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Running a Ruby on Rails App in Sentora with Phusion Passenger

Guillermo Vargas edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 9 revisions

A Ruby on Rails app can be hosted in Sentora running Phusion Passenger, the way to do it is not very intuitive but this is an attempt at explaining the method that has worked for me.

To do this, you will need:

  • SSH sudo Access to the server
  • Phusion Passenger for Apache
  • Create an .htaccess file
  • Install Ruby on Rails through rvm or rbenv
  • (Optional) Install Capistrano to deploy your application directly from the terminal.

Creating your app space.

  1. Create a "domain" in your Sentora panel and give it a new home directory.
  2. Once the directory is active create an .htaccess file with the following commands
sudo nano

We need to create an .htaccess file if it is not already there.

PassengerEnabled On
PassengerLoadShellEnvVars On
PassengerAppRoot /var/sentora/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/'domain_name'/current
PassengerRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.1.5/ruby
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