- Migrated to Flutter 3 by merging thisgithub issue
- PollOption now a class which receives title and value
- dead codes removed, unnecessary repetition of code removed
- Upgraded example file android folder
- Added logger plugin, to log activity of polls in debug console
- Added a controller class and much more. Please find adequate documentation
- Fixed error based on thisgithub issue
- PollsOption - Now deprecated, read new documentation for instruction
- viewType also deprecated, read new documenation for instructions
- The point was to remove alot of logic from the user end.
- Refactored codebase
- edited readme, changelog and pubspec.yaml.
- Edited readme
- Restructure package directory
- Edited readme
- Edited readme
- deleted unnecessary classes
- Restructure app directory
- added screenshots
- Second stable release to pub, at this stage package works pretty fine
- Developers can add styling to widgets
- Restructure app directory
- First release to pub, at this stage package works pretty fine