diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 54924d9d..a42cf377 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -195,7 +195,21 @@ lazy val core = project
-        "sangria.schema.WithInputTypeRendering.deprecationTracker")
+        "sangria.schema.WithInputTypeRendering.deprecationTracker"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.validation.RuleBasedQueryValidator.validateInputDocument"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.validation.RuleBasedQueryValidator.validateInputDocument"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.schema.SchemaChange#AbstractAstDirectiveAdded.this"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.schema.SchemaChange#InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded.copy"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.schema.SchemaChange#InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded.this"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[MissingTypesProblem](
+        "sangria.schema.SchemaChange$InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded$"),
+      ProblemFilters.exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem](
+        "sangria.schema.SchemaChange#InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded.apply")
     Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oF"),
     libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/main/scala/sangria/benchmarks/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedBenchmark.scala b/modules/benchmarks/src/main/scala/sangria/benchmarks/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedBenchmark.scala
index f0169695..592cc8c5 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/main/scala/sangria/benchmarks/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedBenchmark.scala
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/main/scala/sangria/benchmarks/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedBenchmark.scala
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedBenchmark {
     bh.consume(doValidate(validator, deepAbstractConcrete))
   private def doValidate(validator: QueryValidator, document: Document): Vector[Violation] = {
-    val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, document, None)
+    val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, document, Map.empty, None)
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/Executor.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/Executor.scala
index aa166324..c6573105 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/Executor.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/Executor.scala
@@ -29,107 +29,123 @@ case class Executor[Ctx, Root](
       operationName: Option[String] = None,
       variables: Input = emptyMapVars
   )(implicit um: InputUnmarshaller[Input]): Future[PreparedQuery[Ctx, Root, Input]] = {
-    val (violations, validationTiming) =
-      TimeMeasurement.measure(queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, errorsLimit))
+    val scalarMiddleware = Middleware.composeFromScalarMiddleware(middleware, userContext)
+    val valueCollector = new ValueCollector[Ctx, Input](
+      schema,
+      variables,
+      queryAst.sourceMapper,
+      deprecationTracker,
+      userContext,
+      exceptionHandler,
+      scalarMiddleware,
+      false)(um)
-    if (violations.nonEmpty)
-      Future.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
-    else {
-      val scalarMiddleware = Middleware.composeFromScalarMiddleware(middleware, userContext)
-      val valueCollector = new ValueCollector[Ctx, Input](
-        schema,
-        variables,
-        queryAst.sourceMapper,
-        deprecationTracker,
-        userContext,
-        exceptionHandler,
+    val operationCtx = for {
+      operation <- Executor.getOperation(exceptionHandler, queryAst, operationName)
+      unmarshalledVariables <- valueCollector.getVariableValues(
+        operation.variables,
-        false)(um)
+        errorsLimit
+      )
+    } yield (operation, unmarshalledVariables)
-      val executionResult = for {
-        operation <- Executor.getOperation(exceptionHandler, queryAst, operationName)
-        unmarshalledVariables <- valueCollector.getVariableValues(
-          operation.variables,
-          scalarMiddleware,
-          errorsLimit
-        )
-        fieldCollector = new FieldCollector[Ctx, Root](
-          schema,
-          queryAst,
-          unmarshalledVariables,
-          queryAst.sourceMapper,
-          valueCollector,
-          exceptionHandler)
-        tpe <- Executor.getOperationRootType(
-          schema,
-          exceptionHandler,
-          operation,
-          queryAst.sourceMapper)
-        fields <- fieldCollector.collectFields(ExecutionPath.empty, tpe, Vector(operation))
-      } yield {
-        val preparedFields = fields.fields.flatMap {
-          case CollectedField(_, astField, Success(_)) =>
-            val allFields =
-              tpe.getField(schema, astField.name).asInstanceOf[Vector[Field[Ctx, Root]]]
-            val field = allFields.head
-            val args = valueCollector.getFieldArgumentValues(
-              ExecutionPath.empty.add(astField, tpe),
-              Some(astField),
-              field.arguments,
-              astField.arguments,
-              unmarshalledVariables)
+    operationCtx match {
+      case Failure(error) =>
+        // return validation errors without variables first if variables is what failed
+        val violations = queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, Map.empty, errorsLimit)
-            args.toOption.map(PreparedField(field, _))
-          case _ => None
-        }
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          Future.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
+        else
+          Future.failed(error)
+      case Success((operation, unmarshalledVariables)) =>
+        val (violations, validationTiming) =
+          TimeMeasurement.measure(
+            queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, unmarshalledVariables, errorsLimit))
-        QueryReducerExecutor
-          .reduceQuery(
-            schema,
-            queryReducers,
-            exceptionHandler,
-            fieldCollector,
-            valueCollector,
-            unmarshalledVariables,
-            tpe,
-            fields,
-            userContext)
-          .map { case (newCtx, timing) =>
-            new PreparedQuery[Ctx, Root, Input](
-              queryAst,
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          Future.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
+        else {
+          val executionResult = for {
+            tpe <- Executor.getOperationRootType(
+              schema,
+              exceptionHandler,
-              tpe,
-              newCtx,
-              root,
-              preparedFields,
-              (c: Ctx, r: Root, m: ResultMarshaller, scheme: ExecutionScheme) =>
-                executeOperation(
+              queryAst.sourceMapper)
+            fieldCollector = new FieldCollector[Ctx, Root](
+              schema,
+              queryAst,
+              unmarshalledVariables,
+              queryAst.sourceMapper,
+              valueCollector,
+              exceptionHandler)
+            fields <- fieldCollector.collectFields(ExecutionPath.empty, tpe, Vector(operation))
+          } yield {
+            val preparedFields = fields.fields.flatMap {
+              case CollectedField(_, astField, Success(_)) =>
+                val allFields =
+                  tpe.getField(schema, astField.name).asInstanceOf[Vector[Field[Ctx, Root]]]
+                val field = allFields.head
+                val args = valueCollector.getFieldArgumentValues(
+                  ExecutionPath.empty.add(astField, tpe),
+                  Some(astField),
+                  field.arguments,
+                  astField.arguments,
+                  unmarshalledVariables)
+                args.toOption.map(PreparedField(field, _))
+              case _ => None
+            }
+            QueryReducerExecutor
+              .reduceQuery(
+                schema,
+                queryReducers,
+                exceptionHandler,
+                fieldCollector,
+                valueCollector,
+                unmarshalledVariables,
+                tpe,
+                fields,
+                userContext)
+              .map { case (newCtx, timing) =>
+                new PreparedQuery[Ctx, Root, Input](
-                  operationName,
-                  variables,
-                  um,
-                  queryAst.sourceMapper,
-                  valueCollector,
-                  fieldCollector,
-                  m,
-                  unmarshalledVariables,
-                  fields,
-                  c,
-                  r,
-                  scheme,
-                  validationTiming,
-                  timing
+                  newCtx,
+                  root,
+                  preparedFields,
+                  (c: Ctx, r: Root, m: ResultMarshaller, scheme: ExecutionScheme) =>
+                    executeOperation(
+                      queryAst,
+                      operationName,
+                      variables,
+                      um,
+                      operation,
+                      queryAst.sourceMapper,
+                      valueCollector,
+                      fieldCollector,
+                      m,
+                      unmarshalledVariables,
+                      tpe,
+                      fields,
+                      c,
+                      r,
+                      scheme,
+                      validationTiming,
+                      timing
+                    )
-            )
+              }
-      }
-      executionResult match {
-        case Success(future) => future
-        case Failure(error) => Future.failed(error)
-      }
+          executionResult match {
+            case Success(future) => future
+            case Failure(error) => Future.failed(error)
+          }
+        }
@@ -143,82 +159,98 @@ case class Executor[Ctx, Root](
       marshaller: ResultMarshaller,
       um: InputUnmarshaller[Input],
       scheme: ExecutionScheme): scheme.Result[Ctx, marshaller.Node] = {
-    val (violations, validationTiming) =
-      TimeMeasurement.measure(queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, errorsLimit))
-    if (violations.nonEmpty)
-      scheme.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
-    else {
-      val scalarMiddleware = Middleware.composeFromScalarMiddleware(middleware, userContext)
-      val valueCollector = new ValueCollector[Ctx, Input](
-        schema,
-        variables,
-        queryAst.sourceMapper,
-        deprecationTracker,
-        userContext,
-        exceptionHandler,
+    val scalarMiddleware = Middleware.composeFromScalarMiddleware(middleware, userContext)
+    val valueCollector = new ValueCollector[Ctx, Input](
+      schema,
+      variables,
+      queryAst.sourceMapper,
+      deprecationTracker,
+      userContext,
+      exceptionHandler,
+      scalarMiddleware,
+      false)(um)
+    val operationCtx = for {
+      operation <- Executor.getOperation(exceptionHandler, queryAst, operationName)
+      unmarshalledVariables <- valueCollector.getVariableValues(
+        operation.variables,
-        false)(um)
+        errorsLimit
+      )
+    } yield (operation, unmarshalledVariables)
-      val executionResult = for {
-        operation <- Executor.getOperation(exceptionHandler, queryAst, operationName)
-        unmarshalledVariables <- valueCollector.getVariableValues(
-          operation.variables,
-          scalarMiddleware,
-          errorsLimit
-        )
-        fieldCollector = new FieldCollector[Ctx, Root](
-          schema,
-          queryAst,
-          unmarshalledVariables,
-          queryAst.sourceMapper,
-          valueCollector,
-          exceptionHandler)
-        tpe <- Executor.getOperationRootType(
-          schema,
-          exceptionHandler,
-          operation,
-          queryAst.sourceMapper)
-        fields <- fieldCollector.collectFields(ExecutionPath.empty, tpe, Vector(operation))
-      } yield {
-        val reduced = QueryReducerExecutor.reduceQuery(
-          schema,
-          queryReducers,
-          exceptionHandler,
-          fieldCollector,
-          valueCollector,
-          unmarshalledVariables,
-          tpe,
-          fields,
-          userContext)
-        scheme.flatMapFuture(reduced) { case (newCtx, timing) =>
-          executeOperation(
-            queryAst,
-            operationName,
-            variables,
-            um,
-            operation,
-            queryAst.sourceMapper,
-            valueCollector,
-            fieldCollector,
-            marshaller,
-            unmarshalledVariables,
-            tpe,
-            fields,
-            newCtx,
-            root,
-            scheme,
-            validationTiming,
-            timing
-          )
-        }
-      }
+    operationCtx match {
+      case Failure(error) =>
+        // return validation errors without variables first if variables is what failed
+        val violations = queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, Map.empty, errorsLimit)
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          scheme.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
+        else
+          scheme.failed(error)
+      case Success((operation, unmarshalledVariables)) =>
+        val (violations, validationTiming) =
+          TimeMeasurement.measure(
+            queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, unmarshalledVariables, errorsLimit))
-      executionResult match {
-        case Success(result) => result
-        case Failure(error) => scheme.failed(error)
-      }
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          scheme.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
+        else {
+          val executionResult = for {
+            tpe <- Executor.getOperationRootType(
+              schema,
+              exceptionHandler,
+              operation,
+              queryAst.sourceMapper)
+            fieldCollector = new FieldCollector[Ctx, Root](
+              schema,
+              queryAst,
+              unmarshalledVariables,
+              queryAst.sourceMapper,
+              valueCollector,
+              exceptionHandler)
+            fields <- fieldCollector.collectFields(ExecutionPath.empty, tpe, Vector(operation))
+          } yield {
+            val reduced = QueryReducerExecutor.reduceQuery(
+              schema,
+              queryReducers,
+              exceptionHandler,
+              fieldCollector,
+              valueCollector,
+              unmarshalledVariables,
+              tpe,
+              fields,
+              userContext)
+            scheme.flatMapFuture(reduced) { case (newCtx, timing) =>
+              executeOperation(
+                queryAst,
+                operationName,
+                variables,
+                um,
+                operation,
+                queryAst.sourceMapper,
+                valueCollector,
+                fieldCollector,
+                marshaller,
+                unmarshalledVariables,
+                tpe,
+                fields,
+                newCtx,
+                root,
+                scheme,
+                validationTiming,
+                timing
+              )
+            }
+          }
+          executionResult match {
+            case Success(result) => result
+            case Failure(error) => scheme.failed(error)
+          }
+        }
   private def executeOperation[Input](
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializer.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializer.scala
index a70ba15e..ab2453ca 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializer.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializer.scala
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package sangria.execution
 import sangria.ast.{AstVisitor, InputDocument, VariableDefinition}
 import sangria.ast
+import sangria.execution
 import sangria.marshalling.{FromInput, InputUnmarshaller}
 import sangria.renderer.SchemaRenderer
 import sangria.schema._
@@ -28,16 +29,30 @@ case class InputDocumentMaterializer[Vars](
-    val violations = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(schema, document, inputType)
+    val variableDefinitions = inferVariableDefinitions(document, inputType)
-    if (violations.nonEmpty)
-      Failure(InputDocumentMaterializationError(violations, ExceptionHandler.empty))
-    else {
-      val variableDefinitions = inferVariableDefinitions(document, inputType)
+    collector.getVariableValues(variableDefinitions, None) match {
+      case Failure(e) =>
+        // return validation errors without variables first if variables is what failed
+        val violations =
+          QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(
+            schema,
+            document,
+            inputType,
+            Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue]
+          )
-      collector.getVariableValues(variableDefinitions, None) match {
-        case Failure(e) => Failure(e)
-        case Success(vars) =>
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          Failure(InputDocumentMaterializationError(violations, ExceptionHandler.empty))
+        else
+          Failure(e)
+      case Success(vars) =>
+        val violations =
+          QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(schema, document, inputType, vars)
+        if (violations.nonEmpty)
