v0.6.6 (2020-08-10)
📈 Dependency updates
v0.6.5 (2020-08-10)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.4 #109 (47erbot)
- Update scalacheck-1-14 to #108 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.1 #107 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.2 #106 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.4 #105 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.3 #104 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.2 #103 (scala-steward)
v0.6.4 (2020-06-30)
v0.6.3 (2020-06-29)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update definitions, exercise-compiler, ... to 0.6.3 #100 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 #98 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.3 #97 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-1-14 to #94 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.0 #92 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.2 #84 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.11 #81 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.2 #80 (scala-steward)
Merged pull requests:
- Updates build #99 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.1 #96 (BenFradet)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.0 #88 (BenFradet)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.5.3 #86 (BenFradet)
- Prepare repository for next release and SBT build improvements #83 (juanpedromoreno)
- world's tiniest typo #82 (dmarticus)
v0.6.2 (2020-04-27)
v0.6.1 (2020-04-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Compile when Publish #74 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.6.0 (2020-04-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Updates Project #69 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update sbt to 1.3.10 #67 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.9 #65 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-shapeless_1.14 to 1.2.5 #64 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.1 #63 (scala-steward)
- Mergify: configuration update #61 (angoglez)
- Update scalacheck-shapeless_1.14 to 1.2.4 #60 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.8 #59 (scala-steward)
- Update to Scala 2.13.1 #58 (kiroco12)
- Fix wrong exercise number for Ch. 8 #57 (isabelcosta)
- Fix exercise 8.9 function name from "\" to "||" #55 (isabelcosta)
- Fix small typos in FunctionalParallelismSection.scala and PropertyBasedTestingSection.scala #53 (davisharlan)
- Update scalacheck to 1.14.3 #51 (scala-steward)
- Updated ScalaTest 3.1.0 #49 (kiroco12)
- Update to Scala 2.12.10 #48 (kiroco12)
- Update README.md #47 (jkmcclellan)
- Fixing exercise after previous merge #46 (jdesiloniz)
- Updating JDK version for travis #45 (jdesiloniz)
- Update GettingStartedWithFPSection.scala #43 (slashdev1)
- Updating sbt org policies #39 (dominv)
- Updating libraries versions #38 (dominv)
- Fix incorrect implementation #37 (floating-cat)
- Clarity changes for missing functions #36 (zebaslam)
- Add employee
to the error handling section #35 (pdo400)
v0.4.0 (2017-03-28)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Start button not functioning #20
Closed issues:
- Very slow to compile compared to the fp books repo #33
- won't compile on windows 10 using sbt #32
- Language review for the first part of exercises #12
Merged pull requests:
- Integrates sbt-org-policies plugin #34 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades to 0.3.0 version #31 (juanpedromoreno)
- typo in header title #29 (abuggin)
- Missing Employee definition #28 (ricsirigu)
- Updates PGP keys #27 (juanpedromoreno)
- SE-597 - Upgrade Libs #26 (juanpedromoreno)
- Chapter 9 exercises #25 (jdesiloniz)
- Fix incorrect parameter #23 (sergey-lagutin)
- Chapter 8 exercises #22 (jdesiloniz)
- Fix library title in scala-exercises main page #21 (jdesiloniz)
- Removed excerpts of text from the sections #19 (jdesiloniz)
- Updated license file #18 (jdesiloniz)
- Add book introduction #17 (jdesiloniz)
- Add README to content repository #16 (jdesiloniz)
- Bumped up version number - added logo to content library #15 (jdesiloniz)
- Chapter 7 exercises #14 (jdesiloniz)
- First part language review #13 (jdesiloniz)
- JP - Bumps version #11 (juanpedromoreno)
- Chapter 6 exercises - "Purely Functional State" #10 (jdesiloniz)
- Chapter 5 exercises - "Strictness and Laziness" #9 (jdesiloniz)
- Chapter 4 exercises - Error Handling with Option and Either #8 (jdesiloniz)
- Exercises for chapter 3 ("Functional data structures") #7 (jdesiloniz)
- Final exercises for chapter 2 of FPinScala #6 (jdesiloniz)
- JP - SE-510 DRY Test.scala #5 (juanpedromoreno)
- First exercises for the "Getting Started with FP" section #4 (jdesiloniz)
- Small fix to a problem while resolving sonatype snapshots #3 (jdesiloniz)
- JP - Provides travis conf and deploy settings files #2 (juanpedromoreno)
- JP - Initial SBT structure #1 (juanpedromoreno)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator