Small yet handy collection of useful scripts, git & shell aliases to deal with Git repos on a daily basis. Repeatedly.
For standalone scripts, do a git clone
somewhere in your $PATH
& make the scripts executable. That's a chmod +x
. Simple.
It's important to version the release changelogs within a repository. Some choose to use a separate
, however, Git tag annotations are also a great tool for this purpose.
The git tags
script provides a readable colored trail of annotated git tags which serve as the chronological trail for the release tags & changelogs. If provided with -n N
argument, it shows the last n
release tags.
● git tags
v6.5-rc4 at 5d0c230
Sun Jul 30 13:23:47 2023 -0700
Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Linux 6.5-rc4
- file: reinstate f_pos locking optimization for regular files
- arm64/fpsimd: Sync and zero pad FPSIMD state for streaming SVE
- arm64/fpsimd: Sync FPSIMD state with SVE for SME only systems
- arm64/ptrace: Do not enable SVE when setting streaming SVE
- rust: fix bindgen build error with UBSAN_BOUNDS_STRICT
v6.5-rc5 at 52a93d3
Sun Aug 6 15:07:51 2023 -0700
Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Linux 6.5-rc5
- fs: rely on ->iterate_shared to determine f_pos locking
- vfs: get rid of old '->iterate' directory operation
- proc: fix missing conversion to 'iterate_shared'
- open: make RESOLVE_CACHED correctly test for O_TMPFILE
● git tags -n 1
v6.5-rc5 at 52a93d3
Sun Aug 6 15:07:51 2023 -0700
Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Linux 6.5-rc5
- fs: rely on ->iterate_shared to determine f_pos locking
- vfs: get rid of old '->iterate' directory operation
- proc: fix missing conversion to 'iterate_shared'
- open: make RESOLVE_CACHED correctly test for O_TMPFILE
What were the changes since the latest annotated tag? git changelog
has the answer:
● git changelog
- fs: rely on ->iterate_shared to determine f_pos locking
- vfs: get rid of old '->iterate' directory operation
- proc: fix missing conversion to 'iterate_shared'
- open: make RESOLVE_CACHED correctly test for O_TMPFILE
Time to release a new version? git release
might be handy, especially if you also use Gitlab as the origin
remote of the repo.
Given a tag, for example 4.2.0
, it create a new annotated tag using the git changelog
output and optionally if provided with --gitlab
argument, creates a corresponding Gitlab release on the remote.
For the gitlab release functionality to work, a GITLAB_RELEASE_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable must be in context; which is a personal access token with the api
scope. Export it somewhere in your shell configuration.
export GITLAB_RELEASE_ACCESS_TOKEN="my-gitlab-token-with-api-scope-access'
● git release 4.2.0 --gitlab
New tag was successfully created 🕺
Enumerating objects: 1, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 909 bytes | 909.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
* [new tag] 4.2.0 -> 4.2.0
A new Gitlab release was created 💃🎉
Does a transparent rebase by fixing up the all the uncommitted changes into the last commit, or optionally the given ref hash.
● git fixup
[main 517275f] fixup! Add readme.
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/main.
To install git aliases, add a include.path
config directive to your global git config file at ~/.gitconfig
path = /path/to/giteroids-repo/gitconfig
Check out that file for a list of available aliases.
If command line is your main interface with git, you have to be lazy as me. The giteroids/shell
file includes a set of git shorthands as aliases & helper functions. gs
for git status
kind, git mr
for opening a Gitlab MR & such, you get the idea.
Source it into your favorite shell configuration. For example:
# .zshrc
[ -f "path/to/giteroids/shell" ] && source "path/to/giteroids/shell"