+          Failure(InputDocumentMaterializationError(violations, ExceptionHandler.empty))
+        else {
             Success(document.values.flatMap { value =>
@@ -56,7 +71,7 @@ case class InputDocumentMaterializer[Vars](
           catch {
             case NonFatal(e) => Failure(e)
-      }
+        }
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/QueryReducerExecutor.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/QueryReducerExecutor.scala
index 258ec369..d6d3dc82 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/QueryReducerExecutor.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/QueryReducerExecutor.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ object QueryReducerExecutor {
       middleware: List[Middleware[Ctx]] = Nil,
       errorsLimit: Option[Int] = None
   )(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[(Ctx, TimeMeasurement)] = {
-    val violations = queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, errorsLimit)
+    val violations = queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, queryAst, Map.empty, errorsLimit)
     if (violations.nonEmpty)
       Future.failed(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/batch/BatchExecutor.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/batch/BatchExecutor.scala
index 795fe07e..7fba78be 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/batch/BatchExecutor.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/execution/batch/BatchExecutor.scala
@@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ object BatchExecutor {
         .flatMap { case res @ (updatedDocument, _) =>
-          val violations = queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, updatedDocument, errorsLimit)
+          // we're not going to pass variables here, as we call validateQuery again on
+          // executeIndividual which has the unmarshalled variables at that point
+          val violations =
+            queryValidator.validateQuery(schema, updatedDocument, Map.empty, errorsLimit)
           if (violations.nonEmpty) Failure(ValidationError(violations, exceptionHandler))
           else Success(res)
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.scala
index 7d711e68..c0549829 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.scala
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ class ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder[Ctx](val resolvers: Seq[AstSchemaResolver[Ct
       schema: ast.Document,
       validator: QueryValidator = ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder.validator,
       errorsLimit: Option[Int] = None): Vector[Violation] =
-    allowKnownDynamicDirectives(validator.validateQuery(validationSchema, schema, errorsLimit))
+    allowKnownDynamicDirectives(
+      validator.validateQuery(validationSchema, schema, Map.empty, errorsLimit))
   def validateSchemaWithException(
       schema: ast.Document,
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparator.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparator.scala
index d356ee68..ac6b8b84 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparator.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparator.scala
@@ -280,7 +280,11 @@ object SchemaComparator {
     val directiveChanges = findInAstDirs(
-      added = SchemaChange.InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded(newType, _),
+      added = d =>
+        SchemaChange.InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded(
+          newType,
+          d,
+          breaking = d.name == OneOfDirective.name),
       removed = SchemaChange.InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(newType, _)
@@ -900,9 +904,9 @@ object SchemaChange {
   abstract class AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
       val description: String,
-      val location: DirectiveLocation.Value)
+      val location: DirectiveLocation.Value,
+      val breakingChange: Boolean)
       extends AstDirectiveAdded {
-    val breakingChange = false
     val dangerousChange = false
@@ -920,7 +924,9 @@ object SchemaChange {
       directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on a field `${tpe.name}.${field.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition)
+        DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition,
+        breakingChange = false
+      )
   case class FieldAstDirectiveRemoved(
       tpe: ObjectLikeType[_, _],
@@ -937,7 +943,9 @@ object SchemaChange {
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(
             directive)}` added on an enum value `${tpe.name}.${value.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.EnumValue)
+        DirectiveLocation.EnumValue,
+        breakingChange = false
+      )
   case class EnumValueAstDirectiveRemoved(
       tpe: EnumType[_],
@@ -955,7 +963,9 @@ object SchemaChange {
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(
             directive)}` added on an input field `${tpe.name}.${field.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.InputFieldDefinition)
+        DirectiveLocation.InputFieldDefinition,
+        breakingChange = false
+      )
   case class InputFieldAstDirectiveRemoved(
       tpe: InputObjectType[_],
@@ -974,7 +984,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(
             directive)}` added on a directive argument `${dir.name}.${argument.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition
+        DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition,
+        breakingChange = false
   case class DirectiveArgumentAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -995,7 +1006,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(
             directive)}` added on a field argument `${tpe.name}.${field.name}[${argument.name}]`",
-        DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition
+        DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition,
+        breakingChange = false
   case class FieldArgumentAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1012,7 +1024,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class ObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: ObjectType[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on an object type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.Object)
+        DirectiveLocation.Object,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class ObjectTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: ObjectType[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1022,7 +1035,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class InterfaceTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: InterfaceType[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on an interface type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.Interface)
+        DirectiveLocation.Interface,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class InterfaceTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: InterfaceType[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1032,7 +1046,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class UnionTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: UnionType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on a union type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.Union)
+        DirectiveLocation.Union,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class UnionTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: UnionType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1042,7 +1057,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class EnumTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: EnumType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on an enum type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.Enum)
+        DirectiveLocation.Enum,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class EnumTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: EnumType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1052,18 +1068,14 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class ScalarTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: ScalarType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on a scalar type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.Scalar)
+        DirectiveLocation.Scalar,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class ScalarTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: ScalarType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` removed from a scalar type `${tpe.name}`",
-  case class InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded(tpe: InputObjectType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
-      extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
-        s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on an input type `${tpe.name}`",
