React-navigation doesn't unmount your page when you go on the next one. That allow fast transition when you go back.
But if you are using a Camera component, a WebView or every component which use a lot of resources and can have side effect if it continue to run background, you need to unmount them when you leave the page.
For that, you can use the getPathAndParamsForState
of a Router.
- The page have a container.
-You must have a main stack navigation exported in
- Add a props
on the component with default value attrue
- In the render method, display you component only if
is at true:
return (
{this.props.cameraIsActivated && <Camera />}
- Test is your component still work (nothing should have change)
- Import your main stack navigation
- In the mapDispatchToProps, compare the path given by the getPathAndParamsForState to the path of your page, you should have something like:
import { RootNavigator } from '../../../Routing';
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
cameraActivated: RootNavigator.router.getPathAndParamsForState(state.navigation).path === 'path/of/the/page/in/navigation/stacks',
The path is given by your navigation stacks. In the following example, the path of SIMCardScan
is activate/simCardScan
const ActivateStack = StackNavigator(
welcome: {
screen: Pages.SignUp.RequiredToActivateSim,
simCardScan: {
screen: Pages.SignUp.SIMCardScan,
initialRouteName: 'welcome,
export const RootNavigator = StackNavigator(
landing: {
screen: LandingPage,
activate: {
screen: ActivateStack,
initialRouteName: 'landing',
navigationOptions: {
headerStyle: styles.header,
headerTintColor: theme.headerTextColor,
headerMode: 'screen',
- Test a last time, your component should disappear at the beginning of the page transition.