


This document describes the TCGA-GBM data analysis performed for the +manuscript titled synNotch-programmed iPSC-derived NK cells +usurp TIGIT and CD73 activities to mediate potent targeting of +glioblastoma, published in journal Nature +Communications in 2024.


R libraries:

# Load R libraries

Data collection (TCGA-GBM):


Expression data for Glioblastoma (GBM) was downloaded from the TCGA +data portal using the TCGA-Biolinks package (Accessed April 2020). We +collected counts data (Raw and FPKM) from TCGA-GBM study.


FPKM data:


FPKM (normalized) data only for the tumor samples (156 patients) was +used to stratify the patients into high and low expression groups based +on expression of specific gene of interest or combination of genes. +Stratification was performed using the quantile method.

query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM", data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
+    data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", workflow.type = "HTSeq - FPKM")
+data <- GDCprepare(query, save = TRUE, save.filename = "TCGA_GBM_HTSeq_FPKM.rda")
+data <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = data, cor.cut = 0.6, datatype = "HTSeq - FPKM")
+# Process sample information to separate tumor and normal data
+samplesDown <- getResults(query, cols = c("cases"))
+# Subset data - TP\t= PRIMARY SOLID TUMOR
+dataSmTP <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = samplesDown, typesample = "TP")
+# Subset data - NT\t = Solid Tissue Normal
+dataSmNT <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = samplesDown, typesample = "NT")
+# FPKM matrix for Tumor and Normal data 156 Tumor and 5 Normal - Accessed on
+# April 2020
+tumor.FPKM = data[, dataSmTP]
+normal.FPKM = data[, dataSmNT]
+saveRDS(tumor.FPKM, file = "tumor.GBM.FPKM.rds")
+saveRDS(normal.FPKM, file = "normal.GBM.FPKM.rds")

Processing of FPKM data:


FPKM matrix was processed to include the annotations, removal of +duplicate gene symbols and finally transposed for easy processing of +data by specific gene.

+tumor.FPKM = readRDS(file = "tumor.GBM.FPKM.rds")
+# prepare combined FPKM matrix
+tumor.FPKM = tumor.FPKM %>%
+    as.data.frame() %>%
+    rownames_to_column("Gene_ID")
+# Add Annotations
+Anno <- AnnotationDbi::select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, key = tumor.FPKM$Gene_ID, columns = "SYMBOL",
+    keytype = "GENEID")
+Anno <- as_tibble(Anno)
+names(Anno) = c("Gene_ID", "SYMBOL")
+tumor.FPKM = inner_join(as.data.frame(tumor.FPKM), Anno) %>%
+    remove_rownames() %>%
+    drop_na(SYMBOL) %>%
+    dplyr::distinct(SYMBOL, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
+    dplyr::select(-c("Gene_ID")) %>%
+    dplyr::relocate("SYMBOL")
+transposed.matrix = tumor.FPKM %>%
+    column_to_rownames(var = "SYMBOL") %>%
+    t() %>%
+    as.data.frame() %>%
+    rownames_to_column(var = "SYMBOL")
+transposed.matrix = column_to_rownames(transposed.matrix, "SYMBOL")
+saveRDS(transposed.matrix, "TM.rds")

Raw data:


Raw counts data for the tumor samples (156 patients) was used to +perform differential expression analysis between different groups of +patients. Differential expression analysis was performed using the edgeR +method available through TCGAanalyze_DEA function from R-package +TCGAbiolinks.

queryDown <- GDCquery(project = CancerProject, data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
+    data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts",
+    barcode = c(dataSmTP, dataSmNT))
+raw.data <- GDCprepare(query = queryDown, save = TRUE, save.filename = "TCGA_GBM_HTSeq_Countds.rda")
+raw.data <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = raw.data, cor.cut = 0.6, datatype = "HTSeq - Counts")
+dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = raw.data, geneInfo = geneInfoHT, method = "gcContent")
+dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = raw.data, geneInfo = geneInfoHT, method = "geneLength")
+dataFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm, method = "quantile", qnt.cut = 0.25)
+# UseRaw_afterFilter: Keep raw counts after filtering
+raw.counts <- UseRaw_afterFilter(raw.data, dataFilt)
+saveRDS(raw.counts, file = "GBM.raw.counts.rds")
# Transposed matrix of FPKM data
+M = readRDS(file = "TM.rds")
+# Raw counts
+GBM.raw.counts = readRDS(file = "GBM.raw.counts.rds")

Analysis functions:


Patient stratification by gene expression:


This function classify_patients performs patient +stratification into high/low expression groups based on expression of +selected gene.

