аароном Шварцем. Многие идеи языка были позаимствованы из существующих соглашений по разметке текста в электронных письмах...
Type "voice" to see a list of all available languages.
The whole text-block should appear in purple color and with a wobbling effect. Which is a bad example, please use it with caution ... ~~ only this is red ;-) ~~
Use ASCII-Art to draw diagrams:
1.9 | DOTS
| ***
y | * *
- | r r r r r r r*r r r r*r r r r r r r
a | * *
x | * *
i | B B B B B * B B B B B B * B B B B B
s | * *
| * * * * * *
-1 +------------------------------------
0 x-axis 1
What did the fish say when he hit a concrete wall?
Just add as many points as you wish:
[[X]] Only the **X** marks the correct point.
[[ ]] Empty ones are wrong.
[[X]] ...
Just add as many points as you wish:
[( )] ...
[(X)] <-- Only the **X** is allowed.
[( )] ...
You can make your code executable and define projects:
let who = data.first_name + " " + data.last_name;
if( {
who + " is online"; }
else {
who + " is NOT online"; }
"first_name" : "Sammy",
"last_name" : "Shark",
"online" : true
Find out what you also can do ...