A Telegram Bot that sends you the latest gas price, swap fee in Ethereum Networks Current Supported Networks: ETH ARB OP (more to come soon)
- Create your telegram bot and get the API Key using BotFather
- Create your infura API key by registering an account @ infura.io
- Create your OPTIMISM_API_KEY by registering an account @ optimistic.etherscan.io
- Create your ARBISCAN_API_KEY by registering an account @ arbiscan.io
a) Please make sure that you have installed the libraries stated below:
- pip install web3
- pip install python-dotenv
- pip install python-telegram-bot==13.13
b) Create a .env file to input your API keys:
c) Run the main.py in your terminal
Feel free to support me in the future!
DONATION ADDRESS (ETH): 0x4612f6997fFd8a81E0E4CFC8Cdb62796d86CB082