The SBML Test Suite has been developed primarily by:
- Sarah M. Keating (@skeating)
- Michael Hucka (@mhucka)
- Frank T. Bergmann (@fbergmann)
- Lucian P. Smith (@luciansmith)
- Kimberly Begley
- Andrew Finney (Andrew Finney)
- Bruce E. Shapiro (@biomathman)
- Thomas W. Evans
- Colin S. Gillespie (@csgillespie)
- Darren J. Wilkinson (@darrenjw)
- Brett G. Olivier (@bgoli)
with contributions from:
- Stanley Gu (@stanleygu)
- others in the SBML community
Funding for the continued development of the core of the SBML Test Suite currently comes from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences via grant GM070923 (Principal Investigator: Michael Hucka). Past development of different parts of the Test Suite have been funded by NIH grants GM077671 and GM070923 as well as BBSRC grants BEP 17042, BBS/B/16550, and BBC0082001 (Principal Investigator: Darren J. Wilkinson).