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XSEDE 2012 Tutorial

oweidner edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 25 revisions


Everything below should disappear!

  1. What software tools could help me to achieve that?
  2. How/Why does the software achieve that?
  3. Great! Any simple examples?
  4. Good! Any real science example?
  5. I want to try it on my own on CyberInfrastructures/ or on My own Cluster, any support?
  6. Anything more interesting to stay tuned?

ToDo's for Team: [ Need to be removed once addressed ]

We will also demo a multi-machine run. Because of the logistics issues involved, we will need to submit this job either:

  1. In the morning, have it run for the entire day
  2. In a reserved queue.

For the queue reservation, Yaakoub is the person to contact. I will need the demo size, the username from which the demo will be submitted and so on.

Other things to consider including queue wait times. I can and will add the training accounts to an allocation with escalated privilege and a reserved chassis. This means people using the training accounts will have hardware reserved for them to run.

Which version of Bliss & Pilot-API need to be used? Current roadblocks -

Latest version of BigJob not released - because -
      AndreL - Enough testing not done to release the package.
      Ole, Melissa, Pradeep - Waiting for the new package to release to test. ( deadlock? )
                            - Somehow reluctant to test directly from source.

 Solution - If alpha package is released by AndreL and installed in a separate directory by AndreM,
          - Ole, Melissa, Pradeep test the alpha package 
              - if problems found report all the bugs, new production version will be released.
              - No bugs- Great, thats our tutorial version of Pilot-API and Bliss.