We use dotenv vault to sync our dotenv keys - read more here: https://www.dotenv.org/docs/quickstart
Run npx dotenv-vault@latest pull
to get the latest values.
You may need to login first.
Run npm run start:docker
to start the postgres container needed by the backend.
Run npx nx serve backend
to start the development server.
Run npm run start:frontend
to start the frontend.
First run npm run typeorm:build-config
to create a datasource file. You may need to export a DATABASE_URL
Then run typeorm migration:generate <migration-name> -d dist/typeorm.config.js
. If this fails, you may first need to run typeorm migration:create apps/backend/src/migrations/<migration-name>
. Move the migration file to apps/backend/src/migrations
Then import the generated migration into app.module.ts
When a user signs up with auth0, their email is automatically added to the database via a Post User Registration Flow. Locally users emails need to be added to the database manually. Ideally we would create them by sending a request from the frontend when signing up locally, but for now it is not necessary.
nx g @nx/angular:component --name=<name> --directory=apps/frontend/src/app/<dir> --changeDetection=OnPush --inlineStyle=true --inlineTemplate=true --nameAndDirectoryFormat=as-provided --style=scss
USER }o--o| COMPANY : "belongs to"
COMPANY ||--o{ INVITATION : "sends"
string email
string email
COMPANY ||--|{ BATCH : "owns"
string name
string VAT
string lotNumber
number leadContent
number mercuryContent
number cadmiumContent
boolean isRoHSCompliant
BATCH parent
BATCH o|--o{BATCH: "has"
/ (redirect to batches) ├── profile ├── create-batch └── batches
This project is a proof of concept at S1Seven. The backend uses Auth0 for authentication, and sends a request from Auth0 to our backend when a user is created so that the user is also present in our application database. Another option is to create our own login form, create the user on our backend, and then send a request to Auth0 to create the user on their system.