-        DirectiveLocation.InputObject)
   case class InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveRemoved(tpe: InputObjectType[_], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` removed from an input type `${tpe.name}`",
@@ -1072,7 +1084,8 @@ object SchemaChange {
   case class SchemaAstDirectiveAdded(schema: Schema[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
         s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on a schema",
-        DirectiveLocation.Schema)
+        DirectiveLocation.Schema,
+        breakingChange = false)
   case class SchemaAstDirectiveRemoved(schema: Schema[_, _], directive: ast.Directive)
       extends AbstractAstDirectiveRemoved(
@@ -1081,6 +1094,15 @@ object SchemaChange {
   // May be a breaking change
+  case class InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded(
+      tpe: InputObjectType[_],
+      directive: ast.Directive,
+      breaking: Boolean)
+      extends AbstractAstDirectiveAdded(
+        s"Directive `${QueryRenderer.renderCompact(directive)}` added on an input type `${tpe.name}`",
+        DirectiveLocation.InputObject,
+        breakingChange = breaking)
   case class InputFieldAdded(tpe: InputObjectType[_], field: InputField[_], breaking: Boolean)
       extends AbstractChange(
         s"Input field `${field.name}` was added to `${tpe.name}` type",
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaValidationRule.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaValidationRule.scala
index 3cbb6cd7..f2020b42 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaValidationRule.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaValidationRule.scala
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ object SchemaValidationRule {
-    InputObjectTypeRecursionValidator)
+    InputObjectTypeRecursionValidator,
+    OneOfInputObjectValidator
+  )
   val default: List[SchemaValidationRule] = List(
@@ -609,6 +611,32 @@ object EnumValueReservedNameValidator extends SchemaElementValidator {
     else Vector.empty
+object OneOfInputObjectValidator extends SchemaElementValidator {
+  override def validateInputObjectType(
+      schema: Schema[_, _],
+      tpe: InputObjectType[_]
+  ): Vector[Violation] = if (tpe.astDirectives.exists(_.name == OneOfDirective.name))
+    tpe.fields.iterator.flatMap { field =>
+      val defaultValueError =
+        field.defaultValue.map(_ => OneOfDefaultValueField(field.name, tpe.name, None, List.empty))
+      val nonOptionalError = if (field.fieldType.isOptional) {
+        None
+      } else {
+        Some(
+          OneOfMandatoryField(
+            field.name,
+            tpe.name,
+            None,
+            List.empty
+          )
+        )
+      }
+      Iterator(defaultValueError, nonOptionalError).flatten
+    }.toVector
+  else Vector.empty
 object InputObjectTypeRecursionValidator extends SchemaElementValidator {
   override def validateInputObjectType(
       schema: Schema[_, _],
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/package.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/package.scala
index c53edd74..e540a4ec 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/package.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/schema/package.scala
@@ -267,8 +267,18 @@ package object schema {
     shouldInclude = ctx => !ctx.arg(IfArg)
+  val OneOfDirective: Directive = Directive(
+    "oneOf",
+    description =
+      Some("Indicates exactly one field must be supplied and this field must not be `null`."),
+    arguments = List.empty,
+    locations = Set(
+      DirectiveLocation.InputObject
+    )
+  )
   val BuiltinDirectives: List[Directive] =
-    IncludeDirective :: SkipDirective :: DeprecatedDirective :: Nil
+    IncludeDirective :: SkipDirective :: DeprecatedDirective :: OneOfDirective :: Nil
   val BuiltinDirectivesByName: Map[String, Directive] =
     BuiltinDirectives.groupBy(_.name).map { case (k, v) => (k, v.head) }
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidator.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidator.scala
index b3ff0ca6..7e776e5b 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidator.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidator.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package sangria.validation
 import sangria.ast
 import sangria.ast.AstVisitorCommand._
 import sangria.ast.{AstVisitor, AstVisitorCommand, SourceMapper}
+import sangria.execution
 import sangria.renderer.SchemaRenderer
 import sangria.schema._
 import sangria.validation.rules._
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ trait QueryValidator {
   def validateQuery(
       schema: Schema[_, _],
       queryAst: ast.Document,
+      variableValues: Map[String, execution.VariableValue],
       errorsLimit: Option[Int]): Vector[Violation]
@@ -45,7 +47,8 @@ object QueryValidator {
     new VariablesAreInputTypes,
     new VariablesInAllowedPosition,
     new InputDocumentNonConflictingVariableInference,
-    new SingleFieldSubscriptions
+    new SingleFieldSubscriptions,
+    new ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven
   def ruleBased(rules: List[ValidationRule]): RuleBasedQueryValidator =
@@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ object QueryValidator {
     def validateQuery(
         schema: Schema[_, _],
         queryAst: ast.Document,
+        variableValues: Map[String, execution.VariableValue],
         errorsLimit: Option[Int]): Vector[Violation] = Vector.empty
@@ -65,12 +69,15 @@ class RuleBasedQueryValidator(rules: List[ValidationRule]) extends QueryValidato
   def validateQuery(
       schema: Schema[_, _],
       queryAst: ast.Document,
-      errorsLimit: Option[Int]): Vector[Violation] = {
+      variables: Map[String, execution.VariableValue],
+      errorsLimit: Option[Int]
+  ): Vector[Violation] = {
     val ctx = new ValidationContext(
       new TypeInfo(schema),
+      variables,
     validateUsingRules(queryAst, ctx, rules.map(_.visitor(ctx)), topLevel = true)
@@ -81,9 +88,11 @@ class RuleBasedQueryValidator(rules: List[ValidationRule]) extends QueryValidato
   def validateInputDocument(
       schema: Schema[_, _],
       doc: ast.InputDocument,
-      inputTypeName: String): Vector[Violation] =
+      inputTypeName: String,
+      variables: Map[String, execution.VariableValue]
+  ): Vector[Violation] =
     schema.getInputType(ast.NamedType(inputTypeName)) match {
-      case Some(it) => validateInputDocument(schema, doc, it)
+      case Some(it) => validateInputDocument(schema, doc, it, variables)
       case None =>
         throw new IllegalStateException(
           s"Can't find input type '$inputTypeName' in the schema. Known input types are: ${schema.inputTypes.keys.toVector.sorted
@@ -93,10 +102,18 @@ class RuleBasedQueryValidator(rules: List[ValidationRule]) extends QueryValidato
   def validateInputDocument(
       schema: Schema[_, _],
       doc: ast.InputDocument,
-      inputType: InputType[_]): Vector[Violation] = {
+      inputType: InputType[_],
+      variables: Map[String, execution.VariableValue]
+  ): Vector[Violation] = {
     val typeInfo = new TypeInfo(schema, Some(inputType))
-    val ctx = ValidationContext(schema, ast.Document.emptyStub, doc.sourceMapper, typeInfo)
+    val ctx = ValidationContext(
+      schema,
+      ast.Document.emptyStub,
+      doc.sourceMapper,
+      typeInfo,
+      variables
+    )
     validateUsingRules(doc, ctx, rules.map(_.visitor(ctx)), topLevel = true)
@@ -163,6 +180,7 @@ class ValidationContext(
     val doc: ast.Document,
     val sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
     val typeInfo: TypeInfo,
+    val variables: Map[String, execution.VariableValue],
     errorsLimit: Option[Int]) {
   // Using mutable data-structures and mutability to minimize validation footprint
@@ -193,9 +211,10 @@ object ValidationContext {
       schema: Schema[_, _],
       doc: ast.Document,
       sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
-      typeInfo: TypeInfo
+      typeInfo: TypeInfo,
+      variables: Map[String, execution.VariableValue]
   ): ValidationContext =
-    new ValidationContext(schema, doc, sourceMapper, typeInfo, None)
+    new ValidationContext(schema, doc, sourceMapper, typeInfo, variables, None)
     "The validations are now implemented as a part of `ValuesOfCorrectType` validation.",
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/Violation.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/Violation.scala
index 988a5aeb..5d2b79c4 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/Violation.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/Violation.scala
@@ -1105,6 +1105,33 @@ case class NoQueryTypeViolation(sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper], locations: L
     "Must provide schema definition with query type or a type named Query."
