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Justin Coyne edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 19 revisions

Here are some projects we the community could get started if we had some time to hack:

  • Memory adapter for active fedora.
  • AngularJS editor (replacement/substitute for hydra-editor)
  • Put Oargun metadata into a plugin/add-on for Hyrax
  • Linked Data Caching - Explore Apache Stanbol maybe?
  • A recipe for deploying the stack with Docker
  • Service wrapper for that can startup multiple services (e.g. Solr 5, Fedora 4, Marmotta?) with one command
  • Bring sufia's various metadata forms into a state of consistency / uniformity (post-upload form, single file edit, batch edit all have different UX and present fields in different orders)
  • Use Raptor ( to speed up ActiveFedora
  • Store ACLs as hash code resources. This should reduce the number of LDP requests.
  • Dynamically configure metadata for Hyrax (see
  • Write documentation for how to use XML with Hydra 10+

Past projects: