By "derivatives", we mean files created from the original archival assets -- our ad cases currently, various-sized JPGs, for in-browser thumbs, and downloads, created from our TIFFs.
See also, related, our DZI tile for deep zoom stuff.
For turning on production-style derivatives in dev or test, see Derivatives in Dev.
Stock Sufia (and Hyrax at the time of this writing) uses hydra-derivatives to control the creation of these derivatives. In stock sufia, URLs to thumbnails in browser are kind of hard-coded assuming a certain derivative stored a certain way.
We found hydra-derivatives not meeting our needs, and would require so much monkey-patching and customization to make it do so, for relatively straightforward functionality, that it made sense to just write our own.
Make sure derivatives creation job could run on a different server than Rails app, and clean up it's temporary files.
Store derivatives on AWS S3 (to avoid need for shared fs when running on differnet server, and cause S3 just makes sense here)
Use vips instead of ImageMagick for performance. And other performance-related tweaks.
Customize the image processing params, to follow best practices for minimizing size for web thumbs, and different best practices for downloadable JPGs.
To integrate a bit better into a custom front-end system to display thumbs and downloads, that we would need to add custom anyway to support our front-end needs, including different sized thumbs in different parts of the page, and proper use of srcset.
The main class that CREATES the derivatives is CreateDerivativesOnS3Service. It's relatively straightforward. Note that the different derivatives each have a definition with a key, that can be used to refer to them, for maintenance tasks or importantly for getting a url. Note that CreateDerivativesOnS3 has some url generation in it too.
We monkey-patch the standard CreateDerivativesJob to call our new service.
Note that work.create_derivatives
no longer does so, it'll create the old-style derivatives if it does anything. No other parts of sufia use this
method except the parts we changed. It doesn't make sense to have this on the model, we like it better in our service.
We want the CreateDerivativesJob to run on our jobs server, not app. Our override changes it's queue name, and our resque-pool config uses a CHF::Env config such that workers on jobs server pull that queue, and workers on app server (with legacy jobs) do not.
Standard sufia views, I believe, assume only one size thumbnail, stored via legacy method, and have no provision for downloads. So we had to customize this one way or another. Back when we were experimenting with a bunch of different IIIF servers, we built a bit of abstraction to let us configure the source of some images with configuration. We expanded that for our new derivatives system, with more universal use (including in sufia admin screens), supporting downloads, etc.
The ImageServiceHelper is the entry point to that abstraction. It's a rails-style helper (which may or may not have been the best call, but it's what we've got for now). Code that wants a derivative URL should get it through one of these methods. Such as:
member_src_attributes(entity, size_key: :standard) # => returns a hash with 'src' and possibly 'srcset' too.
That helper also has methods used for generating the JSON configuration that feeds the custom viewer, so it knows what downloads are available and where to get thumbs.
You can see the _image_url_service
method and self.image_url_service_class
class method in ImageServiceHelper, that depending on feature flags work to choose a different "adapter" object to actually provide functionality.
Note that for download links, our CHF::DziS3UrlService uses S3 api to set, just-in-time, a content-disposition header with filename to 'save as'.
Much like for dzi, and with the same motivations, we aren't currently doing any auth, derivatives can be accessed by anyone if they know the URL.
As mentioned, there are 'feature flags' that can switch between different types of derivative provision or creation. These are handled by CHF::Env, either via a config/local_env.yml (ansible provided in production), or through OS ENV (can be handy in dev).
These three can each be dzi_s3
(current), iiif
(not used), or nil (legacy sufia) -- and control what images are used for thumbnails, for OpenSeadragon tiles, and for downloads, respectively. image_server_for_thumbnails
, image_server_on_viewer
, image_server_downloads
controls what derivatives are automatically created
on ingest, and can be dzi_s3
or legacy
If using the new dzi_s3 system discussed here, you need some AWS-related keys as well. aws_access_key_id
, aws_secret_access_key
, derivative_s3_bucket
Currently we haven't monkey-patched in ever deleting derivatives when/if the corresonding original is deleted. You can run the rake task:
rake chf:derivatives:s3:clean_orphaned
To create all derivatives and store them on S3, you can run:
rake chf:derivatives:s3:create
This will take quite a while to run, if creating all of them. (~30 hours for ~15000 images). You can also tell it to do a lazy creation, only creating derivatives that don't already exist. With 15000 iamges, it takes it about 70 minutes to confirm all exist.
rake chf:derivatives:s3:create[lazy]
You can also tell it to create derivatives only for certain works (all images in that work, may not fall through to child works though); or only for certain styles or types or derivatives. Together or in combination. Can also be combined with 'lazy'.
WORK_IDS=adf823423,adf8734adf rake chf:derivatives:s3:create
ONLY_STYLES=thumb rake chf:derivatives:s3:create
ONLY_TYPES=dl_large,dl_medium rake chf:derivatives:s3:create
WORK_IDS=adf823423 ONLY_TYPES=dl_large,dl_medium rake chf:derivatives:s3:create[lazy]
The 'styles' and 'types' are as in the derivative type definitions in CreateDerivativesOnS3Service.
If you need to create derivatives using the old legacy sufia way (in terms of both processing and storage), there is a rake task available, but it doens't currently have all those fancy options, it pretty much just creates all of em.
rake chf:derivatives:legacy:create
This code seems to work, but it definitely got a bit messy. It also has some things hard-coded for us, so is not shareable as is upstream -- it would need more work, it's not ready.
I have been discussing to see if there's interest in the community in taking what we've learned here and preparing a more general purpose and solidly done alternative/replacement to hydra-derivatives.