+case class NotExactlyOneOfField(
+    typeName: String,
+    sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
+    locations: List[AstLocation]
+) extends AstNodeViolation {
+  lazy val simpleErrorMessage = s"Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type '${typeName}'."
+case class OneOfMandatoryField(
+    fieldName: String,
+    typeName: String,
+    sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
+    locations: List[AstLocation]
+) extends AstNodeViolation {
+  lazy val simpleErrorMessage = s"oneOf input field '${typeName}.${fieldName}' must be nullable."
+case class OneOfDefaultValueField(
+    fieldName: String,
+    typeName: String,
+    sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
+    locations: List[AstLocation]
+) extends AstNodeViolation {
+  lazy val simpleErrorMessage =
+    s"oneOf input field '${typeName}.${fieldName}' cannot have a default value."
 case class NonUniqueTypeDefinitionViolation(
     typeName: String,
     sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper],
diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fb90ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package sangria.validation.rules
+import sangria.ast
+import sangria.execution
+import sangria.execution.Trinary.{Defined, NullWithDefault}
+import sangria.schema
+import sangria.ast.AstVisitorCommand
+import sangria.validation._
+import sangria.marshalling.CoercedScalaResultMarshaller
+/** For oneOf input objects, exactly one field should be non-null. */
+class ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven extends ValidationRule {
+  private val marshaller = CoercedScalaResultMarshaller.default
+  private val oneOfDirectiveName = schema.OneOfDirective.name
+  private def hasOneOfDirective(inputObject: schema.InputObjectType[_]) =
+    inputObject.astDirectives.exists(_.name == oneOfDirectiveName)
+  private def getResolvedVariableValue(
+      name: String,
+      inputType: schema.InputType[_],
+      variableValues: Map[String, execution.VariableValue]
+  ): Option[Any] = {
+    val variableValue = variableValues.get(name)
+    variableValue.map(_.resolve(marshaller, marshaller, inputType)) match {
+      case Some(Right(Defined(resolved))) => Some(resolved)
+      case Some(Right(NullWithDefault(resolved))) => Some(resolved)
+      case _ => None
+    }
+  }
+  private def visitNode(
+      ctx: ValidationContext,
+      inputType: Option[schema.InputType[_]],
+      node: Either[ast.ObjectValue, ast.VariableValue]
+  ): Either[Vector[Violation], AstVisitorCommand.Value] =
+    inputType.fold(AstVisitorCommand.RightContinue) { inputType =>
+      inputType.namedInputType match {
+        case namedInputType: schema.InputObjectType[_] if hasOneOfDirective(namedInputType) =>
+          val (allFields, nonNullFields) = node match {
+            case Left(ast.ObjectValue(fields, _, _)) =>
+              val nonNullFields = fields.filter { field =>
+                field.value match {
+                  case ast.NullValue(_, _) => false
+                  case ast.VariableValue(name, _, _) =>
+                    val fieldInputType = namedInputType.fieldsByName
+                      .get(field.name)
+                      .map(_.fieldType)
+                    fieldInputType.forall { fieldInputType =>
+                      getResolvedVariableValue(name, fieldInputType, ctx.variables).isDefined
+                    }
+                  case _ => true
+                }
+              }
+              (fields, nonNullFields)
+            case Right(ast.VariableValue(name, _, _)) =>
+              val variableValue = getResolvedVariableValue(name, namedInputType, ctx.variables)
+              try
+                variableValue match {
+                  case Some(resolved) =>
+                    val variableObj = resolved.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
+                    val allFields = variableObj.filter { case (key, _) =>
+                      namedInputType.fieldsByName.contains(key)
+                    }
+                    val nonNullFields = allFields.filter { case (_, v) => v != None }
+                    (allFields, nonNullFields)
+                  case _ => (Vector.empty, Vector.empty)
+                }
+              catch {
+                // could get this from asInstanceOf failing for unexpected variable type.
+                // other validation will cover this problem.
