To get started, just follow this tour though the app:
Select a folder, by pressing the "Select Folder" Button, and open the folder you want to sort.
Look at the UI. You should see a couple of buttons:
"Skip": Skips the current image and loads the next image.
Can be used by pressing the button or the left arrow key.
"Move": Moves the current image to the highlighted/selected folder in the list on the left side of the window.
You can select another folder just by clicking it or using the up and down keys to move the selection.
To move an image, press the button or use the right arrow key.
"Go back": This is your best friend when you accidentally skipped or moved the current image. This will revert your last skip/move action.
Use it by pressing the button or the control key and the left arrow key at the same time.
"New Folder": Asks for the name for the new folder and creates that folder inside the current one.
Use it by pressing the F3 button
"Enter Folder": Enters the currently selected folder.
Use it by pressing the enter folder button, double clicking the folder you want to enter or by pressing the Enter key
"Search": Located in the top of the window itself, this button toggles the search box on or off. Whenever search is on, selecting a folder from the list and skipping/moving the current image is not possible, so remember to turn it off before you continue.
Use it by pressing the button or the control key and the s key at the same time.
"Horizontal Resolution": Sets the horizontal resolution, with which the images should get get loaded. Lower -> Faster loading times, Higher -> more quality. Once focused, press enter on your keyboard to apply your changes (if you made any).
Use it by clicking into the text box or by pressing the F4 key.
"Open Image in File Explorer": Opens the image in file explorer if you need to.
Use it by clicking the link or by pressing the F5 key.
A slider indicating your progress: This slider can be used to go through the images you have and jump to a specific one. Note: the progress is counted, by how many images you have sorted (skipped/moved), not by the index of the image you are at. The first image is basically 0 progress.
Use it by dragging the slider.
"Feedback": Opens the issues page on GitHub. You can give feedback there.
Use it by pressing the feedback button.
Now try out all those features. Try doing all this stuff with the keyboard only. Once you are good, close this Window and come back to it later on if you need to. You can open it, by pressing the "Help" button or the F1 key.
That's it. Now you are ready to sort all your folders.