exiegfried is a simple Python script to auto-generate parts of an Archival Information Package (AIP).
- Give exiegfried a path to a folder of AIPs.
- For each AIP, exigfried runs your installed versions of ExifTool and Siegfried, a signature-based file format identification tool, on two of the AIP folders: "original content" and "fixity content."
- CSV outputs from these two tools are saved in new folders: "original_fixty-content" and "processed_fixty-content."
Two versions of exiegfried are now available: a standalone command-line script (/script_version/) and a GUI version built using the Gooey library (/gui_version/).
If you're running the standalone command-line script, make sure Pandas is installed; everything else is standard.
If you're running the GUI version, install the reqs provided in the GUI directory: pip install -r requirements.txt
In either case, you should have ExifTool and Siegfried installed and on your local PATH; if not, at least have them in the same directory as your exiegfried version.