- Flyweight
- ConcreteFlyweight
- FlyweightFactoy
- Client
This pattern it's very commonly used in computer graphics and the video game industry. It allow sharing the state of a heavy object between many instances of some type.
This example uses a creational pattern to create objects instance.
func TestFactoryCreatesObjects(t *testing.T) {
f := NewObjectFactory()
firstObject := f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
if firstObject == nil {
t.Error("The pointer to the TYPE_ONE was nil")
According to the flyweight pattern, each object requested is returned. Well, what is really returned is not an object but a pointer to that object.
func TestFactoryCreatesTwoObjects(t *testing.T) {
f := NewObjectFactory()
_ = f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
secondObject := f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
if secondObject == nil {
t.Error("The pointer to the TYPE_ONE was nil")
Each pointer created is a different pointer.
func TestFactoryCreatesJustObjectOfTypes(t *testing.T) {
f := NewObjectFactory()
firstObject := f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
secondObject := f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
if firstObject != secondObject {
t.Error("TYPE_ONE pointers weren't the same")
Even if object of TYPE_ONE is requested more times, the number of created objects is equals to the number of type requested.
func TestNumberOfObjectsIsAlwaysNumberOfTypeOfObjectCreated(t *testing.T) {
f := NewObjectFactory()
_ = f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
_ = f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
if f.GetNumberOfObjects() != 1 {
"The number of objects created was not 1: %d\n",
Finally, and for completeness, if two objects are requested a huge amount of time, the number of object created is still two.
func TestHighVolume(t *testing.T) {
f := NewObjectFactory()
objects := make([]*Object, 500000*2)
for i := 0; i < 500000; i++ {
objects[i] = f.GetObject(TYPE_ONE)
for i := 500000; i < 2*500000; i++ {
objects[i] = f.GetObject(TYPE_TWO)
if f.GetNumberOfObjects() != 2 {
"The number of objects created was not 2: %d\n",