- Added Microsoft Live OAuth provider.
- Added Yandex OAuth provider.
- Added CustomFacebookService example class.
- Added 'cache' and 'cacheExpire' options to control cache.
- Added list of services to display in the EAuthWidget.
- Changed VK.com API urls.
- Added optional headers in EOAuthServiceBase::initRequest().
- Added LinkedIn OAuth provider.
- Added GitHub OAuth provider.
- Fixed sending signed requests with the query parameters in the EOAuthService.
- Fixed issue #11. Twitter must authorize user everytime they login.
- Fixed issue #10. VKontakte must authorize user everytime they login with empty oauth scope.
- Fixed translations.
- Fixed bug in the EOAuthService::initRequest(), incorrect variable use in http header.
- Fixed error with CURL HTTP chunked transfer encoding.
- Added EAuthUserIdentity class.
- Added translations support.
- Fixed EAuthServiceBase::hasArrtubite() and EAuthServiceBase::getId() methods.
- Added MoiKrug OAuth provider.
- Added Odnoklassniki OAuth provider.
- Added ability to write in the log of unsuccessful requests in the EAuthServiceBase::makeRequest().
- Added access_token lifetime handling, #1 closed. Please, check your custom OAuth 2.0 classes!
- Added links to provider files to register your applications.
- Changed url for the Yandex OpenID.
- Fixed infinite loop when calling getAttrbiutes from fetchAttributes inside a provider class.
- Removed $_GET['js'] from the redirect_uri for the OAuth 2.0 providers, which could cause problems with a callback URL for some providers.
- Small fixes in the css of the widget.
- Added handling for denied callback in the TwitterOAuthService.
- Fixed a redirect page for disabled javascript.
- EAuthWidget been rewritten for use with CController->widget() instead of EAuth->renderWidget().
- Added automatic detection of the current action in the widget.
- Fixed popup window size for the new Google design.
- MailruOAuthService::makeSignedRequest() now fully compatible with the basic method.
- Fixed error when MailruOAuthService::getAccessToken() returns an empty token.
- Fixed: service IDs in the configuration is no longer associated with the names of services.
- Fixed MailruOAuthService::getTokenUrl() method to be fully compatible with the basic method.
- Added Google OAuth 2.0 provider, updated css file of the widget.
- Fixed fetchJsonError() method in OAuth providers.
- Fixed examples of custom classes for OAuth 2.0 providers.
- Updated EAuth::redirect() method to support the closing popup window without $_GET['js'] variable.
- Fixed a wrong call urldecode instead of urldecode in the FacebookOAuthService.php.
- Fixed exception rethrowing: removed unnecessary $e->getPrevious() call.
- Fixed: the call $service->getItemAttributes() returns an empty array.
- Removed checking $_GET['error_reason'] in EOAuth2Service.php.
- EAuthServiceBase is an abstract class now.
- Updated curl requests api.
- Updated OAuth Service Providers.
- Method getItemAttributes() renamed to getAttributes().
- Added methods to work with a authorization session (Methods: getStateKeyPrefix, setState, hasState, getState).
- Added Mail.ru OAuth provider, updated css file of the widget.
- Added getters support for service attributes.
- Initial release.