+                case _: Throwable => (Vector.empty, Vector.empty)
+              }
+          }
+          (allFields.size, nonNullFields.size) match {
+            case (1, 1) => AstVisitorCommand.RightContinue
+            case _ =>
+              val pos = node.fold(_.location, _.location)
+              Left(
+                Vector(
+                  NotExactlyOneOfField(namedInputType.name, ctx.sourceMapper, pos.toList)
+                )
+              )
+          }
+        case _ => AstVisitorCommand.RightContinue
+      }
+    }
+  override def visitor(ctx: ValidationContext): AstValidatingVisitor = new AstValidatingVisitor {
+    override val onEnter: ValidationVisit = {
+      case node: ast.ObjectValue => visitNode(ctx, ctx.typeInfo.inputType, Left(node))
+      case node: ast.VariableValue => visitNode(ctx, ctx.typeInfo.inputType, Right(node))
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializerSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializerSpec.scala
index 30d7fc17..cc3ad33d 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializerSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/execution/InputDocumentMaterializerSpec.scala
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package sangria.execution
 import sangria.macros._
 import sangria.ast
+import sangria.execution
 import sangria.marshalling.ScalaInput.scalaInput
 import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
 import sangria.parser.QueryParser
@@ -111,7 +112,11 @@ class InputDocumentMaterializerSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with Strin
-      val errors = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(schema, inp, "Config")
+      val errors = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(
+        schema,
+        inp,
+        "Config",
+        Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue])
@@ -164,7 +169,11 @@ class InputDocumentMaterializerSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with Strin
-      val errors = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(schema, inp, "Config")
+      val errors = QueryValidator.default.validateInputDocument(
+        schema,
+        inp,
+        "Config",
+        Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue])
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/introspection/IntrospectionSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/introspection/IntrospectionSpec.scala
index 7e06e910..4ebb8793 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/introspection/IntrospectionSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/introspection/IntrospectionSpec.scala
@@ -790,6 +790,13 @@ class IntrospectionSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResultSuppo
                 "defaultValue" -> "\"No longer supported\""
               "isRepeatable" -> false
+            ),
+            Map(
+              "name" -> "oneOf",
+              "description" -> "Indicates exactly one field must be supplied and this field must not be `null`.",
+              "locations" -> Vector("INPUT_OBJECT"),
+              "args" -> Vector.empty,
+              "isRepeatable" -> false
           "description" -> null
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/AstSchemaMaterializerSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/AstSchemaMaterializerSpec.scala
index e09997dd..7efc21ff 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/AstSchemaMaterializerSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/AstSchemaMaterializerSpec.scala
@@ -81,11 +81,12 @@ class AstSchemaMaterializerSpec
         val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(ast)
-        schema.directives should have size 3
+        schema.directives should have size 4
         (schema.directivesByName("skip") should be).theSameInstanceAs(SkipDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("include") should be).theSameInstanceAs(IncludeDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("deprecated") should be).theSameInstanceAs(DeprecatedDirective)
+        (schema.directivesByName("oneOf") should be).theSameInstanceAs(OneOfDirective)
       "Overriding directives excludes specified" in {
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ class AstSchemaMaterializerSpec
             directive @skip on FIELD
             directive @include on FIELD
             directive @deprecated on FIELD_DEFINITION
+            directive @oneOf on FIELD_DEFINITION
             type Hello {
               str: String
@@ -106,12 +108,13 @@ class AstSchemaMaterializerSpec
         val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(ast)
-        schema.directives should have size 3
+        schema.directives should have size 4
         // We don't allow to override the built-in directives, since it's too dangerous
         (schema.directivesByName("skip") should be).theSameInstanceAs(SkipDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("include") should be).theSameInstanceAs(IncludeDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("deprecated") should be).theSameInstanceAs(DeprecatedDirective)
+        (schema.directivesByName("oneOf") should be).theSameInstanceAs(OneOfDirective)
       "Adding directives maintains built-in one" in {
@@ -130,11 +133,12 @@ class AstSchemaMaterializerSpec
         val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(ast)
-        schema.directives should have size 4
+        schema.directives should have size 5
         (schema.directivesByName("skip") should be).theSameInstanceAs(SkipDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("include") should be).theSameInstanceAs(IncludeDirective)
         (schema.directivesByName("deprecated") should be).theSameInstanceAs(DeprecatedDirective)
+        (schema.directivesByName("oneOf") should be).theSameInstanceAs(OneOfDirective)
       "Type modifiers" in {
@@ -577,6 +581,44 @@ class AstSchemaMaterializerSpec
         error.getMessage should include("Must provide only one mutation type in schema.")
+      "Does not allow mandatory fields in oneOf input objects" in {
+        val ast = graphql"""
+          type Query {
+            query(input: OneOfInput!): String
+          }
+          input OneOfInput @oneOf {
+            foo: String!
+            bar: Int
+          }
+        """
+        val error = intercept[SchemaValidationException](Schema.buildFromAst(ast))
+        error.getMessage should include("oneOf input field 'OneOfInput.foo' must be nullable.")
+      }
+      "Does not allow mandatory fields in oneOf input object extensions" in {
+        val ast = graphql"""
+          type Query {
+            query(input: OneOfInput!): String
+          }
+          input OneOfInput @oneOf {
+            foo: String
+            bar: Int
+          }
+          extend input OneOfInput @oneOf {
+            more: Boolean!
+          }
+        """
+        val error = intercept[SchemaValidationException](Schema.buildFromAst(ast))
+        error.getMessage should include("oneOf input field 'OneOfInput.more' must be nullable.")
