← Debug | Logger(中文) | Concurrent →
The logger is mainly used to provide support for auditing, to record each call, similar to the server's access log.
If you want to use the log function, you need to initialize a log object first. You can set the log level, log template, log output path and channel when initializing the log object.
// level: default value is info
// channel: default value is AlibabaCloud
// file: should be an object that implements the io.writer interface
// templete: logger template, If not entered, the default value is `{time} {channel}: "{method} {uri} HTTP/{version}" {code} {cost} {hostname}`
client.SetLogger("level", "channel", file, templete) // Set the client's log. When you call this method, the log function is enabled by default.
logger := client.GetLogger() // Get client logger
client.OpenLogger() // Open logger, if clien logger is not exist, there will create a default logger for client
client.CloseLogger() // Close logger
client.GetLoggerMsg() // Get last logger message,if clien logger is not exist, there will create a default logger for client
client.SetTemplate(templete) // Set client logger template,if clien logger is not exist, there will create a default logger for client
client.GetTemplate() // Get client logger template,if clien logger is not exist, there will create a default logger for client
Variables | Description |
{channel} | name of the log |
{host} | Host of the request |
{ts} | GMT中的 ISO 8601日期 |
{method} | Method of the request |
{uri} | URI of the request |
{version} | Protocol version |
{target} | Request target of the request (path + query) |
{hostname} | Hostname of the machine that sent the request |
{code} | Status code of the response (if available) |
{error} | Any error messages (if available) |
{req_headers} | Request headers |
{res_headers} | Response headers |
{pid} | PID |
{cost} | Cost Time |
{start_time} | start Time |
← Debug | Logger(中文) | Concurrent →