RSA Noob is a cryptography challenge from CTFLearn.
It is actually pretty simple. We are given a public key and a ciphertext. We need to decrypt the ciphertext to get the flag.
Here's the challenge file:
e: 1
c: 9327565722767258308650643213344542404592011161659991421
n: 245841236512478852752909734912575581815967630033049838269083
Let's remember the RSA algorithm:
- Choose two large prime numbers,
. - Compute
n = p * q
. - Compute
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
. - Choose an integer
such that1 < e < phi
is coprime tophi
. - Compute
such thatd * e ≡ 1 (mod phi)
. - The public key is
(e, n)
and the private key is(d, n)
. - To encrypt a message
, computec = m^e (mod n)
. - To decrypt a ciphertext
, computem = c^d (mod n)
We have the public key (e, n)
and the ciphertext c
. We need to decrypt the ciphertext to get the flag. Since n
is small, we can factorize it to get p
and q
. Then we can compute phi
and d
to decrypt the ciphertext.
Here's the Python script to factorize n
from sage.all import *
n = 245841236512478852752909734912575581815967630033049838269083
factorized = factor(n)
p = factorized[0][0]
q = factorized[1][0]
print(f"p: {p}")
print(f"q: {q}")
We are able to factorize n
into p
and q
. Now we can compute phi
and d
to decrypt the ciphertext.
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
e = 1
c = 9327565722767258308650643213344542404592011161659991421
n = 245841236512478852752909734912575581815967630033049838269083
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = inverse(e, phi)
m = pow(c, d, n)
Since e
is 1, we can directly decrypt the ciphertext without factorizing n
c = 9327565722767258308650643213344542404592011161659991421
This is because m = c^e (mod n)
is equal to m = c
when c^e
less than n
. There's no need to compute d
in this case.