v0.6.6 (2020-08-10)
📈 Dependency updates
v0.6.5 (2020-08-10)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.4 #98 (47erbot)
- Update scalacheck-1-14 to #97 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.1 #96 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.2 #95 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.4 #94 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.3 #93 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.2 #92 (scala-steward)
v0.6.4 (2020-06-30)
v0.6.3 (2020-06-29)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 #88 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.3 #87 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-1-14 to #86 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.0 #85 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.1 #84 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.2 #83 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.11 #80 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.2 #78 (scala-steward)
Merged pull requests:
- Updates sbt-exercise plugin #89 (juanpedromoreno)
- Prepare repository for next release and SBT build improvements #82 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.6.2 (2020-04-27)
v0.6.1 (2020-04-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Compile when Publish #70 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.6.0 (2020-04-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Updates Project #67 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update sbt to 1.3.10 #65 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.9 #64 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-shapeless_1.14 to 1.2.5 #63 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.1 #61 (scala-steward)
- Mergify: configuration update #58 (angoglez)
- Update scalacheck-shapeless_1.14 to 1.2.4 #57 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.8 #56 (scala-steward)
- Update to Scala 2.13.1 #55 (kiroco12)
- Updated ScalaTest 3.1.0 #49 (kiroco12)
- Update to Scala 2.12.10 #48 (kiroco12)
- Use openjdk8 for Travis builds #47 (calvellido)
- Updating sbt org policies #45 (dominv)
- Updating sbt-org-policies to 0.5.12 #44 (dominv)
- Update libraries versions #43 (dominv)
- Changing Set to Seq #42 (aborg0)
- Fix minor typos #40 (NickShadder)
v0.4.0 (2017-03-28)
🐛 Bug Fixes
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Integrates sbt-org-policies plugin #41 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update SingletonExercises.scala #39 (Narigo)
- Fixes scmInfo settings #38 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fix issue in the Union types #37 (fchaillou)
- Updates PGP keys #36 (juanpedromoreno)
- SE-597 - Upgrade Libs #35 (juanpedromoreno)
- Added README to content repository #34 (jdesiloniz)
- Include logo in content library #33 (jdesiloniz)
- Bumps to 0.2.4-SNAPSHOT version #32 (juanpedromoreno)
- JP - Bumps version #31 (juanpedromoreno)
- The answer shouldn't be supplied in an example. #30 (matthedude)
- JP - SE-510 DRY Test.scala #29 (juanpedromoreno)
- Temporarily disable extensible records exercises #28 (ghost)
- Bump new minor release #26 (ghost)
- Bump next version #25 (ghost)
- Fix split signature in TuplesHListExercises #24 (durban)
- Use toolchain with the same version as the content #23 (ghost)
- Increment version number for including a timestamp in the library metadata #22 (ghost)
- Update plugin version #21 (ghost)
- Depend on 0.1.x runtime and definitions #20 (ghost)
- Bump first release #19 (ghost)
- Update HListExercises.scala #17 (logistark)
- Empty commit in order to release a snapshot #16 (ghost)
- Remove legacy generated file #15 (andyscott)
- Settings for automatic release #14 (ghost)
- Don't include Sized section until we have exercises #12 (ghost)
- Fix link #11 (ghost)
- Extract inline object definition #10 (ghost)
- Fix order of responses for poly exercise #9 (ghost)
- More succint use of Try #8 (oranda)
- TypeCheckingExercises #7 (oranda)
- Change color #6 (rafaparadela)
- Add library repo metadata #4 (ghost)
- Rename artifact #3 (ghost)
- Adds settings for distributing projects in Sonatype #2 (rafaparadela)
- Update CI configuration #1 (ghost)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator