Welcome to the Ruby Australia website repository. All contributions are encouraged.
The slack channel for the website working group can be found here.
Clone the project, run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/rubyaustralia/ruby_au.git
$ cd ruby_au
First time set up of the environment, this will bundle gems and install the JS dependencies as well as prepare the database:
$ bin/setup
Installing dependencies post set up (after each git pull
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
This command will run using Foreman and start the app using both webpack and puma.
$ bin/dev
A full test (Rspec and Rubocop) including preparing the database and running migrations can be run with:
$ bin/tests
Tests are written in RSpec. They are located in the spec
directory and can be run with:
$ bin/rspec
This website is hosted on Heroku and is deployed automatically when a new commit is pushed to the main branch.
You can see it in action here: ruby australia
None (yet) but please see CONTRIBUTING.md
See CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details.
See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
Content is Copyright 2016 by Ruby Australia, All rights reserved.
"Ruby Australia" 'Gem' and Typographic logo are Copyright 2016 by Ruby Australia, all rights reserved.
For any questions or feedback, please contact the website working group on Slack.