An Aeries SIS ( API helper library. Helping simplify using the Aeries API with Node applications.
More information on the API can be found here,
- NodeJS 8+ (
- Access to an Aeries SIS API (
let api = require('aeriesjs');
var aeries = new api({
certificate: '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1',
url: '',
console.log('Getting list of schools: ');
aeries.getSchools(function (error, body, code) {
if (error) {
console.log('\t', error);
else {
for (var i in body) {
var s = body[i];
if (s) {
console.log('\t', s.SchoolCode, ' - ', s.Name);
Getting list of schools:
0 - Eagle Unified School District
100 - ZZZ Basic Code Tables
200 - ZZZ Basic Data HS ADS SOC Etc
990 - Golden Eagle Elementary School
991 - Tawny Eagle YR Elementary School
992 - Hawk Elementary for ATT
993 - Bald Eagle Intermediate School
994 - Screaming Eagle High School
995 - Aeries Continuation School
996 - Eagle Flight School
997 - Eagle Alternative Education School
998 - Eagle Summer School
999 - ZZZ Inactive Students
let api = require('aeriesjs');
var aeries = new api({
certificate: '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1',
url: '',
console.log('Get Information for course #0618:');
aeries.getCourseDetails('0618', function (error, body, code) {
if (error) {
console.log('\t', error);
else if (body) {
// If a course id is specified, result is not an array.
if (!Array.isArray(body)) {
body = [body];
for (var i in body) {
var j = body[i];
console.log('\t', j.ID, '-', j.Title);
for (var k in j) {
if (!k.match(/(title|id)/i)) {
console.log('\t -', k, '-', j[k]);
else {
console.log('No information found.');
Get Information for course #0618:
0618 - PreCalculus
- LongDescription - PreCalculus
- Notes -
- ContentDescription -
- NonAcademicOrHonorsCode -
- SubjectArea1Code - D
- SubjectArea2Code - J
- SubjectArea3Code -
- DepartmentCode - M
- StateCourseCode - 2498
- CSFCourseList - A
- CollegePrepIndicatorCode - P
- CreditDefault - 5
- CreditMax - 10
- TermTypeCode - Y
- LowGrade - 10
- HighGrade - 12
- CSU_SubjectAreaCode - C
- CSU_Rule_CanBeAnElective - G
- CSU_Rule_HonorsCode -
- UC_SubjectAreaCode - C
- UC_Rule_CanBeAnElective - G
- UC_Rule_HonorsCode -
- PhysicalEducationIndicator - false
- InactiveStatusCode -
'use strict';
let api = require('aeriesjs');
let csv = require('csv-write-stream');
let fs = require('fs');
var aeries = new api({
certificate: '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1',
url: '',
console.log('Creating student export CSV file for students at school 990...');
aeries.getStudents(990, function (err, students, code) {
if (err) {
else {
if (students && students.length > 0) {
var writer = csv({
separator: '^',
newline: '\r\n',
sendHeaders: true
var count = 0;
for (var i in students) {
var s = students[i];
if (s) {
console.log('Wrote ' + count + ' students to file "students.csv".');
else {
console.log('No students found.');
Creating student export CSV file for students at school 990...
Wrote 739 students to file "students.csv".
The configuration takes the URL of the Aeries API, the security certificate and an option to disable SSL verification.
You can change the certificate or url using the setCertificate and setUrl functions as well.
var options = {
certificate: '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1',
url: '',
verifyCerts: true
let api = require('aeriesjs');
var aeries = new api({
certificate: '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1',
url: '',
verifyCerts: false // disable SSL verification
let api = require('aeriesjs');
var aeries = new api({
verifyCerts: false // disable SSL verification
All functions implement a basic callback function to process the returned error or data. The callback includes an error, the response body and an HTTP status code.
aeries.getSchools(function(error, responseBody, responseCode) {