# classify_patients This function takes the gene as input and classify the
+# patients into high and low groups.  Note: Transposed FPKM matrix (M) is read
+# in the previous function.  The results is a list with 4 variables as below
+# counts - counts of patients by quantile summary - (min, max, mean, median) by
+# quantile high - patient IDs with high expression of given gene low - patient
+# IDss with low expression of given gene
+classify_patients <- function(gene) {
+    gene_data = dplyr::select(M, all_of(gene))
+    gene_data = rownames_to_column(gene_data, "patient_ID")
+    names(gene_data) = c("patient_ID", "gene")
+    head(gene_data)
+    # print(mean(gene_data$gene)) print(median(gene_data$gene))
+    data_10Q = gene_data %>%
+        mutate(quintile = ntile(gene, 10))
+    counts = data_10Q %>%
+        group_by(quintile) %>%
+        summarize(n())
+    summary = data_10Q %>%
+        group_by(quintile) %>%
+        summarize(size_min = min(gene), size_mean = mean(gene), sie_median = median(gene),
+            size_max = max(gene))
+    high = data_10Q %>%
+        dplyr::filter(quintile > 5) %>%
+        dplyr::select(all_of(c("patient_ID")))
+    low = data_10Q %>%
+        dplyr::filter(quintile <= 5) %>%
+        dplyr::select(all_of(c("patient_ID")))
+    high = as.vector(high$patient_ID)
+    low = as.vector(low$patient_ID)
+    result <- list(counts = counts, summary = summary, high = high, low = low)
+    return(result)

Calculate differential expression:


This function calculate_DEG performs differential +expression analysis between given group of patients e.g. high vs low +expression (for a certain gene). In a nutshell, this function adapted +TCGAanalyze_DEA method to work with current TCGA-GBM +data.

# calculate_DEG This function takes treatment and control groups (in order) as
+# input i.e. $high and $low from function classify_patients.  The results is a
+# data frame of DE results containing columns (Gene_ID, logFC, logCPM, PValue,
+calculate_DEG <- function(treatment, control) {
+    # extract matrix of raw counts
+    treatment = GBM.raw.counts[, treatment]
+    control = GBM.raw.counts[, control]
+    print(lapply(list(treatment, control), dim))
+    # calculate deg as high_vs_low
+    deg = TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = control, mat2 = treatment, Cond1type = "control",
+        Cond2type = "treatment", fdr.cut = 1)
+    deg = rownames_to_column(deg, "Gene_ID")
+    # Link Gene Symbol Information
+    ens2symbol <- AnnotationDbi::select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, key = deg$Gene_ID, columns = "SYMBOL",
+        keytype = "GENEID")
+    ens2symbol <- as_tibble(ens2symbol)
+    names(ens2symbol) = c("Gene_ID", "SYMBOL")
+    deg <- inner_join(deg, ens2symbol)
+    return(deg)

Analysis of GBM Data:


Classification of patients into high and low groups.

  1. Stratifying the patients based on a single gene expression allows +equal distribution of patients into two groups (high and low). We +applied this stratification for two individual genes PVR +and NT5E to determine patients with high and low expression +for each individual gene.

  2. +
  3. To use multiple genes for stratification e.g. combination of +PVR-NT5E, we determine the group of patients which have +consistent high expression for both genes and group of patients with +consistent low expression for both genes. A subset of patients with high +expression for both genes were included as PVR-NT5E high +and patients with low expression for both genes were included as +PVR-NT5E low.

  4. +
gene = "PVR"
+PVR_high_low = classify_patients(gene)
+gene = "NT5E"
+NT5E_high_low = classify_patients(gene)
+my_list = list(PVR_high = PVR_high_low$high, NT5E_high = NT5E_high_low$high)
+high_venn = ggvenn::ggvenn(my_list, show_percentage = FALSE, set_name_size = 3)
+my_list = list(PVR_low = PVR_high_low$low, NT5E_low = NT5E_high_low$low)
+low_venn = ggvenn::ggvenn(my_list, show_percentage = FALSE, set_name_size = 3)
+# Vector of patient names with high expression of PVR and high expression of
+# NT5E (N = 49)
+high_intsect = intersect(PVR_high_low$high, NT5E_high_low$high)
+# Vector of patient names with low expression of PVR and low expression of NT5E
+# (N = 53)
+low_intsect = intersect(PVR_high_low$low, NT5E_high_low$low)
+cowplot::plot_grid(high_venn, low_venn, ncol = 2)

  1. As described in the Venn diagrams above, 49 patients have +consistent high expression for PVR and NT5E genes, while 53 patients +have consistent low expression for PVR and NT5E genes. For the +PVR-NT5E combination, 49 patients were used in the high +group while 53 patients were used in the low group.

  2. +
  3. Differential expression analysis for PVR-NT5E +combination was performed using 49 patients in +PVR-NT5E high group and 53 patients in +PVR-NT5E low group.

  4. +
  5. Volcano plot showing the overview of differentially expressed +genes between high vs low group for PVR-NT5E combination +was created using R-package EnhancedVolcano.

  6. +
gene = "PVR-NT5E"
+volcano_name = paste0("High Vs. Low (", gene, ")")
+EnhancedVolcano(high_vs_low_subset, lab = high_vs_low_subset$SYMBOL, x = "logFC",
+    y = "FDR", pCutoff = 0.05, ylab = bquote(~-Log[10] ~ adjusted ~ italic(FDR)),
+    title = volcano_name)
