Releases: scooterpsu/Comixology_Ubooquity_2
Switch cached ID lookup to $.grep, switched banner to png
This adds support for older browsers, though there's still a weird hiccup with their drop-downs on bookmarks/mobile.
Since the banners were loading slowly, I switched out for small pngs. They're less pretty, but you can't tell.
Move dynamic logo to improve responsiveness
Since there's no need to wait for ajaxStop to set the logo, this should speed things up.
CSS cleanup for page number controls, fix for getParent on root share
Finally sorting out the last of the leftover CSS from the old version, and a catch for an issue I'm amazed I didn't experience already.
Now with conditional logo image
SwedishGojira made some nice new logo images, and now they match what you have configured (shows ebook server if only books are enabled, comics server if just comics, or both if both).
Now Publisher images are pulled from their respective folder instead of inside the theme. New images!
When you set your comicbaseID, the theme will now use cached IDs from that page to connect the publisher links in comic details. It'll also load the folder.jpg from that folder as the logo.
Also we got a new pack of images from SwedishGojira, great stuff!
ID Caching! (Massive speed-up for pages without folder-info.html)
An array of IDs is now stored in localStorage, populated as you load pages, and when you look up anything.
If you made any large changes to your collection, you can clear the cache from the drop-down below username.
Linted comixology.css and added a callback check for loadScript
Should get everything to a solid base, with the only thing left to optimize is some sort of caching for book IDs for breadcrumb nav generation.
Moved settings out of themeScript.js (now in settings.js)
This means you can now update via git without losing your personal settings, I'll mention in release notes if any new settings are needed.
Template css fixes, removed buggy per-user visibility code
Should sort out some issues I left reintegrating the story arc template at the last minute.
Audiobooks! Updated Templates! Custom audiobooks/nocover/folder images! CSS Cleanup!
Worked with George Baker to incorporate his audiobook mod, then built some new images to tie it all together.
This opens a lot of opportunities for new features, since Audiobooks operates totally inside the rawfiles module. Should be fun!