Git clone the repo
To get started with the code, please create a new conda environment as follows :
conda env create -f env_gpu.yml conda activate graphino # graphino is the name of the environment
This will install all required dependencies, uses Python 3.7, and expects CUDA to be available. If no GPU is available, please remove line 7 (cudatoolkit) from the environment file, and proceed as above.
This should be enough for Pycharm, for command line stuff you may need to then also run
python setup.py install
If you encounter, e.g., a cryptic
, please try instead withconda create -n graphino python=3.7 conda activate graphino conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch # *** pip install -r requirements.txt
*** look in https://pytorch.org/ for the exact command (which depends on your CUDA version).
- If this does not work either, do not hesitate in contacting us (although it should work).