This example project demonstrates a generic IoT use case for ScyllaDB in Rust.
The documentation for this application and guided exercise is here.
The application allows tracking of pets health indicators and consist of three parts:
- migrate (
) - creates thecarepet
keyspace and tables - sensor (
) - generates a pet health data and pushes it into the storage - stress (
) - generates a lot of data for the stress testing - web app (
) - REST API service for tracking pets health state
- Rust at least 1.57
- docker
- docker-compose
To run a local ScyllaDB cluster consisting of three nodes with
the help of docker
and docker-compose
$ docker-compose up -d
Docker-compose will spin up three nodes: carepet-scylla1
, carepet-scylla2
and carepet-scylla3
. You can access them with the docker
To execute CQLSH:
$ docker exec -it carepet-scylla1 cqlsh
To execute nodetool:
$ docker exec -it carepet-scylla1 nodetool status
$ docker exec -it carepet-scylla1 shell
The port of carepet-scylla1
is published to the host on port 9042
using the host IP address.
To get the host IP address run:
$ HOST_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
To initialize database execute:
$ cargo run --bin migrate -- --hosts $HOST_IP
Expected output:
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO migrate] Bootstrapping database...
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Connecting to 172.nnn.nnn.nnn
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Creating keyspace carepet
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Keyspace carepet created
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Migrating database
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Executed migration script 1/5
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Executed migration script 2/5
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Executed migration script 3/5
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Executed migration script 4/5
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Executed migration script 5/5
[2021-12-24T00:39:00Z INFO care_pet::db] Database migrated
You can check the database structure with:
$ docker exec -it carepet-scylla1 cqlsh
carepet system_auth system_distributed_everywhere system_traces
system_schema system system_distributed
cqlsh> USE carepet;
cqlsh:carepet> DESCRIBE TABLES
owner pet sensor sensor_avg measurement
cqlsh:carepet> DESCRIBE TABLE pet
owner_id uuid,
pet_id uuid,
address text,
age int,
breed text,
chip_id text,
color text,
gender text,
name text,
species text,
weight float,
PRIMARY KEY (owner_id, pet_id)
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'ALL'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'}
AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';
cqlsh:carepet> exit
To start pet collar simulation execute the following in the separate terminal:
$ HOST_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
$ cargo run --bin sensor -- --hosts $HOST_IP --measure 5s --buffer-interval 1m
Expected output:
[2021-12-24T00:39:56Z INFO sensor] Welcome to the Pet collar simulator
[2021-12-24T00:39:56Z INFO care_pet::db] Connecting to 172.nnn.nnn.nnn
[2021-12-24T00:39:56Z INFO sensor] New owner # 26b5a174-57f4-4bd8-928a-d5ed065b211b
[2021-12-24T00:39:56Z INFO sensor] New pet # 3e0a8390-b27f-4f8b-816e-904dcf2bf40c
[2021-12-24T00:40:01Z INFO sensor] sensor # 50ed149f-d657-478a-9e15-aedf43319e25 type R new measure 37.6081 ts 2021-12-24T00:40:01.535000000Z
[2021-12-24T00:40:06Z INFO sensor] sensor # 50ed149f-d657-478a-9e15-aedf43319e25 type R new measure 35.536953 ts 2021-12-24T00:40:06.537000000Z
[2021-12-24T00:40:11Z INFO sensor] sensor # 50ed149f-d657-478a-9e15-aedf43319e25 type R new measure 34.207542 ts 2021-12-24T00:40:11.539000000Z
In a minute (a --buffer-interval
) you will see a data push (Pushing data
) log line.
That means that the collar has been pushed buffered measurements to the app.
Write down the pet Owner ID (ID is something after the #
sign without trailing spaces).
To start REST API service execute the following in the separate terminal:
$ cargo run server
Expected output:
2021-12-24T00:32:48Z INFO care_pet::db] Connecting to 172.nnn.nnn.nnn
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] 🔧 Configured for debug.
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] address:
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] port: 8000
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] workers: 16
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] ident: Rocket
[2021-12-24T00:32:48Z WARN rocket::config::config] keep-alive: 5s
Now you can open
in the browser or send an HTTP request from the CLI:
$ curl -v
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.71.1
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 14:47:41 GMT
< Content-Length: 45
< Connection: close
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<body align="center">
<div role="main" align="center">
<h1>404: Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested resource could not be found.</p>
<hr />
<div role="contentinfo" align="center">
* Connection #0 to host left intact
This is ok. If you see this page in the end with 404, it means everything works as expected.
To read an owner data you can use saved owner_id
as follows:
$ curl{owner_id}
For example:
$ curl
Expected result:
To list the owners pets use:
$ curl{owner_id}/pets
For example:
$ curl
Expected output:
To list pet's sensors use:
$ curl{pet_id}/sensors
For example:
$ curl
To review the pet's sensors data use:
$ curl{sensor_id}/values?from=2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00&to=2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
For example:
$ curl\?from\="2020-08-06T00:00:00Z"\&to\="2020-08-06T23:59:59Z"
Expected output:
To read the pet's daily average per sensor use:
$ curl{sensor_id}/values/day/{date}
For example:
$ curl
Expected output:
Package structure is as follows:
Name | Purpose |
/ | base application and common application code |
/database | default scylla connection |
/database/migrate | install database schema |
/http | web application, controllers and error handling |
/db | database specific utilities |
/stressers | stressing profiles: sensor, loadtest(stress) |
/model | application models |
/repositories | database application layer |
Collars are small devices that attach to pets and collect data with the help of different sensors. After the data is collected it may be delivered to the central database for the analysis and health status checking.
Collar code sits in the /stressers/sensor
and uses Scylla Rust Driver
to connect to the database directly and publish its data.
Collar gathers sensors measurements, aggregates data in a buffer and
sends it every hour.
Overall all applications in this repository use Scylla Rust Driver for:
- Relational Object Mapping (ORM)
- Build Queries
- Migrate database schemas
The web application REST API server resides in /http/
and uses API handlers reside in /http/controllers
Most of the queries are reads.
The application is capable of caching sensor measurements data
on hourly basis. It uses lazy evaluation to manage sensor_avg
It can be viewed as an application-level lazy-evaluated
materialized view.
The algorithm is simple and resides in /http/controllers/
- read
- if no data, read
data, aggregate in memory, save - serve request
Pet --> Sensor --> ScyllaDB <-> REST API Server <-> User
Install Rust. Create a repository. Clone it. Execute inside of your repository:
$ cargo new project_name
Now in project_name/Cargo.toml
, under dependencies
scylla = "0.13"
tokio = {version = "1.1", features = ["full"]}
Now you are ready to connect to the database and start working. To connect to the database, do the following:
use scylla::{Session, SessionBuilder, IntoTypedRows};
use std::error::Error;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let uri = "";
let session: Session = SessionBuilder::new().known_node(uri).build().await?;
// ...
Now you can issue CQL commands:
if let Some(rows) = session.query("SELECT a, b, c FROM ks.t", &[]).await?.rows {
for row in rows.into_typed::<(i32, i32, String)>() {
let (a, b, c) = row?;
println!("a, b, c: {}, {}, {}", a, b, c);
Or save models:
let to_insert: i32 = 12345;
.query("INSERT INTO keyspace.table (a) VALUES(?)", (to_insert,))
For more details, check out /handler
, /db
and /model