Salmon is one of a breed of new, very fast RNAseq counting packages. Like Kallisto and Sailfish, Salmon counts fragments without doing up-front read mapping. Salmon can be used with edgeR and others to do differential expression analysis (if you are quantifying RNAseq data).
Today we will use it to get a handle on the relative distribution of genomic reads across the predicted protein regions.
The goals of this tutorial are to:
- Install salmon
- Use salmon to estimate gene coverage in our metagenome dataset
Extra resources:
- see the finished plotting notebook.
- see the script.
Download and extract the latest version of Salmon and add it to your PATH:
cd wget tar -xvzf Salmon-0.7.2_linux_x86_64.tar.gz cd Salmon-0.7.2_linux_x86_64 export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Salmon-0.7.2_linux_x86_64/bin
Go to the data directory and download the prokka annotated sequences, assembled metagenome, and fastq files:
cd ~ mkdir -p data cd data curl -L -O curl -L -O curl -L -O tar -xvzf prokka_annotation_assembly.tar.gz
Make a new directory for the quantification of data with Salmon:
mkdir quant cd quant
Grab the nucleotide (*ffn
) predicted protein regions from Prokka and link them here. Also grab the trimmed sequence data (*fq
ln -fs ~/data/prokka_annotation/*ffn . ln -fs ~/data/* .
Create the salmon index:
salmon index -t metagG.ffn -i transcript_index --type quasi -k 31
Salmon requires that paired reads be separated into two files. We can split the reads using the
from the khmer package:
for file in * do tail=.fq.gz BASE=${file/$tail/} $BASE$tail -1 ${file/$tail/}.1.fq -2 ${file/$tail/}.2.fq done
Now, we can quantify our reads against this reference:
for file in *.pe.1.fq do BASE=${file/$tail1/} salmon quant -i transcript_index --libType IU \ -1 $BASE$tail1 -2 $BASE$tail2 -o $BASE.quant; done
(Note that --libType must come before the read files!)
This will create a bunch of directories named after the fastq files that we just pushed through. Take a look at what files there are within one of these directories:
find SRR1976948.quant -type f
Now, the quant.sf
files actually contain the relevant information about expression – take a look:
head -10 SRR1976948.quant/quant.sf
The first column contains the transcript names, and the fourth column is what we will want down the road - the normalized counts (TPM). However, they’re not in a convenient location / format for use; let's fix that.
Download the script:
curl -L -O
and run it:
python2 ./
This will give you a bunch of .counts files, which are processed from the quant.sf files and named for the directory from which they emanate.
In Jupyter Notebook, open a new Python3 notebook and enter:
%matplotlib inline import numpy from pylab import *
In another cell:
cd ~/data/quant
In another cell:
counts1 = [ x.split()[1] for x in open('SRR1976948.quant.counts')] counts1 = [ float(x) for x in counts1[1:] ] counts1 = numpy.array(counts1) counts2 = [ x.split()[1] for x in open('SRR1977249.quant.counts')] counts2 = [ float(x) for x in counts2[1:] ] counts2 = numpy.array(counts2) plot(counts1, counts2, '*')