Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment refer to a set of practises with the intention of automating various aspects of delivery software. One of these practises is Pipeline which is an automated process to define the steps a change in code or configuration has to go through in order to reach upper environments such as staging and production. OpenShift supports CI/CD Pipelines by integrating the popular Jenkins pipelines into the platform and enables defining truly complex workflows directly within OpenShift.
In a previous lab, you deployed the nationalparks
application using the
Source-to-Image (S2I)
mechanism. S2I already provides build automation by automatically running builds
when source code changes, or an underlying image changes. Deployments are also automated
by S2I and can be triggered when the image they are based on changes. In this lab,
you will create a more complex workflow by creating a pipeline that extends the S2I
functionality by adding more steps to the build and deploy process. The following
diagram shows the pipeline you will create in this lab.
There are two environments for the nationalparks
application in this pipeline.
Dev container is the for development and test purposes where all code and
configuration changes are deployed so that you can run automated tests against it.
Furthermore, the test teams can run their manual tests on this container and
report any bugs discovered through their test cases. If the tests are all successful
and the Deployment Manager in the team approves the change, it is then deployed to the
Live container which is the production environment with defined SLA and is
critical to function properly at all times.
The pipeline execution starts with a developer making a change in the application code or configuration. For every change, the following steps are executed with the goal of determining if the change is appropriate for deployment in the Live environment:
Clone the code from Git repo
Build the code and run unit tests
Build a docker image from the code (S2I)
Deploy the docker image into Dev
Run automated tests against the Dev deployment
Run manual tests against the Dev deployment
Wait for the Deployment Manager to either approve or reject the deployment (e.g. manual tests have revealed an unacceptable number of bugs)
If approved, deploy to Live
Let’s move on to deploy Jenkins
and create this pipeline on OpenShift.
OpenShift provides a supported Jenkins image which includes a rich set of plugins that enable the full pipeline flow. Click on the Add to project button. Then, scroll down to the Technologies section and click on Continuous Integration & Deployment:
Find the jenkins-ephemeral
template, and click on it:
You can customize the Jenkins properties such as service name, admin password, memory allocation, etc through the parameters in the web console. We can leave all of the default values, so just click on Create to deploy Jenkins.
OpenShift deploys a Jenkins pod and also creates a service and route for the deployed container.
Click on the Jenkins route in order to open the Jenkins Console. You will again need to accept the certificate. The Jenkins image that is provided by Red Hat uses an OAuth integration with OpenShift. Your OpenShift user credentials also become the admin credentials for Jenkins:
Click Login with OpenShift and you will be taken to an OpenShift-branded login screen. Use your username ({{USER_NAME}}) and password ({{USER_PASSWORD}}) to access Jenkins. You will then be prompted to grant access:
Click Allow selected permissions.
The OpenShift Jenkins plugin uses the OpenShift REST API in order to integrate into various OpenShift operations. Since we want Jenkins to be able to do more than just look at our project, we will need to grant additional permissions. A Jenkins service account was created automatically when deploying Jenkins via the template. Run the following CLI command to allow the Jenkins service account to retrieve information and invoke action in OpenShift:
$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit -z jenkins
Since we are going to be replacing the current nationalparks
application with
a Live version, we should remove the Dev version from the parksmap
taking away the Route label:
$ oc label route nationalparks type-
Before creating the pipeline, you need to create a Live deployment that runs
the live version of nationalparks
application. The parksmap
front-end will
talk to the Live nationalparks
. This allows developers to make frequent
changes in the Dev deployment without interfering with the live application.
First you need to create a new MongoDB deployment for the Live environment. In the
web console in your {{EXPLORE_PROJECT_NAME}}{{USER_SUFFIX}}
project, click the Add to
Project button, and then find the mongodb-ephemeral
template, and click it.
Use the following values in their respective fields:
Database Service Name :
MongoDB Connection Username :
MongoDB Connection Password :
MongoDB Database Name:
MongoB Admin Password :
You can leave the rest of the values as their defaults, and then click Create. Then click Continue to overview. The MongoDB instance should quickly be deployed. If you’re interested, take a look at Mongo’s logs to see what it does when it starts up.
{% if modules.configmap %}
The database configuration for the Dev nationalparks
webservice was changed
to use ConfigMaps in a previous lab. Similarly, we will use a ConfigMap for
. Download the live properties file to your local machine
and create a distinct ConfigMap. The file is located here:
Then, run the following command to create the live ConfigMap:
$ oc create configmap nationalparks-live
{% endif %}
Now you can create the Live deployment based on the same nationalparks
Docker image created in previous labs. Click on Builds →
Images and then nationalparks
to inspect the ImageStream.
The default behavior for OpenShift has every
build creating a new Docker image that is pushed into the internal registry,
identified with the latest
tag. Since we do not want to immediately run or
deploy the Live version of nationalparks
when the image changes, we want the
ability for the Dev and Live deployments to run different versions of the
image simultaneously. This will allow developers to continue
changing and deploying Dev without affecting the Live environment. In
order to achieve that, you will create a new Docker image tag using the CLI.
This new tag will be what the Live deployment will look for changes to:
$ oc tag nationalparks:latest nationalparks:live
You should have seen a change on the ImageStream page in the UI.
