The purpose of current pattern is to provide an interface that fits the developer's needs, delegating the decision of objects creation to a factory. Only the factory knows how to create stuffs. The creation project is completely abstract here.
In this example we will build a sort of greeting generators. Just for italian and english translations.
First of all we need languages. We can define them as constants:
const (
Italian = 1
English = 2
Then, we need a translator. A translator that build a greeting message.
type Translator interface {
GetGreeting() string
To be sure that all works fine, we create a greeting from Italian. In our test we just care about the content of the message.
func TestCreateGetGreetingOfWarehouse(t *testing.T) {
greeting, err := GetTranslator(Italian)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("A GetGreetingment method of type 'Italian' must exists")
msg := greeting.GetGreeting()
if !strings.Contains(msg, "Ciao") {
t.Error("The italian greeting isn't correct")
As you can see, from tests EnglishGreeting and ItalianGreeting are not present. The factory successfully abstract the message creation, delegating it to ItalianGreeting and EnglishGreeting.