+      }
       "Allows only a single subscription type" in {
         val ast =
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparatorSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparatorSpec.scala
index 09c7a92c..626e2e7e 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparatorSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/schema/SchemaComparatorSpec.scala
@@ -668,6 +668,60 @@ class SchemaComparatorSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
         "Directive `@bar(ids:[1,2])` removed from a scalar type `Foo5`")
+    "detect removal of @oneOf" in checkChangesWithoutQueryType(
+      gql"""
+        input UserBy @oneOf {
+          id: ID
+          email: String
+          username: String
+          registrationNumber: Int
+        }
+        type Query {
+          user(by: UserBy!): String
+        }
+      """,
+      gql"""
+        input UserBy {
+          id: ID
+          email: String
+          username: String
+          registrationNumber: Int
+        }
+        type Query {
+          user(by: UserBy!): String
+        }
+      """,
+      nonBreakingChange[InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveRemoved](
+        "Directive `@oneOf` removed from an input type `UserBy`")
+    )
+    "detect add of @oneOf" in checkChangesWithoutQueryType(
+      gql"""
+        input UserBy {
+          id: ID
+          email: String
+          username: String
+          registrationNumber: Int
+        }
+        type Query {
+          user(by: UserBy!): String
+        }
+      """,
+      gql"""
+        input UserBy @oneOf {
+          id: ID
+          email: String
+          username: String
+          registrationNumber: Int
+        }
+        type Query {
+          user(by: UserBy!): String
+        }
+      """,
+      breakingChange[InputObjectTypeAstDirectiveAdded](
+        "Directive `@oneOf` added on an input type `UserBy`")
+    )
   private[this] def breakingChange[T: ClassTag](description: String) =
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/starWars/StartWarsValidationSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/starWars/StartWarsValidationSpec.scala
index 203db9ce..4cc424a3 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/starWars/StartWarsValidationSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/starWars/StartWarsValidationSpec.scala
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should be(Symbol("empty"))
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, Map.empty, None) should be(
+        Symbol("empty"))
     "Notes that non-existent fields are invalid" in {
@@ -42,7 +43,11 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should have size 1
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(
+        StarWarsSchema,
+        query,
+        Map.empty,
+        None) should have size 1
     "Requires fields on objects" in {
@@ -52,7 +57,11 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should have size 1
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(
+        StarWarsSchema,
+        query,
+        Map.empty,
+        None) should have size 1
     "Disallows fields on scalars" in {
@@ -66,7 +75,11 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should have size 1
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(
+        StarWarsSchema,
+        query,
+        Map.empty,
+        None) should have size 1
     "Disallows object fields on interfaces" in {
@@ -79,7 +92,11 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should have size 1
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(
+        StarWarsSchema,
+        query,
+        Map.empty,
+        None) should have size 1
     "Allows object fields in fragments" in {
@@ -96,7 +113,8 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should be(Symbol("empty"))
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, Map.empty, None) should be(
+        Symbol("empty"))
     "Allows object fields in inline fragments" in {
@@ -111,7 +129,8 @@ class StartWarsValidationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResul
-      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, None) should be(Symbol("empty"))
+      QueryValidator.default.validateQuery(StarWarsSchema, query, Map.empty, None) should be(
+        Symbol("empty"))
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/CatsSupport.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/CatsSupport.scala
index 60d56f92..573894af 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/CatsSupport.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/CatsSupport.scala
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ object CatsScenarioExecutor extends FutureResultSupport {
     case Validate(rules) =>
         new RuleBasedQueryValidator(rules.toList)
-          .validateQuery(`given`.schema, QueryParser.parse(`given`.query).get, None))
+          .validateQuery(`given`.schema, QueryParser.parse(`given`.query).get, Map.empty, None))
     case Execute(validate, value, vars, op) =>
       val validator = if (validate) QueryValidator.default else QueryValidator.empty
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/ValidationSupport.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/ValidationSupport.scala
index 7de201fd..4be00974 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/ValidationSupport.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/util/ValidationSupport.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 package sangria.util
+import sangria.ast
+import sangria.execution
 import sangria.parser.QueryParser
 import sangria.schema._
 import sangria.validation._
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
 import sangria.ast.Document
 import sangria.util.tag.@@
 import sangria.marshalling.FromInput.CoercedScalaResult
+import sangria.execution.ExceptionHandler
+import sangria.execution.ValueCollector
 trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
   type TestField = Field[Unit, Unit]
@@ -145,6 +149,13 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
+  val OneOfInput = InputObjectType(
+    "OneOfInput",
+    List(
+      InputField("catName", OptionInputType(StringType)),
+      InputField("dogId", OptionInputType(IntType))
+    )).withDirective(ast.Directive(OneOfDirective.name))
   val ComplicatedArgs = ObjectType(
@@ -239,6 +250,7 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
   val QueryRoot = ObjectType(
+      Field("foo", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _ => None),
@@ -251,7 +263,13 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       Field("catOrDog", OptionType(CatOrDog), resolve = _ => None),
       Field("dogOrHuman", OptionType(DogOrHuman), resolve = _ => None),
       Field("humanOrAlien", OptionType(HumanOrAlien), resolve = _ => None),
-      Field("complicatedArgs", OptionType(ComplicatedArgs), resolve = _ => None)
+      Field("complicatedArgs", OptionType(ComplicatedArgs), resolve = _ => None),
+      Field(
+        "oneOfQuery",
+        OptionType(CatOrDog),
+        arguments = List(Argument("input", OneOfInput)),
+        resolve = _ => None
+      )
@@ -348,10 +366,14 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       s: Schema[_, _],
       rules: List[ValidationRule],
       query: String,
-      expectedErrors: Seq[(String, Seq[Pos])]) = {
+      expectedErrors: Seq[(String, Seq[Pos])],
+      vars: (String, String) = "" -> ""
+  ) = {
     val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parse(query)
-    assertViolations(validator(rules).validateQuery(s, doc, None), expectedErrors: _*)
+    val variables = getVariableValues(s, vars)
+    assertViolations(validator(rules).validateQuery(s, doc, variables, None), expectedErrors: _*)
   def expectInputInvalid(
@@ -362,12 +384,48 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       typeName: String) = {
     val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parseInputDocumentWithVariables(query)
-    assertViolations(validator(rules).validateInputDocument(s, doc, typeName), expectedErrors: _*)
+    assertViolations(
+      validator(rules)
+        .validateInputDocument(s, doc, typeName, Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue]),
+      expectedErrors: _*)
+  }
+  private def getVariableValues(s: Schema[_, _], vars: (String, String)) = {
+    import spray.json._
+    import sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._
+    val valueCollector = new ValueCollector(
+      s,
+      (if (vars._2.nonEmpty) vars._2 else "{}").parseJson,
+      None,
+      None,
+      (),
+      ExceptionHandler.empty,
+      None,
+      true)
+    valueCollector
+      .getVariableValues(
+        QueryParser
+          .parse(s"query Foo${if (vars._1.nonEmpty) "(" + vars._1 + ")" else ""} {foo}")
+          .get
+          .operations(Some("Foo"))
+          .variables,
+        None)
+      .get
-  def expectValid(s: Schema[_, _], rules: List[ValidationRule], query: String) = {
+  def expectValid(
+      s: Schema[_, _],
+      rules: List[ValidationRule],
+      query: String,
+      vars: (String, String) = "" -> ""
+  ) = {
     val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parse(query)
-    val errors = validator(rules).validateQuery(s, doc, None)
+    val variables = getVariableValues(s, vars)
+    val errors = validator(rules).validateQuery(s, doc, variables, None)
     withClue(renderViolations(errors)) {
       errors should have size 0