This command says "please use the existing image that the tag
points to and also point it at nationalparks:live
." Or,
in other words "create a new tag (live
) that points to whatever latest
points to.
While new builds will update the latest
tag, only a manual command (or an
automated workflow, like we will implement with Jenkins) will update the live
tag. The live
tag keeps referring to the pervious Docker image and therefore
leaves the Live environment intact.
After creating the tag, you are ready to deploy the Live nationalparks
on the nationalparks:live
image tag. In the web console in your
project, click the Add to Project button, and then
Deploy Image tab. Choose the Image Stream Tag radio button and use following
values in each respective field:
Once you make your three dropdown selections in the Image Stream Tag area, you will see the rest of the standard deployment options "open up".
There are only a few things to change:
If you forget to change the name to |
{% if modules.configmap %}
{% else %}
Specify the following environment variable to wire the Live container to the Live database:
{% endif %}
You can leave the rest of the values as their defaults, and then click Create. Then click Continue to overview.
{% if modules.configmap %}
Deploying the nationalparks-live
image through the UI did not utilize the
ConfigMap, so we have one more step — to tell OpenShift where to put the
properties file. Since you have already created the ConfigMap, all you have to
do is use the oc set volumes
command to put it in the right place:
$ oc set volumes dc/nationalparks-live --add -m /deployments/config --configmap-name=nationalparks-live
{% endif %}
Group the Live services
by clicking on the Group Service on the right side of NATIONALPARKS LIVE
container and choosing mongodb-live
from the drop-down list.
If you look at the web console, you will notice that, when you create the application this way, OpenShift doesn’t create a Route for you. Click on Create Route on the top right corner of NATIONALPARKS LIVE and then Create to create a route with the default values.
Similar to the previous labs, populate the database by pointing your browser to the
route url:
If the application has not been deployed yet, you might get a 502 Bad Gateway error webpage. This means that the application backing up the route is not yet ready. Wait until the pod is up. |
As discussed in previous labs, the parksmap
web app queries the OpenShift API and
looks for routes that have the label type=parksmap-backend
and interrogates the
discovered endpoints to visualize their map data. After creating the pipeline,
should use the Live container instead of the Dev container so that
deployments to the Dev container does not disrupt the parksmap
You can do that by removing the type
label from the Dev route and adding it
to the Live route:
$ oc label route nationalparks-live type=parksmap-backend
# Exercise: Disable Automatic Deployment of nationalparks (dev)
When we created the nationalparks
build earlier in the workshop, OpenShift
configured the deployment of the image to occur automatically whenever the
tag was updated.
In our pipeline example, Jenkins is going to handle telling OpenShift to deploy
the dev version of nationalparks
if it builds successfully. In order to
prevent two deployments, we will need to disable automatic deployments with a
simple CLI statement:
$ oc set triggers dc/nationalparks --from-image=nationalparks:latest --remove
{% endif %}
The Pipeline is in fact a type of build that allows developers to define a Jenkins pipeline for execution by the Jenkins pipeline plugin. The build can be started, monitored, and managed by {{OPENSHIFT_NAME}} in the same way as any other build type. Pipeline workflows are defined in a Jenkinsfile, either embedded directly in the build configuration, or supplied in a Git repository and referenced by the build configuration.
In order to create the pipeline, click on the Add to project button,
find the dev-live-pipeline
template, and click on it. Specify the project name
and click on Create
Specify the name of the project (e.g. {{EXPLORE_PROJECT_NAME}}{{USER_SUFFIX}} ) where
nationalparks Dev and Live containers are deployed.
In order to start the pipeline that you created in a previous step, Go to
Builds → Pipelines on the left side-bar. Click nationalparks-pipeline
and click on Start Build to start the execution. You can click on View
Log to take a look at the build logs as they progress through the pipeline or
on Build #N to see the details of this specific pipeline execution as well as
the pipeline definition using the
Jenkins DSL.
Because of the way the pipeline was defined, if you return to the overview page you will also see the pipeline status there, associated with the relevant deployments:
Pipeline execution will pause after running automated tests against the Dev
container. Visit the nationalparks
Dev web service to query for data and
verify the service works as expected.
If the application has not been deployed yet, you might get a 502 Bad Gateway error webpage. This means that the application backing up the route is not yet ready. Wait until the pod is up. |
After the test stage, pipeline waits for manual approval in order to deploy to the Live container.
Click on Input Required link which takes you to the Jenkins Console for approving the deployment. This step typically will be integrated into your workflow process (e.g. JIRA Service Desk and ServiceNow) and will be performed as part of the overall deployment process without interacting directly with Jenkins. For simplicity in this lab, click on Proceed button to approve the build.
Pipeline execution continues to promote and deploy the nationalparks
This is achieved by tagging the image that was just built and tested as "live",
which causes the imagechange
trigger on the Live deployment to act. This
likely already happened before you finished reading this paragraph.
In Builds → Pipelines, click on View History to go to the pipeline overview which shows the pipeline execution history as well as build time metrics so that you can iteratively improve the build process as well detect build time anomalies which usually signal a bad change in the code or configuration.
Build metrics are generated and displayed after a few executions of the pipeline to determine trends. |
Congratulations! Now you have a CI/CD Pipeline for the nationalparks
application. If you visit the parks map again, you should see the map points!