Python module to manipulate Amazon Kindle clippings files.
It allows you to:
- Parse your existing clippings file into a structured representation;
- Generate clippings file programmatically.
pip install clippings
# Parse a clippings file
clippings -o json ./clippings.txt
# or from stdin:
cat clippings.txt | clippings -
from clippings import parse_clippings
my_clippings_file = ...
Here's a highlight clipping taken from a Kindle that speaks Spanish::
El Principe de la Niebla (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)
- La subrayado en la página 4 | posición 60-60 | Añadido el miércoles, 6 de julio de 2022 06:54:57
asintiendo a una pregunta que Max no había llegado a formular.
won't parse this by default but you can write your own parser for
the second line and pass it to the parameter metadata_parser
You can take a look at an example here.