Extension that allows you to install, uninstall, activate and deactivate Yii2 or DotPlant extensions right through your web browser.
- Russian
- English
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist devgroup/yii2-extensions-manager "*"
or add
"devgroup/yii2-extensions-manager": "*"
After it you should execute migrations:
/usr/bin/php yii migrate --migrationPath=@DevGroup/DeferredTasks/migrations
This extension is a yii module because you should add the next code to your configuration file for an activation:
'modules' => [
'extensions-manager' => [
'class' => 'DevGroup\ExtensionsManager\ExtensionsManager',
Now the extension as available by route /extensions-manager/extensions/index
Extension is now on the development stage. You can use it at your own risk.
You have to have correct version of the migrate controller equal or above 0.3.1. And double check
method supportsMigrateController::$disableLookup
Extensions manager has several options. It is strongly recommended to configure them, before you start.
Go to your-site.com/extensions-manager/extensions/config and fill fields with your own values:
- Github API access token - your personal Github API token. Without it you will be able to process only up to 60 requests per hour see.
- Github application name - see
- Path to Composer - your system path to composer. For Unix-like operating system you can simply run
which composer
in console and copy/paste output to this field
Other fields you can leave with default values:
- Packagist URL
- Github API URL
- Extensions storage
- Extensions per page
- Verbose output
Each command can be run with standard ./yii
Activates extension by it's composer name. Example:
./yii extension/activate devgroup/yii2-media-storage
Deactivates extension by it's composer name.
Updates config.
Calculates differences between @vengor/composer/installed.json
and ExtensionsManager::$extensionsStorage
and writes new ExtensionsManager::$extensionsStorage
That should be done when you are out of sync and you don't see your extension in list.
Show the list of all installed extensions, it's active state and composer package type.