@@ -382,15 +440,22 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
     val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parseInputDocumentWithVariables(query)
     withClue("Should validate") {
-      validator(rules).validateInputDocument(s, doc, typeName) should have size 0
+      validator(rules).validateInputDocument(
+        s,
+        doc,
+        typeName,
+        Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue]) should have size 0
   def expectPassesRule(rule: ValidationRule, query: String) =
     expectValid(schema, rule :: Nil, query)
-  def expectPasses(query: String) =
-    expectValid(schema, defaultRule.get :: Nil, query)
+  def expectPasses(
+      query: String,
+      vars: (String, String) = "" -> ""
+  ) =
+    expectValid(schema, defaultRule.get :: Nil, query, vars)
   def expectInputPasses(typeName: String, query: String) =
     expectValidInput(schema, defaultRule.get :: Nil, query, typeName)
@@ -405,12 +470,18 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       expectedErrors.map { case (msg, pos) => msg -> pos.toList })
-  def expectFails(query: String, expectedErrors: List[(String, Option[Pos])]) =
+  def expectFails(
+      query: String,
+      expectedErrors: List[(String, Option[Pos])],
+      vars: (String, String) = "" -> ""
+  ) =
       defaultRule.get :: Nil,
-      expectedErrors.map { case (msg, pos) => msg -> pos.toList })
+      expectedErrors.map { case (msg, pos) => msg -> pos.toList },
+      vars
+    )
   def expectInputFails(typeName: String, query: String, expectedErrors: List[(String, List[Pos])]) =
     expectInputInvalid(schema, defaultRule.get :: Nil, query, expectedErrors, typeName)
@@ -432,7 +503,11 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       violationCheck: Violation => Unit): Unit = {
     val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(initialSchemaDoc)
     val Success(docUnderTest) = QueryParser.parse(sdlUnderTest)
-    val violations = validator(v.toList).validateQuery(schema, docUnderTest, None)
+    val violations = validator(v.toList).validateQuery(
+      schema,
+      docUnderTest,
+      Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue],
+      None)
     violations shouldNot be(empty)
     violations.size shouldBe 1
@@ -451,7 +526,11 @@ trait ValidationSupport extends Matchers {
       v: Option[ValidationRule]): Unit = {
     val schema = Schema.buildFromAst(initialSchemaDoc)
     val Success(docUnderTest) = QueryParser.parse(sdlUnderTest)
-    val violations = validator(v.toList).validateQuery(schema, docUnderTest, None)
+    val violations = validator(v.toList).validateQuery(
+      schema,
+      docUnderTest,
+      Map.empty[String, execution.VariableValue],
+      None)
     violations shouldBe empty
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidatorSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidatorSpec.scala
index d64e81ef..7e48b59b 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidatorSpec.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/QueryValidatorSpec.scala
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class QueryValidatorSpec extends AnyWordSpec {
       "not limit number of errors returned if the limit is not provided" in {
         val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parse(invalidQuery)
-        val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, doc, None)
+        val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, doc, Map.empty, None)
         // 10 errors are expected because there are 5 input objects in the list with 2 missing fields each
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class QueryValidatorSpec extends AnyWordSpec {
         val errorsLimit = 5
         val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parse(invalidQuery)
-        val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, doc, Some(errorsLimit))
+        val result = validator.validateQuery(schema, doc, Map.empty, Some(errorsLimit))
diff --git a/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGivenSpec.scala b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGivenSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64549a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/core/src/test/scala/sangria/validation/rules/ExactlyOneOfFieldGivenSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+package sangria.validation.rules
+import sangria.util.{Pos, ValidationSupport}
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+class ExactlyOneOfFieldGivenSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ValidationSupport {
+  override val defaultRule = Some(new ExactlyOneOfFieldGiven)
+  "Validate: exactly oneOf field given" should {
+    "pass with exactly one non-null field given" in expectPasses("""
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {
+                catName: "Gretel"
+            }) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """)
+    "fail with exactly one null field given" in expectFails(
+      """
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {
+                catName: null
+            }) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 31)))
+    )
+    "fail with no fields given" in expectFails(
+      """
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {}) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 31)))
+    )
+    "fail with more than one non-null args given" in expectFails(
+      """
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {
+                catName: "Gretel",
+                dogId: 123
+            }) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+                ... on Dog {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 31)))
+    )
+    "fail with one non-null arg and one null arg given" in expectFails(
+      """
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {
+                catName: "Gretel",
+                dogId: null
+            }) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+                ... on Dog {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 31)))
+    )
+    "fail with more than one null args given" in expectFails(
+      """
+          query OneOfQuery {
+            oneOfQuery(input: {
+                catName: null,
+                dogId: null
+            }) {
+                ... on Cat {
+                    name
+                }
+                ... on Dog {
+                    name
+                }
+            }
+          }
+        """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 31)))
+    )
+    "fail with an null arg and non-null variable given" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($catName: String) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: {
+          catName: $catName,
+          dogId: null
+        }) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$catName: String" -> """{"catName": "Gretel"}"""
+    )
+    "fail with an non-null arg and null variable given" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($catName: String) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: {
+          catName: $catName,
+          dogId: 123
+        }) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$catName: String" -> """{"catName": null}"""
+    )
+    "fail with a non-null variable and non-null arg given" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($catName: String) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: {
+          catName: $catName,
+          dogId: 123
+        }) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$catName: String" -> """{"catName": "Gretel"}"""
+    )
+    "pass with a variable object with only one non-null value" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($input: OneOfInput!) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: $input) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$input: OneOfInput!" -> """{"input":{"catName": "Gretel", "dogId": null}}"""
+    )
+    "fail with a variable object with only null values" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($input: OneOfInput!) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: $input) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$input: OneOfInput!" -> """{"input":{"catName": null}}"""
+    )
+    "fail with a variable object with more than one non-null values" in expectFails(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($input: OneOfInput!) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: $input) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      List("Exactly one key must be specified for oneOf type 'OneOfInput'." -> Some(Pos(3, 27))),
+      "$input: OneOfInput!" -> """{"input":{"catName": "Gretel", "dogId": 123}}"""
+    )
+    "pass with a variable object with exactly one non-null values" in expectPasses(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($input: OneOfInput!) {
+        oneOfQuery(input: $input) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      "$input: OneOfInput!" -> """{"input":{"dogId": 123}}"""
+    )
+    "passes with a variable that has a default value" in expectPasses(
+      """
+      query OneOfQuery($catName: String = "Gretel") {
+        oneOfQuery(input: {
+          catName: $catName
+        }) {
+            ... on Cat {
+              name
+            }
+            ... on Dog {
+              name
+            }
+          }
+        }
+    """,
+      """$catName: String = "Gretel"""" -> """{}"""
+    )
+  }